Psalm 82:6, KJV, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High”.
If ALL true humans ARE “gods”, then it follows that the “parable-metaphor-allegory-symbol-archetype” of a god being crucified & rising is about truth (ie Jesus said He was the truth) dying and resurrecting within your psyche.
Note: Just because I mention Jesus, does NOT mean I have to take everything literally. Even David Icke talks like a Christian sometimes, but we know he is NOT a literalist.
Don’t we all live many years in ignorance, going along with the programming, believing lies, deceived, and not even know it? Then, if you truly wake up, don’t you start to see a matrix of lies all around you and truth starts to “rise from the dead”, so to speak?
For more from Mark Passio, himself, about the Christian tradition, see this post within this post about the death and resurrection of Superman.
Religion is a psychological thing, to help one understand ones own psyche.
I disagree with Mark that humans, on a worldwide scale, can get free from religion without some divine intervention. Probably another construct reset will happen, unless some sort of Clif High type “divine intervention” happens.
Interference theory says non-human entities fucked us up millennia ago, and I think it will take some more non-human interference to un-fuck us up. Even Gregg Braden admits that anything is possible in our simulated reality, even learning how to overcome the propensity for war.
If Howdie Mickoski can do the Captain Picard thing and turn the Enterprise around and ram the ship right down the time-looping energy sucking demon’s throat, then I think we can too.
I prefer to write my own fictional parables about religious superheros. Even aunt May gets inspired.
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