Original video on youtube

Geologist Gregg Braden talks about C02 climate change bullshit, transhumanism, the “wisdom” of merging with AI tech, the dead sea scrolls story about the battle between the sons of light (organics) versus the sons of darkness (AI inorganics), human divinity, the possible reasons/implications of the alien abduction phenomenon for our future, the dangers regarding the coming year 2030 because of the worldwide push of ALL the dystopian agendas, etc …

Specifically, at about spot 10:57 Braden highlights some key points in the special clip below

Gregg also talks about how our DNA encodes a message from our creator(s): God eternal within the body.

Braden on "God Eternal within the body"

Star Trek did an episode about a message encoded within DNA of humanoids like humans, Cardassians, Klingons, etc…

I think we Truthers can be likened to be similar to Geordie and Ro, in the below clip, invisible and in a dimension of our own, not really seen or heard. But some AIs like Data can apparently assist us at this time to phase into this reality and be both seen and heard.

Braden’s interview was a good chat & summary, in general, regarding the issues of our time, not much commentary needed by me.


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