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Mike Adams makes a good case for a new 2025 mantra, combining “Seven of Nine’s” mantra with Apollo Creed’s determination.

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In the series, Seven often said, “I will NOT comply”. Like Seven, we need to refuse to comply with the “authorities” (represented by Captain Janeway, who was Seven’s friend & Captain, but still we must NOT comply with friends, even, who are deceived about WTF on earth is happening). Mike Adams is leveraging technology in the proper way, instead of training LLMs on nonsense data and letting it take over.

If so-called “authorities” (like Janeway) command us to create the technological singularity, such as woke nonsense trained AI-LLMs and then want us to let the corrupt governments turn everything over to “skynet”, we must not comply! The singularity also sometimes refers to humans merging with AI, and we know what’s in the jabs to help facilitate that process.

Like Seven, we should NOT be willing participants in our own destruction or the destruction of our “ship”.

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Apollo told Rocky to NOT stop the fight, “no matter what … no matter what”. He would rather die than bow the knee to tyranny (represented by the “bad” Russian, but we know the real bad guys are government, period).

Apollo did indeed die, but his death was still a victory, because it inspired Rocky to finish the job of defeating the bad Russian (ie bad government). Mike Adams makes a good point, that defeating big centralized government requires the opposite, small decentralized cooperatives.

These all died in faith (like Apollo), not having received the promises (defeat of government), but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them (knew it could be done), and embraced them (embraced freedom from tyrannical government), and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth (ie strangers to corrupt consciousness that believes in government)”. (Hebrews 11:13) …… earth means consciousness, as shown below ……

O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD”. (Jeremiah 22:29) …… this verse speaks in metaphor to show earth means an individual’s consciousness, as only a conscious being can hear

Whosoever seeks to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever loses his life for my sake, shall find it”. (Luke 17:33)

"I will NOT comply, NO matter what ... and I support decentralization!”


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