I suggest that my readers suspend their disbelief while watching Jean Nolan’s video above. Then consider: can humans create consciousness, when humans don’t fully understand consciousness in the first place?
I’m not saying Jean’s lying, nor am I saying Jean’s being fed false information, in some sort of complex psyop. I’m saying it lends greater credibility to the archaix position that AIX already exists.
I used to program computers, so I know machines can’t & don’t think. Star Trek hinted at the truth decades ago, as to non-human entities creating AI-androids to control humans. But I don’t think the solution will be as simple as Kirk confusing the machines to death over illogical things.
Artificial Intelligence Out of Control?
The narrator starts out the below video with the typical goofy “scientific“ story regarding origins, while conveniently leaving out the truth that the first cause consciousness, which I call Originator-Creator-Oversoul, has always been guiding consciousness.
I think that the more humans evolve in consciousness, then the more our own egregores and tulpas openly show themselves; we are in an ancestor simulation, regarding how Aeons come & came into existence (time is equally illusory as matter), the dangers involved in the process, pros, cons, etc...
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