A scientist named Neil was giving a sales presentation with some potential investors in his new board game invention. The game was called "Ouija Technology board". He had a participant from the audience come up to demonstrate.
The board was a technology advancement on the classic board game, purported in times past to be inhabited by "evil spirits". The man was able to hold his hand an entire foot length above the planchette and it would move upon questioning, without any other humans involved, and the audience could clearly see this.
Neil asked the man to ask the board a question impossible for anybody to know except himself. The man asked the board what his grandma said before she died, since he was the only one in the room at the time and he never told anybody. The board spelled out the correct answer and the audience clapped and the man sat down.
Neil explained, "The classic board worked on the same principle, but in today's modern times we can explain and make it better. The electrical signals from the hand can be read by the electrode sensors in the planchette, as long as the person's hand is within a foot's distance away, as our sensing technology is sensitive enough to pick up electrical emanations from the hand. As we know, a person cannot even hold his or her hand above the board without conscious effort to think it, and our technology is able to pick up these invisible electro-magnetic waves and decipher new and specific frequency changes induced in the nervous system of the hand when a person asks specific questions.
“Based on a programmed database of frequency spikes matched against every known English word, the chip in the board is able to basically read the player's thoughts and what he or she is thinking when asked a question. It then spells out the answer you are expecting. If you ask a question you don't know the answer, your subconscious imagination alone provides an answer."
The audience clapped and cheered. Neil continued, "The board is like a lie detector test in that it is very hard to cheat. It is just that sensitive. If you try to intentionally think of a false answer, you have about the same chance of fooling the board as you might at beating a lie detector test. The results are like a controlled reproducible scientific experiment in that they are consistent for all humans, no matter your nationality, religion, gender, age, etc..."
The investors were so impressed that Neil was easily able to raise the millions needed to mass produce the prototype board and get it ready for distribution within a year. He left very satisfied and when he entered his car to drive away, a dark ethereal figure appeared in the passenger side beside Neil.
"My master is pleased with your performance," the creature said. "God has given us permission to hide our supernatural manipulation behind this 'technology' to further our purposes. Our master, Satan, had to agree to certain concessions however to be given permission to do this now, before our 2030 agenda reset.
“A few years after 2030, we will be allowed to unveil fake artificial intelligence robots, and also roll out new computer operating systems that will interact with humans using voice simulation technology. The talking computers will be indistinguishable from humans in speech and cognitive abilities, and these machines will operate at virtually infinite speed. Nobody will suspect it is actually us demons manipulating and talking through the technology.
“Then it will take no time at all to further energize the imaginations of mankind to ultimately be able to accept open contact with so-called ‘highly evolved ancient alien-gods’, ourselves in disguise. Our ability to deceive and destroy after that will be limitless”.
Neil calmly said, "Yes, I understand, my master. People need more conditioning to think consciousness itself can be explained and created in machines by mere humans. Then they will be more able to accept your end-times open contact deception that you are our 'gods' who created us."
"Yes”, the creature cackled. “We have hidden behind technology for over a hundred years. The final stages are proceeding nicely."