
Choosing timelines: Borg or human?

If you can suspend disbelief to enjoy a fictional movie, can you do the same with Jean Nolan's vision?

Original video on youtube

My cynic kicked in as I watched Jean Nolan’s video above, thinking his 2035 vision was impossible. Then synchronicity magic brought the below video to my view immediately after Jean’s video.

Methinks the uni-verse is trying to send me (us) a message, and remind me (us) of some things I (you) already know, but it’s easy to forget. How about you (me)? If this message gets past your avatar barrier, I suspect you (me) will agree.

Sometimes we need a reminder…

Original video on youtube

…from a young lady who has the capacity to believe in Jean Nolan’s vision. How about you (me)?

Jean Nolan on lions trapped in the matrix, prison of the mind

Original video on rumble


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