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Two Masks, same Face: The dark occult origins of Nazism & Communism (part 3)


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Two Masks Part 3
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1) (00:00:08) More on Toynbee

Arnold Toynbee had a major role in Wellington House and calling for a world dictatorship, saying that it had to be brought about on the basis of mass propaganda that would make it acceptable to the vast majority of human beings.

2) (00:02:32) Traitor Woodrow Wilson

On October 12th, 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed The Revenue Act of 1913, a bill that would lead to NAFTA, GATT and the world trade organization and create the federal income tax, fulfilling plank number two of the communist manifesto in the United States.

3) (00:05:58) The Sealed Train Affair

Lord Alfred Milner, prominent member of Wellington House and a leading Fabian socialist, had many contacts among the Bolsheviks in exile in Europe, including Vladimir Lenin. Milner and his compatriots helped Lenin to sneak into Russia and foment the overthrow of the Czars.


4) (00:13:03) The Great Purge

During the Great Purge, over a million political opponents of Stalin's system were imprisoned, largely in the Gulag system of prisons and forced labor camps, and at least 700,000 were executed between 1934 and 1939. By 1937, Stalin had acquired absolute control over the Communist Party and government. Stalin's Communist regime was a textbook example of totalitarianism, and was driven by repression, ethnic cleansing, censorship, famine, wide-scale deportation, and political executions that killed tens of millions of people.


5) (00:23:10) The Fabian Society

The next occult and secretive group that fomented communism throughout Europe and the rest of the world was the Fabian Society. Specifically in England and in the UK, the Fabian Society was absolutely critical to implement as incremental socialism. The Fabian Society, founded on January 4th 1884 in London, is a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance socialism via gradualism or incrementalism, rather than by revolutionary overthrow. This strategy is known as incremental socialism and this is the favored approach for bringing a whole civilization into communism today.

6) (00:28:29) Antonio Gramsci

Gramsci was an Italian Marxist socialist and social engineer. He was the founding member and one-time leader of the Italian Communist Party. Gramsci was one of the most influential Marxist thinkers of the 20th century, and a key thinker in the development of Western Marxism.

7) (00:32:11) The Frankfurt School

The Frankfurt School, founded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1923, is a school of social theory and a think tank for critical theory ideology. The Frankfurt School initially comprised intellectuals, academics, and political dissidents dissatisfied with the contemporary socioeconomic systems of the 1930s.
The Frankfurt Theorists proposed that current social theory was inadequate for explaining the turbulent reactionary politics occurring in the 20th century. The works of the Frankfurt School are understood in the context of critical theory, which purports that the dominant ideology in bourgeois society misrepresents how human relations occur in the real world and how capitalism justifies and legitimizes human domination. The Frankfurt School perspective of critical theory is based on Freudian, Marxist, and Hegelian premises of idealist philosophy. Critical theory draws its investigational resources and methods directly from Marxism.

8) (00:36:14) Sabbatean Frankism

Sabbatean Frankism was very influential in the destructive ideologies that we've been talking about. Sabbatean Frankism was a heretical Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant, Jacob Frank. Frank rejected traditional religious norms and taught that his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible.

9) (00:40:17) The Prussian Educational System

The indoctrination system of the communists is the Prussian educational system and outcome based education which was eventually adopted by just about every nation of Europe and eventually the United States. The Prussian educational system was established in Prussia as a result of educational reforms in the late 18th and early 19th century and has had widespread influence since.
The Prussian educational reforms inspired similar changes in other countries and variations of it remain in widespread use today under various names. Characteristics of the Prussian education system included compulsory attendance, national testing for all students, a prescribed national curriculum for each grade, and mandatory kindergarten, all hallmarks of the modern US educational system, which is mainly to program students into obedience, subordination, collectivism, and dictated “what to think” rather than taught “how to think”.

10) (00:46:02) Chinese Communism

The Chinese Communist Party or CCP is the founding party and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China. It was founded on July 1st, 1921 by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, with the help of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Far Eastern Bureau of Communists International.


11) (00:57:47) The People’s mindset LOVE Nazism & Communism

The underlying ideologies of the religious cults of Nazism & Communism include: collectivism, moral relativism, secularism, materialism, socialism, and authoritarianism. And that those ideologies still dominate the entire political landscape and the psychology of the overwhelming majority of human beings in our world today. This isn't something that happened past tense. This is something that is happening now and is still ongoing, and it rules in the mind of the people of this planet.

12) (01:03:46) Evil Operation Paperclip

Following their military defeat in World War II, many Nazis fled to parts of Europe, Africa and South America. What is lesser historically known is that many of them were deliberately brought into the United States by a top secret US government program.
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which thousands of German scientists, engineers, technicians, medical professionals and so-called educators, were taken from Nazi Germany to the United States between 1945 and 1959 for government employment in their respective fields. Operation Paperclip was overseen by the Joint Intelligent Objectives Agency, JIOA, and largely carried out by special agents of the US Army Counterintelligence Corps. This also was in joint operation with the Office of Strategic Services which eventually became the United States CIA. Many of the personnel brought into the US were members of the Nazi Party and some were even Nazi Party leaders, Reich leaders.

13) (01:09:00) Ukrainian Azov battalion

The Ukrainian Azov battalion or Azov assault brigade is a formation of the National Guard of Ukraine founded in May 2014 as a volunteer paramilitary militia. The Azov battalion has drawn attention in recent time for its association with neo-Nazi ideology and its use of symbols that are incontrovertibly linked to Nazism.
The Azov battalion has also been widely accused of participating in many actions of human rights violations over the last decade. Ukraine, as part of the Eastern Front Theater of War during World War II, was geographically and ideologically divided in the war's aftermath. Nazi troops who had made significant incursions into the western half of Ukraine during the war, largely decided to stay there and resettle there after the Nazi military surrender, primarily to avoid having to go back to Germany and face war crimes tribunals at Nuremberg.

14) (01:13:54) Fascism in modern Satanism

Mark was was very actively involved in the Church of Satan while this type of propaganda was being put forth, through their publication called The Black Flame and others.

15) (01:18:25) Communism & the Berlin Wall

Communism did not fall with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Communism is still very much alieudave and well throughout the entire world driven largely by Marxist socialism and materialism. There is an international network of communist organizations with tens of millions of members operating throughout the world today. Conservative estimate tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions. It's certainly in the tens of millions.
Communists, socialists, and those who support the ideologies which have led to the extermination of tens of millions of people in the 20th century alone are everywhere among us, and still cling to this destructive cult with absolute religious fervor. All around us.

16) (01:23:43) Neo-Feudalism

Under neo-feudalism, all property is ultimately owned and controlled by the “Supreme Authority” or governmental system, a Satanic ruling class based upon the belief in human authority, whose whims are to become godlike, as in the god of this world, Satan himself. These whims are not to be challenged by the slaves over which they rule.

17) (01:27:50) World Economic Forum (WEF)

There is perhaps no better modern example of the Neo-Fascist, Neo-Communist, and Neo-Feudalist model for the world, of human slavery, than the agenda of the World Economic Forum, led by dark occultists and social engineers and trans-humanists, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, who most people have probably never heard of.

18) (01:35:27) The Milgram Experiments

The Milgram experiments were a series of social psychology experiments on obedience to authority figures conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of participants in this psychological study to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. These experiments prove that the people today are still Nazi and Communist scum.

19) (01:38:55) The Stanford Prison Experiment

Another experiment that proves that the people today still have the mindset of Nazi and Communist order-following scum was the Stanford Prison Experiment, a psychological experiment conducted in August of 1971 by a research team at Stanford University led by the psychology professor Philip Zimbardo.
The experiment was a two-week, or scheduled to be a two-week simulation of a prison environment that examined the psychological dynamics of such an environment upon its participants' behavior. Participants in the psychological experiment were recruited from the local community to take part in a “psychological study of prison life”.
Volunteers were then randomly assigned to act as either prisoners or prison guards. The volunteers selected to be guards were given uniforms specifically to de-individuate them, and were instructed to do whatever was necessary to maintain control over the prisoners and to prevent them from escaping. Over just five days, the guards' abuse of the prisoners, both psychological and physical, became so brutal that the experiment had to be stopped prematurely and could not even be continued into two weeks.

20) (01:47:14) The Only Solution to human slavery

The only solution to human slavery is a spiritual solution. There is no other solution. We have to change our consciousness from within. To solve the problem of human slavery, which is the result of immoral actions and driven by immoral beliefs, such as Nazism and Communism and many other immoral beliefs, the human species requires a complete revolution of conscience based upon principles. This is what we need a revival of, NOT simply learning about the Jesus story.

21) (01:49:55) Natural law

Stated another way, natural law is the only solution to human slavery. Natural law is a set of universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of the behaviors of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior. In other words, beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence.

22) (01:58:00) The One Great Work

The one great work of ending human slavery can only be accomplished once enough people learn the knowledge of objective morality and natural law, then teach it to others.
A massive effort of moral education must be conducted by widely and freely communicating and publishing that critical knowledge via all forms of modern media for all human beings to learn. This occult knowledge is the birthright of every human being and it is our moral obligation to see that that knowledge is disseminated widely and freely among the human population, because that's the only way we're ever going to win this war for our freedom and our souls.


Excellent, I hope everybody enjoyed their dinner and is all ready for our last session today.

(00:00:08) So, we ended off talking about Arnold Toynbee and his role in Wellington House and calling for a world dictatorship.

Saying that it had to be brought about on the basis of mass propaganda that would make it acceptable to the vast majority of human beings.

American journalist Walter Lippmann and psychologist Edward Bernays were also prominent members of Wellington House. Bernays, the nephew of psychologist Sigmund Freud and author of the books “Propaganda”, “Crystallizing Public Opinion”, and “Public Relations”, pioneered the use of psychology and other social sciences to shape and form public opinion so that the public thought such manufactured opinions were their own.

Bernays wrote, “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it."

He called this technique engineering consent. That is basically known as social engineering in the modern world. One of his best known techniques of achieving this goal was the indirect use of what he called third party authorities to shape desired opinions.

He stated, “If you can influence the leaders either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway”. And there's Bernays.

Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann were appointed on behalf of Wellington house to handle the manipulation of American public opinion in preparation for the United States' entry into World War I.

Under the direction of Wellington House, they also became members of a civilian committee which briefed and directed U.S. President Woodrow Wilson during and after the war. Not coincidentally, Woodrow Wilson was the first American president to publicly denounce capitalism and proclaim himself in favor of a socialist one-world government.

(00:02:32) On October 12th, 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed The Revenue Act of 1913, a bill that would lead to NAFTA, GATT and the world trade organization and create the federal income tax, fulfilling plank number two of the communist manifesto in the United States.

On December 23, 1913, Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act, which created a new central bank system in the United States, the Federal Reserve System, fulfilling Plan No. 5 of the Communist Manifesto in the United States.

The deceptive language of the Federal Reserve Act was written under the guidance of Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann of Wellington House. Bernays and Lippmann had previously set up the National Citizens League with lawyer and self-identified Zionist Samuel Untermyer as its chairman to promote the Federal Reserve Bank, the mechanism which would go on to deceptively secure control of America's currency and transfer it to a private monopoly.

Before the Federal Reserve Act was sent to Wilson for his signature, a copy was given to another representative of Wellington House, an advisor to Wilson, Colonel Edward Mandel House, and another copy to banker JP Morgan, who in this endeavor represented the interests of the Rothschild International Banking Dynasty.

Wilson's measures, all influenced by a tide of propaganda emanating from Wellington House, would further the destruction of the American middle class and act as instruments of slavery fastened around their necks without them truly becoming aware of it.

In his book, “The New Freedom”, Wilson wrote, “We stand in the presence of a silent revolution. We are upon the threshold of a time when the systematic life of the country will be sustained at every point by government activity. Now we have to determine whether it shall be directed from government itself, or whether it shall be through instrumentalities which have already constituted themselves and which stand ready to supersede government”.

The Federal Reserve is no better example of that type of a international force and controlling agency within the United States.

The modern science of mass manipulation of public opinion was born at Wellington House. From its elementary beginnings at Wellington House, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations eventually developed into a highly sophisticated and top secret social engineering organization whose main purpose was to manipulate worldwide public opinion.

Tavistock's social engineers became masters of mind control through the steering of mass human perception. Tavistock’s long-term agenda viewed classical and western civilizations as the only two civilizations that could bring a “modern-day renaissance to the world” and saw them as threats to their plans for ushering in a new world order under an internationalist or globalist world government.

(00:05:58) Lord Alfred Milner, prominent member of Wellington House and a leading Fabian socialist, more on them later, had many contacts among the Bolsheviks in exile in Europe, including Vladimir Lenin.

Carrying a letter of introduction from fellow socialist Fritz Platten, Lenin met with Lord Millner and laid down his plans for the overthrow of the Romanov Czars.

Lenin and Millner, Lenin asked Milner to provide the necessary funds required to launch his Bolshevik Revolution. Milner agreed on condition that he could send his agent Bruce Lockhart of British MI6 intelligence to supervise Lenin's daily affairs and report his progress back to Milner.

Lord Walter Rothschild and members of the Rockefeller family demanded that they be allowed to send their representative Sidney Riley to Russia to supervise the transfer of Russian natural resources and gold held in the Russian Central Bank to London.

This was agreed to by Lenin. To seal the bargain Lord Milner on behalf of the Rothschilds gave Lenin 60 million British pounds while the Rockefellers contributed 40 million US dollars to Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

Fritz Platten was put in charge of the logistics of Lenin's journey and oversaw it until the Bolshevik revolutionaries arrived safely in Petrograd, Russia.

Lenin and his compatriots were provided with a private rail car by high-ranking members members of the German government, which was always kept locked by agreements with stations along the line.

Fritz Platten was in charge of the voyage and laid down the rules for the trip. The rules were, Lenin's carriage was to remain locked for the entire trip. No one could board the carriage without Platten's permission. The train would have extra territorial status. None of the car passengers were to be asked for their passports at national borders. All tickets would be bought at regular prices and no security issues were to be raised by the military or police of any country on route.

Countries in complicity with the sealed train affair were Great Britain, Germany, Finland, which was then part of the Russian Empire, Switzerland and Sweden.

The train trip was also authorized and approved by German General Erich Ludendorff and German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm. The Germans hoped that Lenin's presence in Russia would add to the chaos and instability weakening the country at that time. The journey began in Zurich, Switzerland and proceeded to the German town of Sosnitz at the edge of the Baltic Sea, where the Bolshevik passengers had to detrain.

The Swedish government then provided them ferry transport across the Baltic to Trelleborg, Sweden. They continued the journey by train at Malmö, Sweden to Stockholm, then through Finland and finally to Petrograd, Russia, where Lenin's revolution would take full form, soon leading Russia into Soviet Communism.

Understanding the conspiracy that led to Lenin's return to Russia, it is an inescapable conclusion that without the complicity of the members of the think tank that would become the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the Bolshevik Revolution would have been stillborn.


And that leads us to the emergence of communism in its full-fledged form in the Soviet Union. After Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized power in the Bolshevik Revolution and created a one-party state under the Russian Communist Party, Joseph Stalin joined its governing Politburo and served in the subsequent Russian civil war.

Stalin was instrumental in the establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR or the Soviet Union, in 1922.

Following Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin assumed leadership over Russia. Stalin was a Soviet revolutionary who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953, initially governing the country as part of a communist collective and eventually consolidating power to become a dictator by the 1930s.

Ideologically adhering to the Leninist interpretation of Marxism, Stalin formalized this ideology as Marxism-Leninism. Retaining the Marxist belief that the state would, “wither away as socialism transformed into pure communism”, Stalin believed that the Soviet Union would remain until the final defeat of capitalism.

Under Stalin, socialism in one country became a central tenet of the Communist Party's ideology. This clashed with the original Bolshevik view that socialism could only be achieved by the process of worldwide revolution.

As a Marxist and an anti-capitalist, Stalin believed in an inevitable class war between the world's proletariat and bourgeoisie. He believed that the working classes would prove successful in this struggle and would establish a “dictatorship of the proletariat”, regarding the Soviet Union as an example of such a state.

He also believed that this proletarian state would need to introduce repressive measures against foreign and domestic enemies to ensure the full crushing of the classes that supported private property ownership, and thus the class war would greatly intensify with the advance of socialism.

As a propaganda tool, Stalin employed the tactic of the shaming of enemies, which would be used to blame all economic, political, and military failures and all hardships endured by the populace on political opponents of the communists. This is a common tactic today.

Stalin's Soviet state would also utilize a new standardized economic system that was industrialized, collectivized, centrally planned, and technologically advanced.

As a result of Stalin's five-year plans, Russia underwent agricultural collectivization and rapid industrialization, creating a centralized command economy.

Severe disruptions to food production contributed to widespread famine from 1930 to 1933, which killed millions. To eradicate accused enemies of the working class, Stalin instituted a political persecution and killing campaign to remove his actual and perceived opponents known as the Great Purge.

(00:13:03) During the Great Purge, over a million political opponents of Stalin's system were imprisoned, largely in the Gulag system of prisons and forced labor camps, and at least 700,000 were executed between 1934 and 1939.

By 1937, Stalin had acquired absolute control over the Communist Party and government. Stalin's Communist regime was a textbook example of totalitarianism, and was driven by repression, ethnic cleansing, censorship, famine, wide-scale deportation, and political executions that killed tens of millions of people.

In the aftermath of World War II, the territory occupied by the Soviet Red Army formed various Soviet satellite states throughout Central and Eastern Europe, which became known as the Iron Curtain Nations.

Both the Soviet Union and the United States emerged from World War II as global superpowers and subsequently entered a period of international tension known as the Cold War.

The Soviet Union was a transcontinental country that spanned much of Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. It was the flagship communist state of the world as a union of 15 nations.

In practice, both its government and its economy were highly centralized until its final years. It was a one-party state governed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, with the city of Moscow serving as its capital. It was the largest country in the world, covering over 8.6 million square miles and spanning 11 time zones.

Accounting for deaths by political executions, gulags, forced resettlement, deportation, starvation and malnutrition due to famine, at least 20 million people were killed by Stalin's communist regime.

All communist states that were established during the 20th century, including the Soviet Union, followed the lead of Karl Marx in rejecting inalienable individual rights in favor of so-called, “collective economic and social rights”, meaning constructs of man, not inherent rights.

Ultimately, Marxism legitimizes violence without limitation because it embraces moral relativism and rejects moral and ethical principles as “constructs of the dominant class.” This is an ideological hallmark of Satanism and the dark occult: moral relativism. No society can ever be free if it embraces moral relativism.


Let's look at what they did in comparison to what Nazis did. And of course we already heard about the ways that they murdered people, but this was their socialist New World Order of masters and slaves.

The Soviet Union kept complete control over their people. Even the very thoughts of the populace were kept tightly in check.

Soviet laws were unimaginably strict. Soviet psychologists literally classified people who were unhappy living under the Soviet regime as insane. Anyone who was expressing desires for freedom or justice were diagnosed as having sluggish schizophrenia.

Symptoms listed in Soviet psychology books included “reform delusions” or “struggling for truth”. Thousands of people were sent to mental hospitals for suggesting that the Soviet society could be better, and hundreds of psychologists worked on teams dedicated to diagnosing dissidents with schizophrenia.

The Soviets created a policy of militant atheism and wanted to systematically stamp out religion wherever it could be found. Atheism was promoted as scientific truth and churches were torn down. In their place, the Soviets literally built museums of atheism and this is the Vilenius Museum of Atheism shown in the picture there from a former church.

Unemployment became a capital crime in the Soviet Union. Anyone who didn't show up to work could be thrown into a gulag. Soviet law labeled anyone who was unemployed as a person leading “a parasitic existence”.

The day you lost your job you became a criminal and you could be thrown into a forced labor camp for the offense. Even twenty minutes of lateness to work brought one into the realm of capital offense. Leaving work early could lead up to four months in prison and missing a shift could lead to six months of corrective labor. It was a crime to attempt to feed yourself from nature. There were specific laws against collecting wild fruits, nuts and berries. You could find yourself in a gulag for picking a single cherry off a tree.

And here you see Joseph Stalin doing the hidden hand symbol that you previously saw Karl Marx performing. There he is as the god of the Soviet Union.

It was even incredibly dangerous to be the first to stop applauding during a political speech in the Soviet Union. To cease applause meant to the Soviets that you were a dissident. People clapped for so long at a political speech that sometimes a bell would have to be rung to let them know that they could stop.

Consequence for insufficient applause was severe. After a tribute to Stalin was proposed at a political speech in Moscow, the crowd continued to applaud for 11 minutes straight. No one in the audience had the courage to stop applauding, so people clapped until their hands became red.

Finally, one man sat down, after which the entire crowd followed suit, and that man, who was the first to sit, was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in a gulag, with the police telling him, don't ever be the first to stop applauding. This is where our society is headed folks.

The communists also employed secret police just as the Nazis did. The two major ones were the KGB and the Stasi. So let's look at those briefly.

The KGB or Committee for State Security was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991. The KGB was a direct successor of preceding agencies such as the Cheka and NKVD. It carried out internal security, foreign intelligence, counterintelligence and secret police functions for the Soviet Union.

It guarded the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Soviet government and combated nationalist dissent, dissident religious and anti-soviet activities. Similar agencies operated in each of the nations of the Soviet Union, and they also conducted obviously censorship upon the public and the mass media.

The Ministry for State Security, the Ministerium for Staatssicherheit, commonly known as the Stasi, was the state security service of East Germany, a Soviet satellite state from 1950 to 1990.

Headquartered in East Berlin, the Stasi's function in East Germany resembled that of the KGB in the Soviet Union. It served as a means of maintaining state authority and it was referred to as the shield and sword of the party.

The Stasi maintained surveillance files on millions of East Germans and used a network of civilian informants to acquire information of potential dissidents. The Stasi contributed to the arrest of approximately 250,000 people in East Germany during its existence.

As the Nazis did, the Soviets also had youth societies to indoctrinate the young. The All Union Leninist Young Communist League, usually known as the Komsomol, was a political youth organization in the Soviet Union that existed between 1918 and 1991.

It was sometimes described as the youth division of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Komsomol was the final stage of three youth organizations in the Soviet Union with members ranging from 14 to 28 years of age.

The intermediate group was called the Young Pioneers, an organization for members ages 18 to 15, 8 to 15. The third and youngest group was known as the Little Octoberists, referencing the October Revolution, with members between 7 and 9 years of age.

At their peak during the 1970s, these youth societies had up to 25 million members. The Young Pioneers was a compulsory organization for children, tasked with indoctrinating the youth with communist ideology.

In line with the Soviet doctrine of state atheism, the Young Pioneers tasked their members to “set up an atheist corner at home with anti-religious pictures, poems, and sayings”. And here you see the three badges of the Soviet youth societies there on the right. And here is a depiction of the young pioneers, a picture actually.

(00:23:10) The next occult and secretive group that we have to look at in the fomentation of communism throughout Europe and the rest of the world, but specifically in England and in the UK, is the Fabian Society.

Absolutely critical influence, especially in the UK, and their implementation of what is known as incremental socialism.

The Fabian Society, founded on January 4th 1884 in London, is a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance socialism via gradualism or incrementalism, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.

This strategy is known as incremental socialism and this is the favored approach for bringing a whole civilization into communism today. Is to do it through incremental means. So that the population cannot see the march toward socialism and communism, and they just allow it to happen in their ignorance. If you do it all at once, people would suddenly recognize it and ask questions and not go along with it. But if you incrementally introduce it, people don't see the incremental changes.

The Fabian Society was historically related to radicalism, a left-wing political tradition. The Fabian Society has had powerful influence on British politics, specifically upon the Labour Party of Great Britain, which actually grew out of the Fabian Society.

The Fabian Society also founded the London School of Economics in 1895. The Fabian Society now functions primarily as a political think tank and is one of 20 socialist societies affiliated with the UK's Labour Party.

The Fabian Society was named after the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus, who was nicknamed the Delayer. His Fabian strategy sought gradual victory against the superior force through persistence, harassment, and wearing the enemy down over time, rather than through climactic battles.

The logo of the Fabian society is a tortoise, which represented the group's strategy for a slow, imperceptible transition to socialism. Its coat of arms is a wolf in sheep's clothing, represented its preferred methodology of infiltration for achieving its goals. The wolf in sheep's clothing symbolism was later abandoned by the Fabian Society due to its blatant connotations.

Noted Fabian Society members included playwright George Bernard Shaw, author H.G. Wells, psychologist Graham Wallace, and logician Bertrand Russell. Annie Besant, noted occultist and leader of the Theosophical Society in the early 1900s, was also a member of the Fabian Society. Besant wrote, “a democratic socialism controlled by majority votes can never succeed, but a truly aristocratic socialism is the next step upward in civilization”.

Besant was the personal mentor of fellow Fabian Society member Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, who subsequently framed the economic policy for the nation of India upon Fabian socialism.

Members of the Fabian Society have included noted political leaders of many other countries. Obafemi Owohelo, premier of the Western State of Nigeria, was a Fabian Society member in the late 1940s.

The founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was an avid member of the Fabian Society in 1930s.

Lee Yuan Kuan Yew was the first Prime Minister of Singapore and stated in his memoirs that his initial political philosophy was strongly influenced by the Fabian society.

Michael Aflac, widely considered as the founder of the Arab Ba'athist movement, was a Fabian socialist.

Salama Musa of Egypt, a prominent advocate of Arab socialism, was a member of the Fabian Society since 1909.

20th century members of the Fabian Society included UK Prime Ministers Ramsey MacDonald, Clement Attlee, Harold Wilson, Tony Blair, and Gordon Brown.

229 members of the Fabian Society were elected to the British Parliament in the 1945 General Election. The major influence of the Fabian Society on the Labour Party of the UK and on the English-speaking socialist movement worldwide has made it one of the main inspirations of international socialism.

And this man is largely responsible for that, Antonio Gramsci.

(00:28:29) Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist socialist and social engineer.

He was the founding member and one-time leader of the Italian Communist Party. Gramsci was one of the most influential Marxist thinkers of the 20th century, and a key thinker in the development of Western Marxism.

After an attempt on Italian dictator Benito Mussolini's life in November 1926, the Italian fascist government passed emergency laws after which police arrested and imprisoned Gramsci for his anti-fascist political views. Gramsci died in prison on April 27, 1939 at the age of 46.

Classical Marxism had predicted that socialist revolution was inevitable in capitalist societies. By the early 20th century, no such revolution had occurred in the most advanced nations on the earth.

As capitalism seemed more entrenched than ever, Gramsci suggested that capitalism maintained control, not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology.

Gramsci argued that the bourgeoisie had developed a hegemonic culture, which propagated its own values and norms so that they became the common values of the everyday person. But people in the working class had come to identify their own good with the good of the bourgeoisie, and would even help to maintain the status quo rather than revolting against it.

Gramsci argued that capitalist power through cultural hegemony needed to be challenged by building a socialist counter-hegemony. To counter the notion that bourgeois values represented natural or normal values for society, Gramsci suggested that the working class could not dominate purely through force and coercion, but rather it needed to infiltrate existing culture and to develop a socialist counterculture of their own. This is what's in full sway in our world right now.

Gramsci felt that socialists could do this by exerting intellectual leadership and making making alliances with a variety of societal forces, thus creating a nexus of institutions, social relations and ideas.

Gramsci called for a kind of education system that would develop socialist intellectuals, whose primary task would be to reform the existing intellectual activity of the masses and make it natively critical of the status quo.

This is the basis of modern, “critical theory”, which you've probably heard much about today. Viewing bourgeois cultural values as being tied to folklore, popular culture, and religion, Gramsci argued that those cultural institutions should be the first and foremost toward which socialists should direct their cultural subversion efforts.

Gramsci described this tactic as what he called a war of position and felt that such a war should be waged by revolutionaries through political agitation and the advancement of a socialist culture. This strategy has come to be called cultural Marxism in the modern day. So he is the grandfather of cultural Marxism.

Gramsci's ideas would go on to greatly influence the Frankfurt School.

(00:32:11) The Frankfurt School, founded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1923, is a school of social theory and a think tank for critical theory ideology.

The Frankfurt School initially comprised intellectuals, academics, and political dissidents dissatisfied with the contemporary socioeconomic systems of the 1930s.

The Frankfurt Theorists proposed that current social theory was inadequate for explaining the turbulent reactionary politics occurring in the 20th century. The works of the Frankfurt School are understood in the context of critical theory, which purports that the dominant ideology in bourgeois society misrepresents how human relations occur in the real world and how capitalism justifies and legitimizes human domination.

The Frankfurt School perspective of critical theory is based on Freudian, Marxist, and Hegelian premises of idealist philosophy. Critical theory draws its investigational resources and methods directly from Marxism.

In the 20th century, dogmatic proponents of the world views of secular materialism and post-modernism within the Frankfurt School declared war on the very ideas of truth and objective reality, repackaging and vilifying them as being “the oppressive tools of capitalism”.

Imagine that. That there is an objective reality and that any truth exists. That very idea is a capitalist notion. That's what the Frankfurt school promulgated through the masses of people.

The Frankfurt school made it culturally fashionable within the politics and culture of Western civilization to disregard any verifiable aspects of human reality that did not conform to and promote Marxist causes and ideology.

So if it doesn't conform with my existing socialist and communist ideology, it can't be real. It just needs to be thrown out as an idea because it conflicts with what I already believe. All members of the Frankfurt School were atheists, again stressing secularism and materialism.

The Long March through the institutions is a slogan coined by social activist Rudy Dutsch in 1967 to describe a strategy for establishing the conditions for a socialist revolution. The long march is to be implemented via a slow incremental societal conversion to socialism, which would be accomplished by socialists entering professional institutions and from those institutional positions gradually exerting influence over human culture.

This process, this war is well underway. I mean it is in, it’s in its advanced stages I would say.

The Long March includes the concerted effort to build up socialist counter institutions. It has been described as “working against the established institutions while working within them” and by “learning how to use and program computers, how to teach at all levels of education and how to utilize the mass media”.

These are things that the socialists are doing and true freedom advocates are not doing.

The phrase the Long March is a reference to the prolonged struggle of Chinese communists, which more about them later, which included long physical marches of their armies through China. The concept of the Long March through the institutions is extremely similar to Antonio Gramsci's idea of a war of position in which he argued for the creation of a socialist counter hegemony.

(00:36:14) I would be remiss if I didn't include in this presentation a short analysis of Sabbatean Frankism because it is so influential in the destructive ideologies that we've been talking about.

Sabbatean Frankism was a heretical Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant, Jacob Frank. Frank rejected traditional religious norms and taught that his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible.

Sabbatean Frankism has its roots in the Sabbatean sect of Turkey, a religious movement that identified the 17th century Jewish rabbi Sabbatai Zevi as the Jewish Messiah, or world savior. Zevi's teachings can ultimately be summarized by this maxim, “What is holy is unholy, and what is unholy is holy”.

Unlike traditional Judaism, which asserts that cumulative acts of righteousness will eventually bring the coming of the Messiah, the Sabbatean interpretation inverted the traditional Jewish view to support the opposite conclusion, postulating that it would be easier to accelerate the flow of chaos to utterly destroy civilization than to perfect it, and once the world is forced into complete ruin, God would then be forced to start the messianic age to save the world. This is lunacy.

Frank advocated for the rejection of all moral, religious, and social norms, and asserted that the most important obligation of every person was the transgression of every moral boundary.

Frank may have developed this distorted religious view from a degraded form of Gnosticism, a first-century religious belief wherein there was a true god whose existence was hidden by a false god called the Demiurge. The true God could allegedly be revealed only through a total destruction of the social and religious structures that were created by the false god.

For Frank, the very distinction between good and evil may have been seen as a product of a world governed by the Gnostic false god or Demiurge. This is where religious ideologies that go haywire just create complete devastation in our world. That's why the influence of religion has to really be watched.

Sabbatean Frankism has been described by some researchers as the historical roots of cultural Marxism and by others as the paradigm of the modern left. Communism, socialism, fascism, corporatism, and critical theory are all ideologically linked to Sabbatean Frankism, in that they all seek the inversion of moral values, and to replace them with irrational, destructive impulses and the satanic worldview that, “everything is permitted”.

Some researchers have postulated that Karl Marx himself may have subscribed to Sabbatean-Frankist ideology and purposefully built upon their ideas as a mechanism to ideologically subvert and eventually destroy Western civilization. As an ideology of inversion and destruction, which is exactly what Satanism is, Sabbatean-Frankism parallels the most famous quote from John Milton's Paradise Lost, “better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”. This is the very essence of the worldview and ideology of all dark occultism.

(00:40:17) Next let's take a look at the indoctrination system of the communists.

The Prussian educational system and outcome based education which was eventually adopted by just about every nation of Europe and eventually the United States.

The Prussian educational system was established in Prussia as a result of educational reforms in the late 18th and early 19th century and has had widespread influence since. The Prussian education system was introduced in the late 18th century and was significantly enhanced after Prussia's defeat in the Napoleonic Wars.

The Prussian educational reforms inspired similar changes in other countries and variations of it remain in widespread use today under various names. Characteristics of the Prussian education system included compulsory attendance, national testing for all students, a prescribed national curriculum for each grade, and mandatory kindergarten, all hallmarks of the modern US educational system.

It soon widely inspired educational models in other German states and a number of other countries including Japan and of course the United States. State-oriented mass education systems were instituted in the 19th century throughout the rest of Europe. The Prussian reforms in education spread quickly throughout Europe, particularly after the French Revolution.

This form of public education was subsequently widely institutionalized throughout the world and developed in parallel with nation-building. The basic foundations of the Prussian education system were laid out by Frederick II, King of Prussia, from 1772 to 1778.

Frederick II and others who furthered the Prussian system sought to take education out of the hands of family and transfer it to the state. Since independently educated individuals could not always be counted on to submit to government objectives, the Prussian system sought to create obedient soldiers for the Prussian army, obedient workers for Prussian mining, obedient civil servants for the Prussian government, obedient clerks for Prussian industry, and citizens who thought alike about all major political issues.

Subsequent nation states that adopted the Prussian model used this so-called education system, which is an indoctrination system, to build a powerful controlling state apparatus. Variations of the Prussian education system were adopted by both Germany and Russia, pre their totalitarian regimes, during and after their totalitarian regimes of Nazism and Communism.

In the 1840s, Horace Mann, the secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, who later became known as the father of American Education, traveled to Europe to study the Prussian system. Mann was seeking a way to change what he deemed unruly children into “disciplined citizens”, more like obedient citizens.

After assessing the Prussian model as an effective methodology to implement state-controlled education, Mann's next step was to sell the Prussian system to the American public in the name of equality. This would be done by convincing each US state to adopt a compulsory government school system to inform a “uniform education”, again, part of the communist manifesto, for the masses.

The primary goal of this system was not intellectual development, but rather to condition the students for obedience, subordination, and collectivism. In other words, social engineering.

Understanding these origins of mass public education, it becomes exceedingly clear why, “free education for all children in public schools” was a key plank of the Communist Manifesto.

The Prussian education system was the original model for what has come to be called outcome-based education, an educational model that bases education around desired outcomes for the student. By the end of the outcome-based educational experience, each student is to achieve a pre-planned goal set for them by the system. There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in outcome-based education. Instead, all aspects of the system are specifically designed to achieve specified student outcomes.

Thus, the role of the faculty in this system adapts to instructor, trainer, facilitator or mentor based on the outcome that is desired. This model should more properly be called a system of indoctrination since its main objective is to instill into students what it wishes for them to learn rather than teaching students proven methods for truth discovery such as the trivium method which was removed from public schooling.

It could be correctly described as what to learn instead of how to learn. Outcome-based educational methods have been adopted in education systems around the entire modern world including the United States which has had an outcome-based education program in place since 1994 at least.

(00:46:02) Let's look at Chinese communism and its influence in the modern world.

The Chinese Communist Party or CCP is the founding party and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China. It was founded on July 1st, 1921 by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, with the help of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Far Eastern Bureau of Communists International.

Both Marxism and the Bolshevik Revolution heavily inspired the Chinese Communist Party. Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao were among the first Chinese intellectuals to publicly support Leninism and the idea of a socialist world revolution. Both regarded the Bolshevik revolution in Russia as a groundbreaking event, believing it to herald a “new era”, how many times have we heard that today, for the world.

Chen Duxiu served as the first general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party from 1921 to 1928 and was referred to as China's Lenin. And there is Duxiu and Dazhao.

Mao Zedong became the chairman and dictator of the CCP in 1945. He described Chinese communism as Marxist Leninism applied and developed in China.

Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the CCP emerged victorious from the Chinese Civil War in 1949, after which Mao proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

Since then, the CCP has governed China and Mao Zedong continued to be its most influential member of the CCP until his death in 1976. Zedong attempted to purge the party of capitalist and reactionary elements during the Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1966. From 1958 to 1962, he instituted a five-year plan known as the Great Leap Forward. Build back better anyone? With catastrophic results.

In an effort to rapidly transform the Chinese economy into a form of centralized socialism, the Chinese Communist Party collectivized farmland, formed people's communes, and diverted labor to factories.

The CCP's complete mismanagement of China's food system subsequently led to the great Chinese famine. It's a preferred method of killing people in these systems, is to starve them out, collapse the food chain, collapse the food system and starve people to death.

The great Chinese famine resulted in an estimated 38 million deaths, making it the largest famine in recorded human history. The death count of Mao Zedong's regime, taking into account starvation due to famine and political executions, totaled at least 50 million people.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Eastern Bloc and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Chinese Communist Party has emphasized its relations with the ruling parties of the remaining socialist nations of the world, and has established relations with social democratic parties throughout all of Europe, especially in the UK and in the United States.

The CCP's current worldview continues to see human society as being organized into two opposing camps, socialist and capitalist, a complete materialist worldview, and insists that socialism on the basis of materialism will eventually triumph over capitalism.

The CCP also supports globalization, arguing that globalism is not an intrinsically capitalist ideology. Xi Xinping, the current leader of the Chinese Communist Party, remarked on what he called the inevitability of socialism, stating, “Western nations' theory that capitalism is the ultimate force has been shaken and socialist development has experienced a miracle”.

Western capitalism has suffered reversals, a financial crisis, a credit crisis, a crisis of confidence and their self-conviction has wavered.

Western countries have begun to reflect and openly or secretively compare themselves against China's politics, economy and path. As of 2023, the Chinese Communist Party has more than 98 million members, making it the second largest political party in the entire world.

Under the current rule of Xi Xinping, China has developed a social credit system and this is coming to the United States. A national digital registry which enables the Chinese Communist Party to track individuals and businesses and “evaluate them for trustworthiness”.

The social credit system rewards citizens in China for actions the CCP condones and punishes them for doing anything the CCP deems undesirable.

Since 2014, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked on a campaign of genocide against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities, detaining more than one million Uyghurs in internment camps. Under Xi Xinping's modern communist regime, China has been branded by Amnesty International as “the world's worst executioner”.

China often holds mass rallies to announce people being sentenced to death in medieval-style public trials. Chinese prosecutors litigating execution cases have a conviction rate of 99% and doom thousands of political prisoners to execution every year.

The CCP kills thousands of people every year using firing squads, lethal injections and mobile death vans, just like the Nazis. Firing squad executions were said to have been discontinued in 2010, but there are many examples that this practice still continues.

Lethal injections have taken over as the main form of execution in modern China, due to its cheaper cost and more secretive nature. Lethal injections were legalized by the CCP in the 1990s and since 2003 are sometimes administered via the Chinese Communist Party's mobile execution vans. I think I've heard something about this previously. But they're so different, which allow the execution of prisoners without having to even transport them to a jail.

Enemies of the state are loaded into a van, strapped to a table, and administered lethal injection. Organs are then harvested from executed prisoners without permission for use in medical and scientific experimentation. Contrary to what one may think, members of the public in China aren't even bothered by such forms of education by the Chinese Communist Party, but rather are largely in support of it.

The true numbers of those killed by the Chinese Communist Party every year are thought to be staggeringly high, probably into the many tens of thousands per year, but the Chinese Communist regime keeps those numbers closely concealed as state secrets.

Communism is still spreading all over the world.

It has not been defeated. It is still growing today, as is Nazism. These ideologies have not been stemmed or defeated. We could say we militarily defeated the Vermacht of the Nazis and even that is somewhat disputed as we'll see.

We definitely did not defeat Nazi ideology or communist ideology. They are still very much active and at work in the world today.


If you believe that as a historical framework you are sadly mistaken and do not know what really went on after World War II. What really went on after World War II was the Nazis that were left and the Communists shook hands behind the back of America and said America's gotta go.

Before any system of totalitarianism can succeed America has to be taken down from within and that's what they've been doing ever since in cooperation.

Citizens often focus on the personal histories of the villains of authoritarianism instead of the factors in their respective societies which made their rise possible.

Folks, if anybody wants to really know what leads to these regimes that kill tens of millions of people, you need only look in a mirror. People need only to look in a mirror to analyze what they themselves think and believe and how they have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated and led.

It's not the leaders, the fish doesn't stink from the head, as the popular saying goes. It isn't the leaders, it's the body of the people that's the problem. Because these so-called leaders come from human beings, they come from the people. And they're only doing what people ultimately in the very long term truly desire and want them to do.

And people can get as offended about that as they want. I tell people all the time, if people didn't want it this way, it wouldn't remain this way. They want it this way. They want it to continue. More people than not who will take action want it to remain the exact way that it is and most people sit with their hand under their rear end on their couch watching whatever nonsensical entertainment that they're watching and don't get involved. That's the reason these totalitarian ideologies continue to persist in our world.

The mindset still remains. While the political regimes of Nazism and Soviet Communism were either militarily dismantled or collapsed from their own failures, it is critically important to recognize that the most important component of these oppressive regimes continues largely unchallenged today, their mindset.

(00:57:47) The underlying ideologies of both these religious cults, which is what they are, two sides of the same coin of Satanism and dark occultism, include: collectivism, moral relativism, secularism, materialism, socialism, and authoritarianism.

And that those ideologies still dominate the entire political landscape and the psychology of the overwhelming majority of human beings in our world today.

This isn't something that happened past tense. This is something that is happening now and is still ongoing, and it rules in the mind of the people of this planet. That's where it has to be defeated. When people say, I want change in the external world, well, do you want to change your own mind? Do you want to change your own behavior?

Then you've got people sitting down with their hand under their ass. You know? They say they want change, but what do they really want to do to change within themselves, within their own mindset, within their own behaviors. Not a damn thing. And that's inexcusable and unacceptable.

The underlying ideologies, collectivism, still totally prominent. Moral relativism. I did a social experiment not that long ago, back in about 2019-2020. We found over two-thirds of people that we polled, no matter where we asked them, claim to be moral relativists and think that morality is just a construct that people can get to invent and arbitrarily decide right and wrong for themselves. Over two-thirds. We're moving past two-thirds. It was about 68% in our poll. 68% of human beings do not think there is an objective standard of right and wrong. Imagine this! And we think we're going to be free? We're heading straight to hell and we deserve to be there with numbers like that.

Materialism. How active is that in the world? Omnipresent. It's everywhere. And authoritarianism. How many people just support government, period, and don't understand that it's based on violence and coercion and is a form of covert slavery? The nerve of people supporting modern day slavery, you know, as if it wasn't difficult enough to stamp out chattel slavery, now we have an even more intrusive form of slavery because it holds sway over the mind and people can't even see it as a destructive religion. It's disgusting.

This is especially true in the psychology of young people. All of these ideologies completely dominate the mindset of the youth. Completely dominate their mind, because of what they're taught in what we laughingly call educational institutions, that are nothing but government indoctrination centers.

And young people sadly today lack the proper historical and philosophical education to place the evils of these ideologies into an accurate moral framework. And that's largely also because their parents ain't teaching them anything. Their parents are leaving their so-called laughably called education to the state and government-run schools.

This is Nazi Germany's entire surrender instrument right here. Three pages of double-spaced type with one Nazi general signing the document. No members of the Nazi Party were present for the instrument of surrender. One general of the German Vermacht was present.

This is the three pages of the German instrument of surrender which ended World War II in Europe, signed by General Alfred Jodl, Chief of Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command. There's his signature. He scribbled his last name, didn't even sign his full name. And people want us to believe that means that all of the Nazis surrendered and gave up their religious cult ideology. One scribbled signature of one German general. Yeah, sure it does.

But they didn't plunder all of the riches of Europe, which is a considerable fountain of wealth, throughout the second half of the 20th century, the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, and just completely parlayed that wealth wherever they went and escaped throughout the world to escape war crimes tribunals and just brought all of that wealth everywhere that they went and kept promulgating their ideology. No, that never happened.

They just said, you know what, you got us, you beat our military, we give up our religion, we renounce our satanic religion, it was our bad, sorry about that. Yeah, sure. Yeah, okay.

I mean, how dumb are people to believe this? You know? I'll tell you what, you know, making this presentation, I'll just as an aside real quick tell you, making this presentation so sickened me that I cried several times. I broke down in tears several times while making this presentation.

Not even because of the horrors that I was researching, but because of the realization over and over and over again, while I'm laying all this content out, that human beings have largely learned nothing as a result of all of this historical horror. And we are absolutely in line to repeat every bit of it. And that sickened me to the core of my being many times while making this presentation.

(01:03:46) Operation Paperclip.

Following their military defeat in World War II, many Nazis fled to parts of Europe, Africa and South America. What is lesser historically known is that many of them were deliberately brought into the United States by a top secret US government program.

Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which thousands of German scientists, engineers, technicians, medical professionals and so-called educators, were taken from Nazi Germany to the United States between 1945 and 1959 for government employment in their respective fields.

Operation Paperclip was overseen by the Joint Intelligent Objectives Agency, JIOA, and largely carried out by special agents of the US Army Counterintelligence Corps. This also was in joint operation with the Office of Strategic Services which eventually became the United States CIA.

Many of the personnel brought into the US were members of the Nazi Party and some were even Nazi Party leaders, Reich leaders. Modern-day neo-Nazism, and it is more prevalent than anybody would be comfortable believing. And you know what, where it's very prevalent still? Even in the modern so-called freedom movement. Because you have so many people buying this absolute crap PSYOP that the Nazis weren't as bad as they're historically made out to be. It's completely disgusting and the people that fall for that PSYOP are as dumb as a bag of crap and should be completely ashamed of themselves.

They should know better because there's such ubiquitous, ample historical documentation from a wide, eclectic variety of sources to support what really went on during Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia and other communist nations that anybody that can't grasp that historical framework is an idiot.

And I don't care who that offends, get as offended as you want about it. Because this whole program of excusing the Nazis for what they did, specifically them, is outrageous in the so-called truth movement. Just because some idiot makes a documentary about how bad the bombing of Dresden was, and the Allies were then the bad guys suddenly.

People have no historical framework and no understanding of how actual military and warfare operations work. The Dresden bombing is an example of still completely controlled military operation. It's not even what is called total war.

When that gets underway, it will make Dresden look like you're sitting down having a little piece of cake and tea. And that's what people have no historical framework or understanding of from certainly a combat or military perspective. And I didn't see combat like that in my life, but I've studied it so much that I could probably be a general on a battlefield with what I know about military tactics.

Neo-Nazism is a modern social and political movement that seeks to revive and reinstate the ideology of Nazism in the world today.

Most adherents of Neo-Nazism, Neo-Nazi ideology, promote racism, ultra-nationalism, Aryan racial supremacy , anti-Semitism, holocaust denial, which is gigantic in the so-called truth movement, it's disgusting, eugenics, and the creation of fascist nation-states in the modern world in order to constitute a “fourth Reich”. These are brain-dead cultists, is what they are.

And so are modern communists. There's no difference between them. They're all cut from the same immoral cloth.

Neo-Nazism is a global phenomenon with organizations operating through international networks around the world. The religious zealots of this modern day cult regularly display Nazi symbols and openly express admiration for Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders.

Ongoing psychological operations, or PSYOPs, waged against the public to discredit the modern freedom movement include the effort to portray Hitler and the Nazis as the “good guys of World War II”.

This effort is so omnipresent that you can barely escape it and escape hearing about it constantly in the modern truth movement. It's sick! Sick!

(01:09:00) Let's look at the Ukrainian Azov battalion of the modern Ukraine.

The Azov battalion or Azov assault brigade is a formation of the National Guard of Ukraine founded in May 2014 as a volunteer paramilitary militia. The Azov battalion has drawn attention in recent time for its association with neo-Nazi ideology and its use of symbols that are incontrovertibly linked to Nazism.

The Azov battalion has also been widely accused of participating in many actions of human rights violations over the last decade.

Ukraine, as part of the Eastern Front Theater of War during World War II, was geographically and ideologically divided in the war's aftermath. The literal name of the country of Ukraine simply means borderland, literally.

Nazi troops who had made significant incursions into the western half of Ukraine during the war, largely decided to stay there and resettle there after the Nazi military surrender, primarily to avoid having to go back to Germany and face war crimes tribunals at Nuremberg.

This puts into perspective the Azov battalion's neo-Nazi ideology and its continued use of prominent Nazi symbols.

The Azov battalion's main brigade patch shown there in yellow, this yellow and purple, displays the symbols of the Wolfsangel, the wolf's anchor, displays the symbol of the Wolfsangel, the wolf's anchor.

The Wolfsangel was the Gabor rune, the final rune of the Armannan-Vatarc rune system of Nazi ideological precursor Guido von List.

The Gabor rune, or the Wolfsangel, represented the Norse wolf god of destruction Fenris, hence it's called the Wolf's Anchor.

Fenris, it represented the Wolf God of Destruction Fenris and the Ragnarok, the concept of the Ragnarok or the Norse conceptualization of the end of the world. It was the main symbol, the Wolfsangel, was the main symbol used by the Nazis Waffen SS 2nd Panzer Division which took part in several major battles on the Eastern Front during World War II.

Ladies and gentlemen, these aren't Neo-Nazis, they are the progeny of Nazis who fought in World War II and remained in the Ukraine in the war's aftermath not to face war crimes tribunals.

Even more blatantly, the Azov battalion has openly displayed both the Nazi swastika and the symbol of the Black Sun, the inner occult order of the Schutzstaffel on both its military regalia and its propaganda publications.

So here you see the Azov battalion's brigade patch with the symbol of the Wolfsangel compared to the Waffen SS Second Panzer Division insignia with a slightly different variation of the Wolfsangel or Gibor rune of the Armannenfurtark.

Here you see members of the Azov battalion giving the Hitler salute, the Nazi salute while flying a flag of the Vermacht. This is the Vermacht flag that I displayed earlier in the presentation except it has the Ukrainian national colors instead of the Nazi colors. And there you see the regiment displaying the banner of the Wolfsangel, the Gibor rune.

And Gibor represented destruction, annihilation, the end of the world. That's what it represented. It was it was the symbol of Fenris, the wolf god, and here you see a publication, a magazine that supports the Azov battalion, a Ukrainian magazine, and they're blatantly displayed in the middle at the top is the black sun symbol.

It is prominent on the Azov battalion's main battle regalia insignia shown there both the Nazi black Sun in the background and the Wolfsangel in the foreground.

It can't get any more blatant than that folks, okay, and yet people continue to make excuses for this neo-Nazi Force that is still active today.

(01:13:54) Let's look at fascism in modern Satanism.

And I know a lot about this because I was very actively involved in the Church of Satan while this type of propaganda was being put forth. Highly active at this point. This magazine is like right around the time that I became appointed priest in the Church of Satan itself.

They had a publication called The Black Flame. And again, there you have references to the black sun. This is Black Flame, Volume 4, Number 3 and 4, the International Forum, or International Magazine of the Church of Satan.

And these are advertisements that were run by satanic organizations in the late 1990s in the Black Flame magazine. So here you see organizations which ran ads in the Black Flame, and they promoted fascism, look right here, fierce fascism, eternal, nature's eternal fascism, it says on the right there, and in the middle one, fierce fascism for these satanic groups, and depicting well-known fascist symbolism.

From very early on in the presentation today, we saw the symbol of the Fasces and there they are right there on either side of the Armanen Ingus rune, another rune of the Armanen Fatah of Guido von List. And of course the Wolfsangel.

This organization right here is actually the Abraxas foundation that was run by Nikola Shrek, the grandson of the high priest of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey. He married his daughter, Zina LaVey and was, I mean, the Satanists hated this guy, because he was one of the biggest blabbermouths about the satanic agenda in public media. He just wanted to come out and just say exactly what they were doing. He didn't care at all. Just let the unwashed masses that are going to be our eternal slaves, hear what our plan is for them.

And I guarantee you, the higher ranking Satanists are like, this... he needs to shut up! You know? They hated this dude for it. Okay? He eventually did leave the Church of Satan, and, believe it or not, came out of his satanic ideology, you know, as did I, but he didn't go all the way to an understanding of natural law, he basically converted to become a Mahayana Buddhist.

And I think it's sincere. A lot of people say, oh is that a front? Is he just trying to work through Buddhism to implement Satanism? No I don't think so. I think he eventually tired of the ideology and saw its ultimate destructiveness and just went toward a religious institution instead of toward natural law.

But there he was a big fan of the Wolfsangel symbol, displayed it all the time on patches, on rings that he wore. It was a very prominent symbol used by Satanism during this time period and we just saw it used by the Azov battalion.

So there's tons of fascist movements within the modern satanic movement today. Blatantly, in your face, proud of it. See, these people aren't even hiding it anymore. They're coming right out in your face and saying, we're fascists, we're socialists, we're communists, we're Nazis. They don't care and they're blatant about it and proud of their ideologies. They're proud of having satanic ideologies and wanting to bring all of these horrors back to the modern world.

And they're going to succeed. They're going to succeed. Because if the engagement of the modern truth movement and so-called freedom movement, which is a laughable, pitiable effort, is all we can muster, they're going to win. And they deserve to win. And I've got to say it and just be honest about it, just like that. Because there is not enough effort on our part. There just isn't.

I'm busting my ass doing what I can, but I cannot do it alone, and I've been begging people for help for years and years and years, and the people who have come to that call is laughably small. And that's all I'll say about it, I won't keep berating with it.

(01:18:25) Communism did not fall with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Once again if you think that you lack a historic, an accurate historic framework. Communism is still very much alive and well throughout the entire world driven largely by Marxist socialism and materialism. There is an internationalist an international network of communist organizations with tens of millions of members operating throughout the world today. Conservative estimate tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions. It's certainly in the tens of millions.

Communists, socialists, and those who support the ideologies which have led to the extermination of tens of millions of people in the 20th century alone are everywhere among us, and still cling to this destructive cult with absolute religious fervor. All around us.

All you need to do is go right into Philadelphia on your way back to wherever your travels are going to lead you and go around just asking people and they'll be all too happy to tell you that they're communists. There are so many socialist and communist organizations in Philadelphia alone, you can't even count them. They have meet-up groups all over the place, all over the place, every day meeting, to continue to conspire and plan for their socialist revolution of destruction of all forms of property.

They want to give all the resources over to the state, to the government to manage. We see how well communist Russia handled all of that and how well communist China handled all of it. They only murdered about 90 million people. It was a resounding success how they managed human society.

These people are intellectual infants and spiritual infants on top of it. They are about as dumb as a sack of bricks. I'm serious. And it's all young people, all young idiots that still believe this nonsense from Marx and that came out of the Bavarian Illuminati and other secret societies of the 17th, 18th and 1900s.

And they can’t see it because they have no historical framework, because they're uneducated fools. They're uneducated fools that are illiterate. They don't read. They don't read books. They don't read the right books. They're dumb. And I'll just say it just like that because that's the fact of the matter truth of it.

And the problem is, we're failing as parents. The whole generation that is around our age of people are raising these young idiots. We're not doing what we need to do to morally and historically educate them. And that's why this is continuing rapidly in the modern world. And it's disgusting and it's going to lead to tens of millions, if not billions of deaths, if we don't stop it.

Their ultimate objective and ideology is neo-feudalism and I'm talking about Nazism and communism here. Both Nazism and Communism, and I titled the the subtitle of this is called the old religion is the new religion. Nothing has changed. It's just been euphemized a little bit and given a different euphemistic name, but it's the same old world order system of control, of authoritarianism.

Both Nazism and Communism, as arms of the same root religious cult of Satanism and the dark occult, operate through globalism, the centralization of political power in the world. And they both seek to create a world based upon neo-feudalism.

You heard this over and over and over from von List saying openly he wanted neo-feudalism to communists saying we want the eradication of all private property and an institution of something that would resemble a feudal system.

Neo-feudalism is a worldwide governmental system of slavery, which ultimately deprives all human beings of property ownership and the Nazis may have claimed that they were going to uphold property ownership but did they do that in practice? No, because it was a system of socialism as well. It was just national socialism within one nation and then expanding militarily to adjacent nations.

Communists did it internationally through a campaign of cultural infiltration and subversion called cultural Marxism. The fact that people just can't see this is so mind boggling. It's mind staggering. It's staggering to the mind. I can't even believe that people cannot see these patterns and recognize that they are at work in our world today.

(01:23:43) Under neo-feudalism, all property is ultimately owned and controlled by the supreme authority or governmental system, a satanic ruling class based upon the belief in human authority, whose whims are to become godlike and not to be challenged by the slaves over which they rule.

That's the new world order system they're trying to create.

The old system of authority was kingship or royalty. And I ask people, this concept of authority vested in one being and then commanding everybody else, what was called the old world order, and by the way, there's nothing orderly about it. It is old, it is ancient as a matter of fact. It goes back to the dawn of human antiquity. There is nothing orderly about it.

When you see the word order in any of their publications, writings or concepts, you should substitute the word order for the word control, with the word control. This is the old world control system, the old world slavery. Substitute order with slavery because that is their version of order. The satanic version of order is human slavery. Okay?

So, this is old world slavery. And I ask people, was kingship ever moral? No matter how beneficent a king claimed to be, is the rulership of one person over tens of thousands or millions of other people, can that ever be moral?

Monarchy and kingship and royalty can never be moral. It's one person's claim that they own everybody else and they can dictate their lives. That's slavery.

Slavery in every form that has ever existed in humanity is morally wrong. It's based in violence, it's based in duress, it's based in coercion, it's immoral, it's wrong. It should be abolished.

Kingship is just a euphemism for slavery. When people tired of the old world system of slavery, what did the rulers do? They feigned social change, they faked it, and said we're bringing in a new system whereby the people are the rulers, they control the authority, the authoritative body. And what's that called? That's called government. Let's bring government in as the new religion.

It's the same as the old religion, it's the same as the old slavery system. The new world order is exactly identical to the old world order. We've just changed the names and we've put a nice euphemistic mask on the face, just like the Satanists did with Nazism and Communism. It's all a sack of junk and crap that needs to be thoroughly and resoundingly, ideologically, philosophically and spiritually rejected.

So government can never be moral. It is entirely based in coercion, duress and violence. It is the idea of authority just vested in a few. We just went from one ruler to transferring the authority and the violence into a handful of people, an oligarchy, and call them government, euphemistically. It's the same system of slavery that has always existed among humanity. Nothing has changed because the mindset hasn't changed.

And until the mindset hasn't changed, expect the same results that we've witnessed throughout human history. Mass death, mass executions, total depopulation, and a total iron fist coming down on human beings’ face. That's what's coming.

(01:27:50) There is perhaps no better modern example of the Neo-Fascist, Neo-Communist, and Neo-Feudalist model for the world, of human slavery, than the agenda of the World Economic Forum.

Led by dark occultists and social engineers and trans-humanists, I might add, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, who most people have probably never heard of. This room probably has heard of these sick, psychopathic Satanists, but the average person in the world probably does not know who these people are. Okay?

Led by dark occultists and social engineers, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum's motto, this is a world think tank trying to bring in a complete totalitarian regime that they call the Great Reset, their motto, before being removed from their website due to a preponderance of negative criticism when they put it on their website, was literally the neo-feudal dystopian creed “you'll own nothing and you'll be happy”.

You see folks, I don't wait for things to get taken down. I download them. I don't let them sit on the website and go, “that'll be here next week”.

That's the image from the World Economic Forum's website. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. You'll be a happy slave who's not allowed to own any property, that doesn't even own themselves or their own mind. You'll love it. You'll love your bondage. You'll love your chains. This is how sick these Satanists are.

Since self-ownership and property rights are the inherent foundation of natural law, the moral law of the universe, if the right to own property is removed from human beings, all rights are removed from human beings as well.

All rights are property rights. Our right to life is our property. My life is my property. Your life is your property. Freedom is a property right. Free will is property. My things are my property.

There's a reason this computer belongs to me. My stuff is on it. I'm taking care of it. I acquire it lawfully without harming others. There’s entire aspects and characteristics of what constitutes property and ownership. And I've gone through them extensively in my podcast and in the natural law seminar, which I'm going to talk about momentarily.

But the concept here is these people want no property. That's the basis of both national and international socialism. All socialism advocates for the abolition of private property. If property is removed, all human rights are removed with it. That's not my opinion, that's not an ideological viewpoint, that's the objective reality in nature. I just happen to understand it, whereas most people don't.

Defeating dark occult dialectic cults once and for all. These are dialectical cults, pushing people with one wing into total extermination and with the other wing coming around from the other side and pushing them into the same extermination camp.

It's just a dialectic and it leads to the same place. Don't fall for the dialectic. We have to change our mind. We have to rise above, educationally and morally rise above these ideologies.

Here is the worst possible mindset that one can take in the modern world. And you hear this all the time by morons. It can't happen today.

Let me get the inflection right.

It can't happen today. I think I got that right. I think that exactly sounds like these people. Right?

Not only can't it not happen today, it can happen today. And not only can it happen today, ladies and gentlemen, it is happening today. It is occurring right now while we sit here.

The dark occult sorcerers have manipulated human consciousness into a dialectic by which they choose their death sentence, whether they choose it through the right arm or the left arm is absolutely of no consequence or meaning. They are choosing self-extermination by continuing to even believe in the ideologies that lead to the formation of these cults. Collectivism, materialism, secularism, postmodernism, moral relativism, and on and on.

We have to stamp these out in the mind and in the heart and in the soul. They can't be eradicated even through violent revolution. We need a transformation of consciousness to take place within. Or these sorcerers are going to rule over us forever. And it isn't really going to be forever because they'll extinct us eventually. They're going to get a billion people in the next human reset. That's my, there's my prognostication. That's my prediction for the world.

In the next human reset that they implement, and they're going to implement it successfully, they're going to kill off a minimum of one billion souls. You mark my words.

The problem is, ladies and gentlemen, it has always been this way and it's no different today. We are not different from the Nazis and the Soviets and the Communists and the Bolsheviks, etc. We are cut from the same moral cloth, or immoral cloth, as the case should be. Most people today think in an overly optimistic and quite unrealistic fashion when attempting to compare the modern moral state of human beings to those who conducted and took part in the human atrocities of the Nazi and communist regimes.

The truth of the matter is far more sobering. The vast majority of people today are no different at all in their immoral state of consciousness when compared to the totalitarians of the past. We are raising children in that capacity. We are advocating for these immoral systems of behavior. We are not speaking out against evil when we see it blatantly occurring in our world.

They are cut from the exact same immoral cloth and there is an abundance of evidence supporting this very sad and very unfortunate conclusion and I'm going to present some of that evidence.

(01:35:27) One of the first things people should really look at to show we're in no better of a moral situation than the Nazis were, is the Milgram experiments.

The Milgram experiments were a series of social psychology experiments on obedience to authority figures conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of participants in this psychological study to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience.

Participants were led to believe that they were assisting in an unrelated experiment in which they had to administer electric shocks to an unseen learner that was behind a curtain or a wall divide. These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been administered for real.

The experiment found that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey their given orders with every single participant in the study going up to 300 volts of electricity which could permanently damage a human being's central nervous system, but not completely kill them, and at least 65% again, very close to the numbers that I've measured in social experiments regarding moral relativism, about two-thirds, even slightly over two-thirds, in this instance, 65% of participants went all the way up to the deadly shock of 450 volts, which would kill a human being, if administered for real.

The Milgram experiments began three months, only three months after the start of the trial of German Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, who was very instrumental in the extermination campaign of the Jews.

Milgram devised this psychological study to explain the psychology of genocide and to answer the question were the accomplices of the Holocaust “just following orders” or were they morally culpable for their actions. They were following their orders and they were still morally culpable is the truth of that the answer to that question.

The Milgram experiments were repeated many times all around the world since the original experiments back in, I believe it was the 1960s or 70s probably the 60s, and right up to contemporary times these experiments have been repeated with statistically identical results today.

Nothing has changed.

We're no more moral than the Nazis were. We're no more moral than the Soviets were. Humanity hasn't changed a bit. It hasn't graduated from its spiritual infancy. It hasn't understood what true morality is and not to support violence and coercion of governmental systems. We are still cut from the same, tragically immoral cloth that the Nazis and Communists ever were.

(01:38:55) Another experiment that proves this was the Stanford Prison Experiment, a psychological experiment conducted in August of 1971 by a research team at Stanford University led by the psychology professor Philip Zimbardo.

The experiment was a two-week, or scheduled to be a two-week simulation of a prison environment that examined the psychological dynamics of such an environment upon its participants' behavior.

Participants in the psychological experiment were recruited from the local community to take part in a “psychological study of prison life”.

Volunteers were then randomly assigned to act as either prisoners or prison guards. The volunteers selected to be guards were given uniforms specifically to de-individuate them, and were instructed to do whatever was necessary to maintain control over the prisoners and to prevent them from escaping.

Over just five days, the guards' abuse of the prisoners, both psychological and physical, became so brutal that the experiment had to be stopped prematurely and could not even be continued into two weeks. This showed that given, “authority over others”, most human beings are extremely quick to completely abuse that so-called power and turn brutally violent toward their subordinates.

And this experiment has been repeated in different places and times throughout the world with again statistically identical results.

The people who ultimately make every single system of slavery and every single totalitarian regime possible are order followers. I don't care what industry, I don't care what institution we're talking about, the military, the police, medicine, government, education, you name it, if you're following orders, you're not following conscience. If you're following orders, you're not following conscience.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you are following orders, you can NOT be following conscience and doing what is right.

Following orders means doing what you are told to do without first judging for yourself whether or not the action you are being ordered to carry out is morally right or wrong. If an individual is following orders, it is a complete impossibility. Let me just state this unequivocally again. If someone is following orders, it is a complete impossibility for that individual to be exercising conscience.

Conscience is the knowledge of the difference between right and wrong behavior, and the exercise of conscience is willfully choosing right behavior over wrong behavior.

If you are not actively engaged for yourself in that process, you cannot possibly be doing what is right. Following orders, by definition, means that you are just acting upon someone else's command and you are not doing that moral process within.

If an individual is following orders, it is a complete impossibility for that individual to be exercising conscience, since, by definition, exercising conscience means that one is willfully choosing for themselves right action over wrong action.

Order followers skip that process. They don't perform that process of weighing the action and whether it is moral or not. They just go straight to the behavior, straight to following the order and conducting the action. That's the very definition of what it means to follow an order.

The old tired line, I was just following orders, is never, ever a valid excuse or justification for immoral criminal behavior. And this lame attempt to abdicate personal responsibility by saying that you're just following orders, should never be accepted by anyone as a valid excuse for immoral behavior regardless of who is performing the behavior, whether it is police, military, government, educators, people in medicine, etc.

I was just following orders is never a justification for immoral behavior and should never be accepted as a justification by anyone who considers themselves a truly moral and good human being.

The painful yet unwavering truth of the matter is that the ordinary follower, and this is unwaveringly true and if you don't think so, you're wrong, and you need to think it through in a more logical and calm progression until you get the right answer. Because there is a right answer regarding this. There is a truth regarding this. It's not a matter of opinion, or perspective, or interpretation.

The painful yet unwavering truth of the matter, is that the order-follower always bears more moral culpability than the order giver. Let me say that again. The order follower always bears more moral culpability, meaning more blame of who actually conducted the action and brought the harm into reality and manifestation. The order follower’s who does that, so they bear more moral culpability than the order giver.

That doesn't make the order giver off the hook. That doesn't put them off the hook. They have moral culpability too. But without the order follower, the harm doesn't get conducted in the real world, you see. Without the order follower, the order giver is a ravening madman telling people at random, go out and do this for me, go out and do this immoral behavior for me. And what people should do is look at him and go, no dude, you're nuts, we're not doing that. That's it. Very simple. Say no to evil. Say no to evil.

That's the word of all power. That's the lost word of Freemasonry. No.

The order follower always bears more moral culpability than the order giver, because the order follower is the one who actually performs the immoral action. And in taking such immoral action, actually brings the resultant harm into physical manifestation in the world.

Order following is the pathway to every form of evil and chaos in our world. It should never be seen as a virtue by anyone who considers themselves a moral human being. Obedience is not a virtue, ladies and gentlemen. Obedience is not a virtue.

Order followers have ultimately been personally responsible and morally culpable for every form of slavery and every single totalitarian regime that has ever existed upon the face of the earth. That is a true statement, not a matter of opinion. If you don't like it, I couldn't give a damn. Get as offended as you like.

This is the result of just following orders. And take a good, hard, cold look at it, because you're going to see it. You're going to see it manifest in this world in your lifetime if we don't rapidly, rapidly, change the consciousness of a large portion of human beings on this planet.

(01:47:14) The only solution to human slavery is a spiritual solution. There is no other solution.

We have to change our consciousness from within. To solve the problem of human slavery, which is the result of immoral actions and driven by immoral beliefs, such as Nazism and Communism and many other immoral beliefs that we've talked about here today, the human species requires a complete revolution of conscience based upon principles.

This is what we need a revival of. We need a revival of true principles in our lives. The word principle is derived from the Latin noun principia which means first, chief, most important among things. Principles are the first and most important of all truths.

Moral principles must first be learned, then taught to others, and eventually made common sense knowledge among the whole human population. And we are failing miserably at that job, miserably failing at it. Because look at the result of the people and the ideologies all around us.

We have blatant Nazism and blatant Communism, especially Socialism and Communism throughout the entire world. And that's because as parents, people have not done their moral diligence and duty to raise properly their children in a moral capacity. They haven't raised them.

Moral principles must first be learned, then taught to others, and eventually made common sense knowledge among the human population before any true positive change can ever be manifested in human society. Principles have to come first. We have to put those first things first in our lives.

Here's the real answer here folks in one sentence. Become truly enlightened regarding objective morality and natural law first. Then teach those principles to other people publicly. That is the solution, as simple as it can be stated, that is the solution to human slavery.

Natural law is the master key. It is the key that unlocks all the doors on all the gates of all the prisons in human life.

(01:49:55) Natural law is a set of universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of the behaviors of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior. In other words, beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence.

This law in the universe governs our actions, of the actions that we choose to conduct in the world. We make our decisions based on information that we input into our minds, then we act in the world, our behavior is either moral or immoral, and we receive the consequences through the process of natural law.

This is how all laws of attraction of our reality function.

The understanding of natural law is centered upon bringing human conscience into alignment with objective morality. So in other words, we have to bring our knowledge of what is truly right and what is truly wrong into true alignment with natural law, the governing dynamics dynamics of morality.

Conscience is the definitive knowledge of which behaviors are rights because they do not initiate harm to other sentient beings and which behaviors are wrongs because they do initiate harm to other sentient beings.

The fundamental nature of the human condition of slavery is that most human beings do not have a full and accurate understanding of objective morality, the definitive difference between right behavior and wrong behavior. They don't have that knowledge.

It sounds strange to even word it in just simplistic terms. The reason we're enslaved is because most human beings don't truly know the difference between right and wrong. That's why we're enslaved. We are enslaved as a species because the majority of people on this planet simply don't have the knowledge of which behaviors are rights and which behaviors are wrongs. And a species like that should not only be ashamed of themselves, they deserve everything that's coming toward them. Every single thing is richly deserved.

Let me tell you something, folks. The universe is not broken. The universe does not operate upon chaos. It operates upon law. The universe is working perfectly. It's human beings that are fucked up. Make no mistake about it.

This ignorance of natural law then leads human beings to erroneously believe that human behaviors that are based upon the belief in authority are somehow morally legitimate and acceptable, when they are absolutely not morally legitimate at all. As a result, many, many behaviors which most human beings conduct and condone are completely out of alignment with natural law, which leads to the continuation and furtherance of human slavery.

This dynamic is expressed in the natural law of freedom, which states aggregate morality and aggregate freedom are directly proportional to each other. And I'm going to actually write a scientific paper that I'm going to actually try to have peer-reviewed in a scientific journal about the law of freedom. It might be one of my next major projects.

This is the law of freedom under natural law. Freedom is governed by a law in creation. The aggregate or collective freedom of human beings is directly proportional to the aggregate morality of their behavior. As morality of a group of people increases, that body of people's freedom increases. As their morality declines and they progressively conduct and condone more and more immoral behavior, they become more and more enslaved.

This is a law in nature. It is a law that exists in the natural world, just like gravity, just like electricity, electromagnetism. It is no different than any other physical law. It just operates upon our behavior. And that is harder to see, because it operates on our behavior over time in the aggregate sense of humanity as a species. See, this is the law of karma, folks. This is how spiritual karma over a whole species operates.

Karma doesn't work the way it does in the cartoons. There's no such thing as instant karma. You don't steal from somebody's wallet. You walk outside and a safe drops on your head. It doesn't work like that. Sorry, but that's not how it works.

Collective immorality builds up over time within the population and then collective freedom is slowly degraded and eroded over time. It happens almost imperceptibly. See, there is a very significant time dilation dynamic within natural law. That is what makes it an occult law. That is what makes it difficult to see with the eyes and just the average human mind.

You have to have really large perspective of time to study human history and to study the aggregate states of humanity over long periods of time. You have to have systems level overview. That's why the occultists loved me and wanted me. I'm very good at those dynamics. I gauged them very accurately before I even crunched numbers. I could just see it in my mind, the proportion and how it works.

And they want that, that's what they want. If I wanted to, I probably could... I have 154 IQ. I probably easily could have been an actuary and made millions of dollars. Actuaries are people who do that type of systems analytics for a living, mostly for Fortune 500 companies. They can see big patterns that are extant in society and societal trends. I probably could have done that because I have that type of an analysis capability of my mind and that's why the occultists were grooming me.

So anyway, at some point I want to actually formalize this in a scientific way and actually bring an equation into this dynamic. There is an actual mathematical equation of the law of freedom and this is it. The sum of human aggregate freedom is directly proportional to the sum of moral behavior as it goes from zero to infinity. Very simple summation equation. Very similar to the sum of the forces equals the sum of the masses times the acceleration. It's just like a physics formula. So I'm going to attempt to formalize this at some point.

For more information about natural law, I highly recommend that you go to my website, if you're not already intimately familiar with it, and certainly watch my feature-length documentary called “Mark Passio and the Science Natural Law” and my 8.5 hour seminar called “Natural Law, the real law of attraction and how to apply it in your life”.

Those can both be found for free on or purchased in hard copy form.

Enacting the solution or in other words doing the one great work of ending human slavery.

(01:58:00) The one great work of ending human slavery can only be accomplished once enough people learn the knowledge of objective morality and natural law, then teach it to others.

A massive effort of moral education must be conducted by widely and freely communicating and publishing that critical knowledge via all forms of modern media for all human beings to learn.

This occult knowledge is the birthright of every human being and it is our moral obligation to see that that knowledge is disseminated widely and freely among the human population, because that's the only way we're ever going to win this war for our freedom and our souls.

And if we do that, we might, might, still, even at this late hour, stand a fighting chance against these sorcerers of consciousness, who willed their occult knowledge to create and maintain these cults of political power that are just masks on the same face of worldwide Satanism.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your kind attention today.


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What on earth is happening (WOEIH) -> transcriptions 4 study
The state and Satan are the same thing. This section is about various state shenanigans, psy-ops, distractions, misdirections, misinformation, and disinformation, threats of violence and/or actual use thereof, that ALL so-called "nations" use to mind control their populations.