G. Edward Griffin on the Fed, Communism, Nazism, and Collectivism versus individualism.
The most critical part of Griffin’s audio, IMHO, starts at about the 25 minute spot below:
Key words from Griffin regarding covid genocide:
“Everybody, I think, knows that the previous elections were stolen [ie everything regarding elections fraud applies to the covid fraud]. I think there's no question. Even, you know, Republicans, Democrats, everybody knows that. But they haven't thought it through.
“If the previous election [ie previous covid genocide] was stolen [ie truth was stolen and people died]... And if the people who committed the crime have never been brought to justice [no true covid justice so far], there's been no imprisonment, no trials, not even an investigation. The courts wouldn't even endorse an investigation of the crime [courts at most award some damages, but NO real justice]. And it was right out in the open. Everybody knows it was a crime.
“That means that the enemy is still in firm control of the elections [ie institutions like the medical “authorities” still rule the roost]. And yet they did not do anything to fix the elections this time [ie didn’t fix medical tyranny AND covid vaccines can still be received]. Why not? Shouldn't that be a good question? They just sat by and let them unfold as they would.
Now, because of that and what appears to be a pushback on the part of the American people against this ugliness [some admissions of covid damage], all of the patriots are saying, oh, hooray, we're winning. We're winning. See, we can rely on our elections [ie we can rely on our institutions, including the medical ones].
Note: if you think RFK Jr. is well on his way to fixing the vaccine tyranny and we simply need to give him some time, check out this link and tell me if you still think that idea is true.
Key words from Griffin regarding worldwide Communism:
“Lenin told us what it [the trap to bring in worldwide communism] would be.
“We tell them what they want to hear and they will select us as their leaders so we can come to power. But wait a minute, I thought these crazy Democrats were them, and they came to power, now they're losing power. Is it possible that both sides are not our people? I don't know, but let's think about it.
“We can't say it's impossible. What if it were? Okay, now we come to the question, what is the difference between the two sides in this battle? Now, we have to come to an understanding of what is the ideology that we're fighting against? Is it communism? Is it fascism? Is it Nazism? Is it socialism? What is it? What are we fighting against? Who is the enemy? Is it left wing? What about right wing? Is right wing good? I mean, the Nazis were right wingers and the fascists were right wingers. Is that good? All right. Well, maybe that's different today. These are questions that are not being asked.
“Everything in the news and in the public agenda, the news and other sources of information and opinion engineering, is broken on the lines of good guys versus the bad guys. How many times have we heard any discussion of political principles or ideology? What is the proper role of the state? What should...What powers should politicians have and what powers must they never have, even if we like what they're doing? What's the power that they shouldn't have because they won't be there forever. And if we give this power to one of the good guys, then when he's out of office, one of the bad guys will come in and inherit that power and use it against us.
“We don't think along those lines. So now we come to my question. When we look at what's going on in the world today already, I see a fulfillment of my worst dreams. my worst dreams, my worst nightmares.
“I see the unraveling of a horrible system that we've lived under for quite a few years now. And the overt or covert, I should say, the covert building of one that is even worse in the name of getting rid of the bad guys and replacing them with the good guys. Now, how can I say that? And the answer is clear. Take a look at what's unfolding today in almost everything that's being done and being received joyfully by our friends who... You know, who want more liberty and want totalitarianism out of the picture. They want all these insane and illegal and horrible affronts against our liberty and our economy. They want that all eliminated.
“But nobody's complaining when totally dictatorial methods are used to do it. Almost everything that's being done against these terrible people that we're trying to get rid of is against the Constitution. There's no power in the Constitution for this to be done by a president of the United States. He's not a king, folks. But the American people are being convinced what they want is a king. They want a man on a white horse who will come in with his sword. And this is no time to talk about constitutional issues. This is a time to get rid of the bad guys.
“What they don't realize, perhaps this is the trap, that after we, after we establish a dictatorship for the good guys to get rid of the bad guys, then at the next election or the one after that or the one after that, somewhere down the line, the good guys will be out and the bad guys will be back in. And they'll have the kind of a totalitarian system that we cheered to be created in order to get rid of communism. And we don't we'd have to realize that we're not our enemy is not communism. It's not fascism. It's not Nazism.
“You take all of those ideologies and look at their substance beneath them. This is what I learned when I was reading all the communist literature. I finally figured out what communism was all about. And then I bought a copy of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and blow me down. Every single principle that I saw with Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin was espoused by Adolf Hitler as well. They did not disagree with each other on anything of substance. They fought each other in a war. They killed each other. Millions of people were destroyed in this conflict between fascism and communism, not because they disagreed with each other on ideology, but the fight was all over territory. Who is going to win? Who is going to be in charge? And who has to be in second place?
“So what we don't realize is that underlying both sides of this chasm, as I call it, is the true ideology, which is called collectivism. Communism is collectivism. Socialism is collectivism. Fascism is collectivism. Nazism is collectivism. All of these things are really something called collectivism.
“The war, the true war is between collectivism on the one side and individualism on the other side. How many times does anybody even talk about that?”
Americans need to educate themselves on what a constitutional republic really is, because America is NOT a democracy …… legally anyway.
Practically, Americans have been brainwashed to think their so-called nation is a democracy, mob rule, a dictatorship of the majority; they have NO idea of what it means to be an individual within a voluntary collective, able to opt out at any time, and with ease.
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