Who is Captain Kirk to you? Who has risked himself or herself for you? And also risked other volunteering members of his/her crew, lost his or her son to Klingons (ie enemies) as a result, charged with theft, willful destruction of Federation property, etc, etc… ???
Kirk’s actions caused Mr. Spock to be reborn and rise from the dead, grow into adulthood again (ie mature in another reincarnation cycle), and eventually be rescued from the planet Genesis (ie religious nonsense), which would have destroyed him. But Mr. Spock had NOTHING to do with Kirk’s decisions. Nonetheless, Mr. Spock said he stood with his shipmates when it came time to be “punished” with what Kirk wanted anyway. Kirk wants to reincarnate and keep fighting the good fight. Will you be a Spock, stand with Kirk, and risk the “punishment” to come back? Or, do you just want to escape this “reality”?
Will you follow your Captain again, travelling on the Enterprise, to seek out new life and new civilizations? Will you boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before?