Tiny Hats presentations by Jason Breshears of archaix.com
Audios about the history of the world from the first century to modern times
#0 - (prequel) Roman War Against Jewry & Origin of Freemasonry
#1 - The Exodus People
#2 - 65 Years of Expulsions, Plagues and Chaos
#3 - Bohemian war
#4 - Europa Rising: Conflict with Turks, Rome and Jews
#5 - Tiny Hats Pushed Back on All Sides as Britain Rises: 1561 AD to 1611 AD
#6 - Tiny Hats Go Dark: A Century Behind the Scenes
#7 - 1701 AD to 1764 AD: Rise of Jewish Rothschilds Contemporary with Rise of American Supremacy
#8 - Emerging Powers of Israel & the illuminati: 1765-1816
#9 - Jesuits & Jews: Pope's Divide & Conquer Strategy
Gnostic scholar John Lamb Lash (JLL) gives his take below, regarding the history of the last 2000 years, and the connection with aliens, Anunnaki, ETs, and UFOs.
Jason Breshears of archaix.com also has very particular views about the Anunnaki et al., although he describes history above from the human point of view. Jason does believe that the Jews made a deal with the fake demonic “god” Yahweh, who jumped out of the burning bush and fucked with Moses.
Are human “rulers”, disguised as “government”, working directly with the abusive Anunnaki (who hide in another dimension, but direct their human minions from this dimension) to continue to fuck with humanity since the beginning of time? Think about it ……