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Two Masks, same Face: The dark occult origins of Nazism & Communism (part 2)


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Two Masks Part 2
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1) (00:00:52) German citizens aided the Gestapo

The Gestapo committed widespread atrocities during its entire existence. Joseph Goebbels was their main man. The power of the Gestapo was used to focus upon political opponents, ideological dissenters, and above all, Jews. Ordinary German citizens reported on their countrymen, which greatly aided their tyranny. (This site author’s note: sounds similar to reporting on citizens for NOT wearing a COVID diaper to shut your fucking dissenting voice regarding COVID lies!)

2) (00:06:09) Alfred Rosenberg

Another main Gestapo man.

3) (00:12:31) Heinrich Himmler

Dark occult SS man, Hitler’s protection squadron.

4) (00:18:03) Karl Maria Wiligut

Another dark occulist and leading figure of the religion of Irminism.


5) (00:29:11) Eugenics

One of the underlying ideologies of both Nazism and Satanism is eugenics.

(00:40:09) NAZIS “GOD-COMPLEX”

6) (00:50:13) The Final Solution

The 1942 decision to murder ALL Jews throughout Europe.

7) (00:57:07) Nazi Occult Tech

Nazi technology, the inner order within the inner order, and Hans Kammler, high ranking Nazi that almost nobody has heard about.

8) (01:02:12) Inner Order

The inner order of the inner order of the Nazi party was Die Schwarz Sonne, the cult of the Black Sun.


9) (01:10:03) Karl Marx

Most think Communism started with Marx, but it does NOT.

10) (01:17:39) The Anti-Christ

Karl Marx was a type of “anti-christ”, being who is responsible for the spread of false and harmful information, if acted upon. So, anti-christ simply means against truth, aka spreading completely false, illusory, and harmful ideologies throughout the population.

11) (01:19:57) Frederick Engels

Frederick Engels was a German ideologue, political theorist, revolutionary socialist, and another example of an “anti-christ”. He was a businessman and the closest friend and collaborator of Karl Marx.

(01:24:46) 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto

12) (01:30:00) The Jacobin Club

The secret society called “The Jacobin Club” was the first well-known, and probably the most influential occult secret society.

13) (01:36:55) The Carbonari

Another secret society that really paved the way for socialism and communism throughout Europe was “The Carbonari”, also known as the charcoal burners, a revolutionary secret society active in Italy from about 1800 to 1831.

14) (01:41:12) The Philadelphs

One of the most important political secret societies of the 19th century, the Philadelphs, began in 1797 as a student literary club in eastern France. It utilized rituals modeled on other fraternal secret societies, mainly Freemasonry.

15) (01:43:31) Philippe Buonarotti

Philippe Buonarotti, an Italian utopian socialist, Freemason, conspirator, and secret society leader.

16) (01:46:10) The Sublime Perfect Masters

In 1808 Buonarotti organized the secret society called, “The Sublime Perfect Masters”, the first international secret society of the 19th century, and plotted a continent-wide revolution to establish socialist governments, and to abolish private property throughout Europe. One of the most important foundational occultic revolutionaries of his time, Buonarotti paved the way for both the French Revolution and eventually the Bolshevik Revolution.

17) (01:53:16) Louis Auguste Blanqui

Blanqui was a French socialist and political activist notable for his revolutionary theory of Blanquism. Blanqui was a member of the Carbonari Secret Society since 1824 and took an active part in most political conspiracies of his time. Blanqui's uncompromising radicalism and his determination to enforce it by violence brought him into conflict with every French government during his lifetime and as a consequence he spent half of his life in prison.

18) (01:56:45) The League of Outlaws

Another very influential revolutionary secret society, a German revolutionary secret society founded in Paris in 1834 by a group of German exiles. Its founder Theodor Schuster drew most of his ideas from earlier secret societies such as the Carbonari, and the Philadelphs, and from the writings of Felipe Buonarroti, one of the most influential revolutionists of his time.

19) (01:58:54) The League of the Just

Originally headquartered in Paris and was largely composed of German emigrants.

20) (02:00:57) Wilhelm Weitling

Prominent leader within “The League of the Just”, Weitling, a German radical political activist and one of the first theorists of communism, proclaimed himself a “social Luther” and denounced private property.

21) (02:05:49) Karl Schapper

One of the main members of the Communist League and instrumental to its creation, Karl Schapper was a German socialist and communist. He was one of the pioneers of communism in Germany and a close associate of Karl Marx.

22) (02:09:17) Giuseppe Mazzini

Mazzini was the spearhead of the Italian revolutionary movement. His efforts helped bring about a unified Italy in place of separate states in the 19th century.

(02:15:46) The Order of the Illuminati

23) (02:17:08) The Bavarian order of the Illuminati

The Bavarian order of the Illuminati, also known as the Enlightened Ones, was founded by Adam Weishaupt on Beltane, May 1st, 1776, the same year that the American Revolution kicked off in earnest. Its formal name was, “The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria,” but soon changed its name to the Order of the Illuminati.

24) (02:44:20) The Bolshevik revolution

Secret societies and social engineers directly fomented the Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Bolshevism and the rise of Vladimir Lenin. Bolshevism is a revolutionary socialist current of Soviet Leninist and later Marxist-Leninist political thought, and a political regime associated with the formation of a rigidly centralized, cohesive and disciplined party of social revolution focused on overthrowing an existing capitalist state, then seizing power and establishing a “dictatorship of the proletariat or a dictatorship of the working classes”. Bolshevism originated at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia and was associated with the activities of the Bolshevist faction within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party led by Vladimir Lenin.

25) (02:55:16) Globalist Committee of 300

The Bolshevik Revolution was secretly supported and funded by an occult group of internationalists, what we now call globalists, called the Committee of 300, and its social engineering think tank, known today as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.


Alright, welcome back everyone. I hope everybody had a good lunch and is feeling refreshed for the second of our three speaking sessions.

The Gestapo

So we left off talking about the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police force and how anything that was considered the will of the Führer, then that was perfectly legal according to most Nazis.

The Gestapo committed widespread atrocities during its entire existence. The power of the Gestapo was used to focus upon political opponents, ideological dissenters, and above all, Jews.

Those arrested by the Gestapo were held without judicial process, and most political prisoners simply disappeared while in Gestapo custody, never to be seen from again.

(00:00:52) The Gestapo proved extremely effective in Nazi Germany largely due to the willingness of ordinary German citizens to report on their fellow citizens. Without their support, the Gestapo would not have been an effective secret police force.

Joseph Goebbels was the chief propagandist for the Nazi Party and Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted followers. Goebbels was known for his skill in public speaking and his deep virulent anti-Semitic beliefs which were overtly evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of Jews throughout the Third Reich.

After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the Nazi propaganda ministry, headed by Goebbels, quickly became, quickly gained and exerted complete control and censorship over the news media, arts and information throughout Nazi Germany. A common theme in all totalitarian regimes is censorship, which we're experiencing a ton of these days right here in the United States.

Goebbels was particularly adept at using the relatively new media of radio and film for propaganda purposes. In 1943 Goebbels began to pressure Hitler to introduce measures that will produce total war, including closing businesses that were deemed non-essential to the Nazi war effort, conscripting women, into the war labor force, and enlisting men in previously exempt occupations into the Wehrmacht or the Nazi armed forces.

Goebbels converted the May 1st holiday from a workers' rights holiday into a day celebrating the Nazi party. May 1st is Beltane, also called Walpurgisnacht, the highest Sabbath or holy day of the occult calendar year. He also organized and spoke at many book burning ceremonies where huge crowds of Nazis gathered to burn books which were viewed as being subversive or representing ideologies that were opposed to Nazism. This proved an effective information control technique within Nazi Germany.

If they could never read opposing views, most Germans could never come out of the mindset programmed into them by Nazi propagandists. This is a well-known occult technique. Here you see the occult year broken down into the seasons, each house of the zodiac representing a month of the year, and Beltane in the upper left quadrant being the highest holiday or Sabbath of the occult year.

This is the day that most ritual sacrifices take place during the occult year, and it is the period from the spring equinox called Ostara, again the magazine of Lance Leibenfeld called Ostara the spring equinox, to the midpoint of spring at Beltane is known in the occult year as the season of sacrifice, which I've talked a lot about in my work.

Here you see the Nazi May 1st holiday ritual. Massive, massive, gatherings of people, members of the Nazi party with full regalia. This is what May Day was turned into. Again, the occult or satanic year, the highest holiday is May 1st. The Nazis highest holiday was May 1st. The communists highest holiday is May 1st. They all share the same holiday, high holiday of the year.

These are some May 1st holiday posters representing Hitler as the savior of Germany, etc. And there you see Nazis gathering books to be burned that were subversive to their ideology. And there's an actual Nazi book burning ceremony taking place.

The destruction of information was one of the most utilized techniques. Censorship widely utilized in both Nazism and Communism.

As the war drew to a close and Nazi Germany faced defeat, Goebbels and his family joined Hitler in his war bunker in Berlin. Hitler committed suicide on April 30th 1945, that is the eve of Walpurgisnacht, the eve of May Day.

In accordance with Hitler's will, Goebbels succeeded him as Chancellor and served only one day in this post. The following day, May 1st 1945, Walpurgisnacht, Goebbels and his wife committed suicide after killing their six children with a cyanide compound. Once again, over and over you see the same theme with the occultists and totalitarians.

(00:06:09) Another leading Nazi was Alfred Rosenberg, a Nazi theorist and ideologue and head of the Nazi Office of Foreign Affairs during the Third Reich.

He also headed the Rosenberg Bureau, an official Nazi body for cultural policy and surveillance between 1934 and 1945.

During World War II Rosenberg was the head of the Reich Ministry for the occupied eastern territories. He is considered one of the main authors and key Nazi ideological creeds, main authors of key Nazi ideological creeds including its racial theory, Lebensraum and the persecution of Jews.

Rosenberg was an associate of the Thule Society, the occult organization that was directly responsible for the formation of the German Workers Party, which later became the Nazi Party.

In 1930, Rosenberg published his seminal work of Nazi ideology called “The Myth of the 20th Century”. Rosenberg introduced Adolf Hitler to the document called “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” on which much has been written and talked about in the early 1920s.

Hitler referred to the protocols in some of his early political speeches and the document played an important part in the Nazis propaganda campaign against Jews. Again this is purportedly a document that lays out a Jewish agenda for world domination and human slavery. And I would suggest that the agenda laid out in it is real, but it is the occult agenda that is attempting to be carried out and communicated through this document. And the occultists always want to have, the dark occultists always want to have a scapegoat in mind. And they used the Jews as a scapegoat for their agenda. They wanted people to perceive it as coming from high-ranking rabbis and Jews of the Jewish religion, when in fact this is really an occult document.

Some schools in Nazi Germany used the protocols of the learned elders of Zion as a tool to indoctrinate students into anti-seminism. Rosenberg was also known for his rejection and hatred for traditional Christianity and played an important role in the development of the distorted Nazi version of Christianity, which we're going to talk about.

After World War II, Rosenberg was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946. He was sentenced to death by hanging and executed on October 16th 1946.

One of the things that he really pushed for was the distortion of Christianity within the Third Reich. Specifically he and other top-ranking Nazis tried to completely distort the Christmas holiday into their religious tradition, into their occult religion.

So there was a Nazi version of Christmas during the Third Reich. During the Third Reich, the Nazis distorted the Christian religious holiday of Christmas into a celebration of Nazi ideology. The Jewish origins of Jesus and the commemoration of his birth as the Jewish Messiah was troubling for some members of the Nazi party and their racist beliefs.

The Nazi regime wanted to transform the consciousness of the German people into a cohesive national romanticism. The Nazis intended to destroy Christianity in Germany and insert in its place a combination of the belief in the old German pagan gods and the new “gods” who ruled the Nazi Party. Again it's all about becoming god.

After taking power in 1933 Nazi ideologues sought to reject Germany's long-held Christmas traditions by renaming Christmas to Yule Fest or the Yule Festival, again a a sabbat on the occult calendar, and also propagating its Germanic origins as the celebration of the winter solstice and turning it into a “festival of light”.

As you see here the Nazi, the lighted up Christmas tree would often have a swastika or a Sig rune on top of it. Nazi ideologists claim that the Christian elements of the holiday had been superimposed upon ancient Germanic traditions. They argued that Christmas originally had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, but instead celebrated the winter solstice and the, “rebirth of the sun”.

They claim that the swastika was an ancient symbol of the Big Dipper in its four positions during the equinoxes and solstices, again occult sabbats or holidays, and that the figure of Santa Claus was a Christian reinvention of the Germanic god Lotan, the Norse god Odin.

Nazi Yule Festival posters were made to depict Odin as the “solstice man” riding a white horse sporting a thick gray beard wearing a slouch hat and carrying a sack full of gifts. Here you see some Nazi propaganda with the swastika in the middle and different animals that were celebrated as part of Yule Fest.

Here you see their depiction of Santa Claus which was Wotan or Odin and they had more traditions that they celebrated for the Nazi Christmas. The traditional nativity scene was replaced by a garden containing wooden toy deer and rabbits with the biblical figures of Mary and Jesus depicted as a blonde-haired depicted as blonde-haired blue-eyed Aryans.

The traditional name for a Christmas tree, Christbaum, was renamed as a Yule tree or a light tree with the traditional star on the top of the tree replaced with a swastika, a sun wheel or a Sig Rune and the tree decorated with swastika ornaments depicted there in the lower right.

During the height of the Nazi regime an attempt was actually made to remove from Christmas the association of the coming of Jesus and replace it with the coming of Hitler who would be referred to as the Savior Führer.

(00:12:31) One of the most destructive forces within the Third Reich was of course Heinrich Himmler and he was one of the leading dark occultists of the Reich.

Heinrich Himmler was the Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel. The Reichsführer means Reich leader and he was the leader of the Schutzstaffel or SS Hitler's protection squadron.

Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and became primarily known for being one of the main architects of the Jewish Holocaust. Himmler joined the Nazi Party in 1923 and joined the SS in 1925. He was appointed Reichsfuhrer SS by Adolf Hitler in 1929.

Over the next 16 years Himmler developed the SS from a 290 man battalion into a paramilitary group with over a million members. As an occultist, Himmler viewed the SS as a mystical inner order of the Nazi Party and I want you to keep that phrase in mind because we're going to talk about there was an actual inner order within that inner order later on.

He viewed the SS as a mystical inner order along the lines of the Teutonic Knights of ancient Germany. From 1943 onward he oversaw all internal and external Nazi police and security forces including the Gestapo. He also commanded the Waffen SS, the military branch of the SS.

In 1935 Himmler and leading blood and soil ideologist Richard Walter Darre founded an archaeological research and expedition society called the Ahnnenerbe, which was dedicated to proving the genetic superiority and ancient origins of the Germanic race.

Himmler regarded the Ahnnunerbe as an elite think tank which would sweep away previous scholarship on the development of humanity and reveal that Hitler's ideas on the subject were true. Himmler also believed that the Ahnnunerbe's investigations might reveal ancient secrets about agriculture, medicine, and warfare which would benefit Nazi Germany.

It employed scholars from a wide range of academic fields including archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, history, biology, zoology, botany, astronomy, medicine, and more. The Ahnnunerbe formed the basis for the depiction in the Indiana Jones franchise of Nazis searching for religious artifacts. So that is a partly true depiction and there is the Ahnnenerbe's insignia.

As the Reichsfuhrer of the Schutzstaffel, Himmler would become the principal overseer of Nazi Germany's genocidal programs, forming the Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing units, and administering the extermination camps.

Himmler commissioned the drafting of Generalplan Ost, the master plan for the East, which was approved by Hitler in May 1942. The total number of civilians eventually killed by the Nazi regime, largely under Himmler's orders, is estimated to be between 11 to 14 million people, most of whom were Polish and Soviet citizens. This is a depiction of the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile killing squads that first used mass shooting and then moved to gassing techniques.

Himmler's interest in the occult heavily influenced the development of the racial policy of Nazi Germany and he incorporated esoteric symbolism and rituals into every aspect of the SS. He was one of their main chief occultists.

Chosen in 1932, the dual lightning bolt logo of the SS is a pair of Sig runes from the Armanen runes created by Guido von List in 1906. The ancient Sowilo rune originally symbolized the sun, just like the swastika did, but was renamed Sig, or Victory, in List's runes.

The Totenkopf, the Death's Head symbol, had been chosen for the SS to mean solidarity to the cause, and a commitment unto death. It was the main symbol for the SS-Totenkopfverbande, the SS death’s head units, which was the SS organization responsible for administering the Nazi concentration and extermination camps.

Late in the Second World War, upon realizing that the war was lost, Himmler attempted to open peace talks with the Western Allies without Hitler's knowledge. Hearing of this, Hitler dismissed him from all of his posts in April of 1945 and ordered his arrest.

Himmler attempted to go into hiding, but was detained and then arrested by British forces once his identity became known. While in British custody, he died by suicide on May 23, 1945 by biting down on a poison pill and killing himself.

(00:18:03) Another leading occultist that many people have never heard of is Karl Maria Wiligut.

Karl Maria Wiligut was a prominent Nazi occultist from Austria and the leading figure of the religion of Irminism, not to be confused with Armanism of Guido von List.

Wiligut identified Irminism as the true Germanic ancestral religion, claiming that Guido von List's Wolternism and Armanen runes were parts of a schismatic false religion. He claimed to worship the ancient Germanic god Christ, whom Wiligut claimed Christianity later appropriated as their own savior, Christ.

Wiligut also claimed to be the descendant of an ancient line of god-kings, the Armanenshaft, dating back to 228,000 BC, and that he was able to see into the past lives of his ancestors.

Very key here to keep in mind for a little bit later, Wiligut believed that a burnt-out star, or black sun, which he called Santur, was once the center of our solar system, and was still visible in human antiquity. He believed that Santur was the source of power for the ancient Hyperboreans, the far north Arians.

So keep that in mind moving forward. Wiligut’s wife blamed his occult interests for their destitution and pushed for his committal to a mental hospital.

On November 29, 1924, police arrested Wiligut and took him to a local mental institution in Austria. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and megalomania and sent to Salzburg Asylum, where he was confined until 1927.

After his release from Salzburg in 1932, he abandoned his wife and family and emigrated from Austria to Germany, residing in Munich. He made a name for himself in occult circles throughout Germany, and is known to have corresponded with many occultist admirers and disciples, including Ernest Rüdiger of the Edda Society and members of Rudolf von Sabatendorf's Ordo Novi-Temple Occult Society.

Wiligut's knowledge of occultism eventually garnered him the attention and head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler. Shortly after being introduced to Himmler in September of 1933, Wiligut was inducted into the SS.

In the spring of 1935, Wiligut was transferred to Berlin to serve on Himmler's personal staff. In September of 36, Wiligut was promoted to the rank of SS Brigade Führer. Wiligut acted as Heinrich Himmler's personal counselor on magical and religious subjects and eventually became known as Hitler's Rasputin.

So he was the mentor in the occult ideologies of Heinrich Himmler and most people have never heard of him.

In Berlin while working in the office of Karl Wolf the chief adjutant of the SS, Wiligut developed his plans for the rebuilding of the Wewelsburg castle in Bavaria into an allegorical center of the world. I'm sorry, it's not in Bavaria, it's in Westphalia.

Wiligut contributed significantly, as an allegorical center of the world. Wiligut contributed significantly to the development of Wewelsburg as the, “order castle”, a ceremonial center of SS occult practice. Wiligut but also designed the Totenkampfring, the death's head ring, which Himmler personally awarded to prestigious SS officers.

During the Third Reich, at the instigation of Wiligut, the Nazi regime instituted an occult purge, a policy of persecution of other occultists, systematically closing down all all esoteric organizations which were seen as a direct threat to the Nazi regime due to the knowledge that such groups possessed.

You see it's just they have to run only their game and no other competition is allowed. So they even shut down all the other occult and esoteric orders within Nazi Germany.

In November 1938, Chief S.S. Adjutant Carl Wolf visited Wiligut's wife and learned of Wiligut's earlier involuntary commitment to a mental institution, which proved embarrassing to Heimlich Himmler.

Wiligut's staff was notified that his “application for retirement” on the grounds of age and poor health had been granted in February 1939. They basically forced his retirement because mental feebleness was not allowed in the Nazi regime.

After World War II Wiligut moved to a refugee camp in St. Johann near Welden, Austria where he had a stroke. He died in Aulsen, Austria on January 3rd 1946.


Indoctrination of the youth was one of the chief campaigns of the Nazi regime, obviously also a very chief campaign of communist regimes everywhere.

The Hitlerjugend, the Hitler Youth or H.J. was the youth organization of the Nazi Party. From 1936 to 1945 the Hitler Youth was the sole official boys youth organization in Nazi Germany. Its origins date back to 1922 when the Munich-based Nazi Party established its official youth organization called Jugendbund der NSDAP, the youth league of the Nazi Party. Its inaugural meeting took place on May 13th 1922.

Another youth group, the Jungstrom Adolf Hitler, the Youth League of Adolf Hitler, was established the same year. Based in Munich, Bavaria, it served to train and recruit future members of the Sturmabteilung, the main paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party at that time.

Once Hitler came onto the revolutionary scene, the transition from seemingly innocuous youth movements to political entities focused on Hitler was swift.

In April 1924, the Youth League of the NSDAP was renamed the Greater German Youth Movement, which became the Nazi Party's official youth organization. In July 1926, it was renamed to the Hitler Youth and officially became an integral part of the SA.

Girls from 10 to 18 years of age were also given their own parallel youth organization called the League of German Maidens.

In December 1936, the Hitler Youth Law was passed by the Nazis, making membership in the Hitler Youth mandatory for Aryan boys. In March 1939, the Youth Service Duty Law conscripted all German youths into the Hitler Youth, even if the parents objected.

Parents who refused to allow their children to join were subject to investigation by Nazi authorities. By 1940 the Hitler Youth had grown to 8 million members.

Members of the Hitler Youth were viewed as ensuring the future of Nazi Germany and they were indoctrinated into Nazi ideology including racism. The boys were indoctrinated with the myths of Aryan racial superiority and to view Jews and Slavs as subhumans.

Members were taught to associate state identified enemies such as Jews with Germany's previous defeat in World War one and its societal decline. The Hitler youth were used to break up church youth groups, spy on religious classes and Bible studies, and interfere with church attendance.

Education and training programs for the Hitler Youth were designed to undermine the values of traditional structures of German society.

Again, this is what we see happening today in modern education.

Their training also aimed to remove social and intellectual distinctions between classes to be replaced and dominated by the political goals of Hitler's totalitarian dictatorship.

Sacrifice for the Nazi cause was instilled into their training. The notion that, “Germany must live even if members of the Hitler Youth have to die” was hammered into them from an early age.

The Hitler Youth maintained training academies comparable to preparatory schools which were designed to nurture future Nazi Party leaders. So it was a grooming ground. It appropriated many of the activities of the Boy Scouts movement, including camping and hiking.

Over time it changed in content and intention, and many activities began to closely resemble military training, with weapons familiarization, assault courses, and fighting tactics becoming part of its curriculum.

The aim was to turn the Hitler Youth into motivated soldiers. The ultimate goal of all the Nazi youth organizations was to instill into their youth the ideologies of blind obedience and unwavering loyalty to the Nazi cause.

Hitler once remarked about his vision for the future of young Germans by saying, “we seek a youth that has closed their hearts to pity”.

Even before membership in the Hitler Youth was made mandatory in 1939, German boys faced strong pressure to join. They were made the subject of frequent taunts from teachers and fellow students and could even be refused their diploma, which made it impossible to be admitted to colleges and universities.

Many employers also refused to offer work to anyone who was not a member of the Hitler Youth, making it difficult for non-members to find jobs.

Mandatory vaccinations anyone?

In 1938 Hitler referred to the Nazi regime's ability to completely indoctrinate German youth stating:

“These boys and girls enter our youth organizations at 10 years of age. After four years of the Young Folk, they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years. If they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to labor service and are smoothed out there for another six or seven months. Whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left, the Wehrmacht will take care of that.”

(00:29:11) One of The underlying ideologies of Nazism was eugenics, and once again this is tenet or pillar number four of Satanism and the satanic ideology.

At the center of Nazi ideology was their view of eugenics, which sought the biological improvement of the German people through the policy of selective breeding of Nordic or Aryan genetic traits. These policies were used to justify the involuntary sterilization and mass murder of those deemed, “undesirable”.

In Germany, the concepts of eugenics was mostly known under the term of Rassen-hygiene or race hygiene. Racial competition, a significant concept of social Darwinism, one of the tenets of Satanism, was one of the foundational ideologies that inspired the rise of Nazi eugenics.

Eugenics research in Nazi Germany, before and during the Nazi period, was similar to that in the United States, particularly in the state of California. The eugenics movement was already well established in the United States since the early 1900s after it was spread to Germany by California eugenicists, who began producing literature promoting eugenics and sending it overseas to German scientists and medical professionals.

By 1933, California had subjected more people to involuntary sterilization than any other US states combined. Than all other US states combined. The first sterilization program engineered by the Nazis was heavily inspired by California's eugenics programs.

And it spread to all over the United States, not just California. There were eugenics programs in just about every state. This is a depiction of an actual eugenics building advocating for eugenics in Topeka, Kansas in 1929. And closer to home on the next slide we'll see one that was in Philadelphia, or an exhibition that took place in Philadelphia.

Upon returning from a trip to Germany in the 1930s, California eugenics leader C.M. Goethe bragged to a colleague:

“You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sense that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought. You have really jolted into action a great government of 60 million people.”

That is an American eugenicist saying that about one of his colleagues about how their eugenics program here in America influenced the Nazis. And here you see a Nazi, I’m sorry, a eugenics poster saying some people are born to be a burden on the rest, from the Philadelphia sesquicentennial or 150th celebration 1926, 150th anniversary of the creation of America.

Those initially targeted for murder under the Nazi eugenics policies were largely people living in private and state operated institutions. So they automatically went after the feeble-minded first. And they identified them as what they called life unworthy of life. They included prisoners, degenerates, dissidents and people with congenital, cognitive and physical disabilities. People who were considered to be “feeble-minded”. That's where the eugenics program started in Nazi Germany before it completely snowballed into other other areas and ethnic groups.

By 1934, more than 5,000 people per month were being forcibly sterilized in Germany. By the end of the Nazi regime, over 200 hereditary health courts were created in Germany. And under their rulings, over 400,000 people were sterilized against their will, and over 300,000 were murdered in the Aktion T4, or Action T4 euthanasia program.

Here you see a sign talking about Aktion T4. And they used stationary gas chambers where they put people in a shower, a collective shower room and then pumped engine exhaust, sealed it off and pumped in truck engine exhaust, which was the main method of murder.

Moving on to eugenics under the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, named after the last German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics was founded in 1927 in Berlin. Significantly influenced by American eugenics ideology and programs for two decades. The founding and building of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation right here in the United States.

Throughout the Nazi era, again we're talking about occult organizations funneling and channeling money and resources into such occult groups like the Nazis. Throughout the Nazi era, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was strongly associated with the theories of Nazi eugenics and racial hygiene advocated by its leading theorists, Eugen Fischer, Fritz Lenz and Ottmar von Verschwer.

Members of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, member of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Eugen Fischer was influential with the Nazis early in their rise to power in Germany. In 1921, he and Fritz Lenz published a two-volume book called “Principles of Human Heredity and Race Hygiene”, which Adolf Hitler read while incarcerated in 1923 and used its ideas in “Mein Kampf”.

Fischer's work heavily influenced German colonial legislation and provided “scientific support” for the Nazis' racial Nuremberg laws. In 1937 and 1938, Fischer and his colleagues analyzed 600 children in Nazi Germany who were descendants of French African soldiers. These children, which the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute called the Rhineland bastards, were classified as hereditarily unfit and subsequently subjected to sterilization.

During World War two the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute regularly received human body parts from Joseph Mengele, the angel of death of the Auschwitz Concentration camp to use in studies intended to prove Nazi racial theories and justify race related policies.

After World War II, most of the thousands of files and lab materials of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute were moved to an unknown location or destroyed and never obtained by the Allies to use as evidence in war crimes trials and to prove that Nazi racial ideology had motivated mass genocide in Europe.

Most of the staff of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute were able to escape trial, most notably Mengele, who escaped to Brazil and died there in 1979.

The Lebensborn program, another example of Nazi selective breeding, was established by Heinrich Himmler on December 12th 1935. It was an SS initiated, state supported registered association in Nazi Germany with the stated goal of increasing the number of children born who met the Nazi standards of “racially pure Aryans” based on Nazi eugenics.

The Lebensborn program provided welfare to its mostly unmarried mothers, encouraged anonymous births by unmarried women at maternity homes and mediated adoption of children by likewise “racially pure parents” particularly SS members and their families.

This was a broodmare program. That is what it was. They were just trying to get as many women to have as many Aryan babies as possible. Again that's what eugenics is. Higher procreation for people that have the genetic traits you want to see and extermination or sterilization for undesirables.

About 8,000 children were born in Lebensborn homes in Germany and between 8,000 and 12,000 children in Norway. Access to Lebensborn was restricted in accordance with the Nordicist eugenics, eugenic and racial policies of Nazism, which could be referred to as supervised selective breeding.

The cross of honor of the German mother was given to the women who bore the most Aryan children. Abortion was legalized and endorsed by the Nazis for disabled and non-Germanic children, but strictly punished otherwise. Lebensborn expanded into several occupied European countries with Germanic populations during World War II. It included the selection of racially worthy orphans for adoption and care for children born from Aryan women who had been in relations relationships with SS members.

During the war many children were kidnapped from their parents and judged by Aryan criteria for their suitability to be raised in Lebensborn homes and fostered by German families. So they were kidnapping the children of people throughout Europe and putting those children into the Lebensborn program.

At the Nuremberg trials much direct evidence was found of the kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany across Ukraine and Poland during the period of 1939 to 1945.

So let's hear, you know, I hear this all the time. The Nazis are made out to be way worse than what they really were. I mean I actually hear this from people. I hear this from morons out there. Okay? Let's hear from their own words what they really wanted to do. In their own writings, this is not third-hand, this is not a historical account, this is them and published letters and writings that they themselves wrote.

(00:40:09) NAZIS “GODS”

So this is a section on the Nazis themselves talking about how they were going to become God.

I call this a new order of masters and slaves, because that’s what the Nazi regime was. It was their version of a new world order, what they called the thousand-year Reich.

Martin Bormann, the chief of the Nazi Party Chancellery said this, the Poles are especially born for low labor. There can be no question of improvement for them.

It is necessary to keep the standard of life low in Poland and it must not be permitted to rise. Poland should be used by us merely as a source of unskilled labor. Every year the laborers needed by the Reich could be procured from there. As for the Polish priests, they will preach what we want them to preach.

If any priest acts differently, we shall make short work of him. The task of the priest is to keep the Poles quiet, stupid, and dull-witted.

And I would say that's the task of all religion, ladies and gentlemen. And the occultists use that to their tactical advantage.

It is indispensable to bear in mind that the Polish gentry, the middle class, must cease to exist and the eradication of the middle class is a very, very, very prominent goal in the modern day.

However cruel this may sound, they must be exterminated wherever they are. There should be one master only for the Poles, the German. Two masters side by side cannot and must not exist. Therefore, all representatives of the Polish intelligentsia are to be exterminated.

That means if you were an educated person in Poland, you had to be taken out. This sounds cruel, but such is the law of life. Martin Borman. From his own words, his own writings.

He continued saying, the Slavs are to work for us. In so far as we don't need them, they may die. The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives or practice abortion, the more the better.

Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to 100. Every educated person is a future enemy. Religion we leave to them as a means of diversion. As for food, they won't get any more than is absolutely necessary. We are the masters. We come first.

There's the first tenet of Satanism right there.

Eric Cope, the Reich Commissioner for the Ukraine, said, we are the master race and must govern hard, but just. I will draw the very last out of this country. I did not come to spread bliss. The population must work, work, and work again.

We definitely did not come here to give out manna. We have come here to create the basis for victory. We are a master race which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here, meaning in the Ukraine.

By the decree of Hans Frank, the governor-general of Poland during the Third Reich, all property in Poland belonging to Jews and Poles was subjected to confiscation without compensation.

Hundreds of thousands of Polish-owned farms were seized and handed over to the Nazi conquerors. By June 1943 over 700,000 Polish estates comprising 21.5 million acres of land were confiscated by the Nazi regime.

And here is Hans Frank's own words regarding what he called the colony of Poland. He said, I shall endeavor to squeeze out of this province, Poland, everything that is still possible to squeeze out. If the new food scheme is carried out in 1943, a half million people in Warsaw and its suburbs alone will be deprived of food. He's not saying that like it's a problem, he's bragging.

Poland can only be administered by utilizing the country through means of ruthless exploitation, deportation of all supplies, raw materials, machines, factory installations etc which are important for the German war economy

Availability of all workers for work within Germany, reduction of the entire Polish economy to absolute minimum necessary for bare existence of the population and I would say that's the great reset that's happening now and closing of all educational institutions within Poland, especially technical schools and colleges in order to prevent the growth of the new Polish intelligentsia.

Poland shall be treated as a colony. The Poles shall be the slaves of the greater German Reich.

Right there out in the open, proud about it, bragging about it. So the all the people out there, pardon me. All people out there saying the Nazis weren't really the bad guys, you clearly haven't even read their own writings. They were proud of turning people into slaves.

And this of course led to the final solution as the Nazis called it. What I call it is what it really was. Mass human occult ritual sacrifice, if we're being honest.

Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. The murders were carried out primarily through mass shootings and poison gas in extermination camps chiefly located in Poland at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, and Chelmno, and within Germany at Dachau, which was originally a detainment camp for German nationals detained for political reasons.

On November 9th and 10th 1938, the Nazi regime orchestrated a nationwide pogrom called Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass against Jews. Also known as the November pogrom, or November pogrom, it was carried out by the Nazis paramilitary forces the Sturmabteilung SA and the Schutzstaffel SS.

The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish owned stores, buildings and synagogues were smashed. Jewish homes, hospitals and schools were ransacked as attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers.

At least 90 Jews were murdered, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were damaged or destroyed, and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps with over 10,000 interned at Dachau.

This is the imagery of the shattered glass littered throughout the streets. And this is Dachau concentration camp where you see the phrase on the gate Arbeit macht frei, which means work creates freedom or in other words work will set you free.

After Germany invaded Poland in September 1939 occupation authorities began to establish urban ghettos like the Warsaw Ghetto and to segregate Jews.

Following the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany via Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, the systematic murder of Jews by the Nazis began in full force with around 1.5 million Jews shot by German forces and local collaborators. This was the very beginning of the Holocaust.

These executions often took place a few kilometers from a town. Victims were rounded up, marched to the execution site and shot, with their bodies falling into previously dug mass grave sites. Executions were public spectacles and the victims' property was looted by both Nazi occupiers and local inhabitants.

As the Nazis occupied other European nations, citizens from across Europe were sent to concentration camps, which inturned prisoners from every nation occupied by the forces of the Third Reich.

Some Nazis found the method of execution by shooting both psychologically distressing and logistically inconvenient, which influenced the Nazis decision to switch to other killing methods.

The Schutzstaffels Einsatzgruppen or mobile killing units were first deployed in 1941 and were initially organized to facilitate mass shootings. They soon employed the technique of mass murder by poisonous gas.

Their victims were forced into specially designed vans or trucks and killed with the vehicle's engine exhaust before being transported and dumped into mass graves.

(00:50:13) In early 1942, the highest levels of the Nazi government decided to murder all Jews throughout Europe, what they called the Final Solution.

Nazi extermination camps were usually located along rail lines to make it easier to transport victims to their deaths, but in places that were remote enough to avoid notice by local populations who claimed that they knew nothing of what was happening.

Victims were deported by trains to extermination camps where most were killed via poison gas. Victims were typically deported to the camps in overcrowded cattle cars seen here on the upper right, where most were killed with poison gas.

Victims were typically in overcrowded cattle cars with as many as 150 people forced into a single boxcar on a train. Upon arrival, the victims were stripped of remaining possessions, forced to undress, had their hair cut off, and were forced into gas chambers.

Mostly gas chambers that again were improvised with engine exhaust. Death from the poisonous gas was agonizing and could take as long as 30 minutes. Toward the end of the Nazi regime, Zyklon B gas eventually became the preferred killing method in extermination camps.

Here you see the Auschwitz camp again with the saying, Arbeit macht frei, which means work creates freedom. Here a roll call of some of the concentration camp prisoners, the barracks of their sleeping quarters shown below there, and the type of stationary gas chambers that were used that were pumped full of truck engine exhaust and toward the later part of World War II Zyklon B gas.

Then crematoria were created and you see them up at the top there and at the bottom this is simply a reenactment of how they would load people into the crematoria. Most of them were dumped in mass graves and not cremated. This is the total just of executions in prisoner camps.

In Auschwitz, one million were executed via the method of Zyklon B gas. At Treblinka, almost one million, about 950,000 via engine exhaust in a stationary gas chamber. At Belchek, 595,000 stationary gas chamber via engine exhaust. At Sobibor, 235,000 stationary gas chamber engine exhaust. Kelmno, 150,000 via gas vans, again the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile killing units. And at Dachau, 32,000 via disease, starvation, and malnutrition.

That totals close to 2 million I believe, no I'm sorry, 3 million. Then you take the pogroms that were done throughout Europe and other methods of execution and starvation and disease. And you get multiple millions of people, and then add war, and the number goes up from there.

At Auschwitz, around 25 percent of the camp population was separated out for forced labor for the Nazi war effort. In addition to gas chambers, extermination camp victims were also killed through starvation, mass shooting, and torture, and used as test subjects in deadly forced medical experimentation at Auschwitz led by Edward Wirtz and Joseph Mengele.

I didn't put the quote in here but Mengele actually said to Jewish prisoners the more we do to you the less you believe we are doing it. He actually said that because so many of them were so completely in shock by the horrors that they were experiencing that they could not believe it was happening, psychologically, and that is what he said to them. The more we do to you the less you believe we are doing it.

The majority of Holocaust victims died in 1942 but the killing continued right up to the end of World War two in May of 1945. Not all Holocaust victims were Jews. Millions of non-Jews were also killed for their ethnic and ideological associations.

The word Holocaust is etymologically derived from the Greek adjective holos, meaning whole, and the Greek adjective kaustos, meaning burned. Thus, it means literally burned entirely or immolated. And it has become the most common word Holocaust to describe the Nazi extermination of Jews and other undesirables such as Slavs, Poles, Romani and others during the Third Reich.

The Nazis themselves used the phrase final solution to describe their genocidal actions. An estimated 250,000 Germans, about a quarter of a million, were directly involved in killing Jews during the Holocaust. An additional quarter of a million were involved in the organization and planning of these exterminations.

Genocide required the active and tacit consent of millions of Germans and non-German collaborators alike.

The German SS, the German police, and the regular army units rarely had any trouble finding enough men to follow their orders to shoot Jewish civilians even though punishment for refusal to do so was either very light or altogether absent. They were glad to do it.

They considered it a badge of honor. They wanted to follow the orders. You think about that level of immorality and ask yourself is America any damn different now? And if you think it is, I have news for you. You need to do a lot more examination and investigation of the people all around us.

Because it's no different today, not a bit. And this is the human future. Take a good look at it because this is what's coming for humanity. This is what we're going to experience probably within our lifetimes if we don't shape up and really learn what's going on and really understand objective morality and natural law and start teaching it to other people. That's what's coming.

(00:57:07) Let's talk about Nazi occult technology for a moment and then talk about the inner order within the inner order that really called the shots in Nazi Germany.

This is one of the most unknown Nazis and one of the highest ranking Nazis in the entire Nazi party. Hardly anybody knows about Hans Kammler and there's a reason for that. He was their high-level technologist on the most top secret technology projects that existed within the Third Reich.

So they really wanted to keep his existence secret and no one knows what happened to him after World War II. Hans Kammler, and his death date is not known, was an SS Obergruppenfuehrer, the highest of SS leaders. He was right there under Himmler, was responsible for Nazi civil engineering projects and he was the chief technologist for top-secret Nazi weapons programs.

Kammler joined the Nazi Party in 1931 and the SS on May 20th 1933. In Kammler's ideology modern technology and ideologies of German supremacy were tightly interwoven. He wanted to see a technocratic ruling class and that's what he helped to try to bring about.

Kammler was described as having technological competence and extreme Nazi fanaticism coexisting in the same man.

Hitler's chief architect Albert Speer described Kammler as, “Himmler's most brutal and most ruthless henchman”. Don't you think we would hear about someone like that historically? You would think so, right?

He's being described as, this is the guy who Himmler himself views as the model Nazi, and yet his name is completely lost to history.

Kammler oversaw the construction of various Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz. He was one of the chief architects of Auschwitz at which he was later called back to advise on modalities for boosting the daily output of its gas chambers because they couldn't kill people fast enough.

He was also responsible for the demolition of the Warsaw ghetto. In 1945 Kammler was appointed to the Third Reich's plenipotentiary for all top secret weapons research, responsible directly to the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler and to the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler himself, and only them.

By the end of World War II, Hitler had concentrated more power in Hans Kammler's hands than he had ever entrusted to any single person and yet his name is erased from history.

In the final weeks of the war, Kammler's movements became sketchy and unpredictable. It is rumored that he attempted to relocate or destroy some of the most advanced weapons projects he had worked to create before they were able to be captured by the Allied powers.

Kammler disappeared in May 1945 during the final days of the war and was never found. Many researchers have speculated that Nazi technologists were working on classified and advanced weapons projects including atomic weapons, missiles capable of reaching the United States, scalar weaponry, and above all time travel and anti-gravity devices.

The most famous of these speculated programs was the Glock, the bell, which was described as a piece of glowing, rotating machinery that possibly had some kind of anti-gravitational effect. Speculation continues today that the bell may have been some sort of prototype for an anti-gravitational craft which would act as a wonder weapon to allow Hitler and the Nazis to turn the tide late in World War II.

This is a depiction of what the bell may have looked like and it's based on some reports of what people who saw its prototype operation, how it worked.

This is the henge, as it is known, where the bell allegedly either sat in the middle or perhaps was underneath of this henge. Now notice that the henge has 12 pillars and lintels and that's going to come in very significant in the next section.

It had 12 sections, that's not accidental or arbitrary. And again this is a speculative part of the presentation but much has been written and speculated on it by historians and scholars on this topic.

(01:02:12) And now we come to the inner order of the inner order of the Nazi regime, the order of the Black Sun, something that most people will never really understand or know anything about, it was so well hidden as an occult order.

Inside Heinrich Himmler's Schutzstaffel, the SS, which he himself described as a mystical inner order of the Nazi Party, was embedded another occult order and secret society, Die Schwarz Sonne, the Black Sun.

The Black Sun was, “an inner order within an inner order”, the occult brotherhood that truly directed the Third Reich. Himmler most likely based the Black Sun order upon the beliefs of the man known as his personal Rasputin and his private Magus, his mentor and counselor on matters of the occult, Karl Maria Wiligut.

Wiligut believed that a burnt out star or a black sun called Centaur was once the center of our solar system and was a source of mystical power to the ancient Aryan people.

Now whether that's true or not they believed it, especially Wiligut, in his occult beliefs. There was a black sun that eventually burnt out, it became maybe a brown dwarf star, what he called the black sun, and he considered that that was the main source of the power of the ancient German pagan people.

Other esoteric groups within Nazi Germany referred to this ancient force as the Vril. This is the black sun symbol on the left that was used by Himmler and the SS, and other secret societies and occult organizations also believed in the Black Sun and had their variation of the Black Sun symbol.

On the right there you see with some of the Armanen runes around it and in the center of the Black Sun, the variation of the Black Sun used by the Thule Society.

The Black Sun symbol was formed by 12 Armanen Sieg runes, the same rune that was chosen to represent the SS, arrayed in a circular pattern to represent the 12 houses of the Zodiac surrounding a central disk representing the Black Sun at its center.

Again, remember that the 12 pillars and lintels of the Henge of Die Glock, the bell. And when you see the room that this is actually put into, you're going to realize there's more symbolism of 12 there.

So the black sun symbol is a stylized Sonnenrad or sun wheel. Again this was one of the decorations used in the Nazi Christmas tradition, the Sun Wheel. The Black Sun was a variation of it. Again, the 12 houses of the Zodiac surrounded by the central Black Sun.

Wiligut designed this variation of the Black Sun disc that you see here, and Himmler ordered it to be built into the marble floor of the Obergruppenführer's Hall, the hall of the highest SS leaders of Wibelsburg Castle.

The Obergruppenführer's Hall is a circular room inside the castle's north tower with 12 columns and 12 windows. Again the number 12 repeated. This is the Obergruppenführer's Hall, the hall of the highest SS leaders depicted here and there are actually 12 pillars and 12 windows in the room.

In the middle of the room’s light gray marble floor there is a dark green marble inlay of the black sun symbol with each of its 12 spokes pointing to each of the 12 columns in the hall. Originally there was a golden disc at the center of the ornament, most likely representing the Black Sun's power source, the Vril, that has since been removed.

The number 12, in addition to representing the houses of the Zodiac, may also here be a reference to the Order of Teutonic Knights, after whom the SS was patterned by Himmler, which also had a mystical inner order comprised of 12 elite knights. And you think that's all accidental? Wonderful.

A room called Die Gruft, the tomb or the crypt, is located directly below the Obergruppenführer's Hall. It’s shape resembles a Mycenaen dome grave. The Gruft, depicted there, it's a photo of it there on the upper right, was probably used as an SS occult ritual chamber.

At its center was the incomplete construction of the housing of an eternal flame, which would have represented the Nazis so-called thousand-year Reich.

In 1935, Heinrich Himmler formed the SS Schulhaus Wievelsburg, the SS school of the house of Wievelsburg, which would offer ideological training courses for SS leaders and this would be called the Reichfuhrerschule for the SS.

SS would gather at Wievelsburg three to four times a year for planning meetings and SS initiation ceremonies arranged by Himmler.

Toward the end of World War II, Himmler ordered that Wievelsburg should become the Reich House of the SS Gruppenfuhrer, the Reich House of the highest SS leaders.

If you don't think that's an occult secret society that he was developing there. I mean, again, I don't know what to tell you. All of that symbolism going back to Wiligut and the Black Sun, how they arrange the room, you know, and you know, obviously that the symbol over there is a variation on the swastika, a more elaborate version of it that was actually encrusted into the ceiling of Wievelsburg, into the domed room called De Gruft, which sits directly below the Obergruppenführershall that is directly above it, that has the Black Sun on the floor.

Wievelsburg was planned by Himmler and Wiligut to become the future center of the world and the capital of the Nazis new order and to become a planning space and ritual center, ritual center for the order of the black sun, the occult elite within the Nazi SS.

That's Wievelsburg Castle. And there's another variation of the black sun, Die Schwarz Sonne symbol. That concludes the section on the occult origins of Nazism.

(01:09:45) COMMUNISM “GODS”

Let's move on to the dark occult origins of communism and we're going to get really deep into this here, and again I guarantee you, will be the same thing where most people will not know any of these people or groups save perhaps one.

(01:10:03) So let's start with Karl Marx, which is where most people think that communism starts with, and I'm going to show you it does not start with him.

It goes back hundreds of years before Marx, certainly at least an entire century before his birth.

Karl Marx was a German-born ideologue, political theorist, and revolutionary socialist. His best-known works are the 1848 pamphlet, “The Communist Manifesto”, co-authored with Frederick Engels, and the three-volume “Das Kapital”, or Capital, an analysis of capitalism which espouses Marx's theory of historical materialism.

Once again, one of the underlying ideologies of the occult, one of the underlying ideologies of cults and Satanism.

Marx's ideas and theories and their subsequent development, collectively known as Marxism, have exerted enormous influence on modern intellectual, economic, and political history, perhaps more than any other figure in human history. Sadly.

Marx was significantly influenced by the philosophy of George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who we've already talked about via the Hegelian dialectic, what is what I call polarization techniques, polarization dialectics, to steer society into a certain direction by giving them a series of false choices that all take them to the same place.

And he embraced Hegelianism in his youth. While in Paris in 1844 Marx met Friedrich Engels, a lifelong friend and collaborator. After moving to Brussels in 1845 Marx and Engels were both active in the international political party known as the Communist League.

A lot more on that a little bit later.

In 1848 they wrote “The Communist Manifesto”, a political pamphlet which expressed their political and economic ideas and ended with a call for a workers’ revolution.

Marx's critical theories about society, economics, and politics hold that human societies develop through class conflict. In the capitalist mode of production this manifests itself in the conflict between the ruling classes or bourgeoisie that control the means of production and the working classes called the proletariat that enable these means by selling their labor power in return for wages.

Employing a critical approach known as historical materialism, Marx predicted that the tensions produced by capitalism would lead to its self-destruction and replacement by a new system known as the socialist mode of production. And this is what people in the socialist community refer to as common or shared ownership of which there is no such thing in nature.

To own something means someone maintains the exclusive right over it. That's why people are not property because no one can have an exclusive right over another human being. And there's no such thing as shared ownership, truly, not in nature. So he's inventing a construct that doesn't exist and trying to apply it to all of humanity.

This socialist mode of production would lead to a worker's conquest of political power and eventually the establishment of a classless communist society. Marx argued that the working class should carry out organized revolutionary action to topple capitalism and bring about his envisaged socio-economic emancipation.

Marxism has exerted major influence on socialist thought and political movements, and during the 20th century, revolutionary governments identifying as Marxist took power in many countries and established socialist states including the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, more on later.

A number of theoretical variants such as Leninism, Trotskyism and Maoism have also been developed. Marx was expelled from Paris, Belgium and Germany over the course of his life for his revolutionary ideas.

He finally settled in London in 1849. You're going to see this historical pattern over and over, especially with communism. Moving out of other countries of Europe and into London, a power center for social engineering and you'll see why.

Marx was expelled and finally settled in London in 1849 where he wrote “Das Kapital”. In 1864, Marx helped found the International Working Men's Association, also called First International, through which he sought to spread the communist ideology and to fight the influence of so-called anarchists of his time, led by Mikhail Bakunin.

Marx died in March of 1883. While not publicly known as an occultist himself, the dark side of Marx has been well documented. He was known amongst his contemporaries for his hatred of humanity as a species, and he often espoused a desire to promote human destruction.

Marx expressed hatred for entire cultures and was very racist. He hated Jews, Germans, the English, and more. He was a virulent racist and frequently made hateful remarks about blacks and other minorities in his writings.

While Marxists have claimed that Marx was an atheist, it is well known by those who have studied his mindset and writings that he both acknowledged and despised the existence of God, and in his own words expressed the desire to “chase God from heaven”.

Marx once stated, “I wish to avenge myself against the one who rules above”. While he never personally described his ideology as Satanism, and no true occultist, dark occultist would, Marx’s personal belief system was a perfect example of what I, in my work, refer to as defacto Satanism.

A great book on the topic of Marx's ideology when it came to the hatred of human beings, the human species, and of God is the book, “Marx and Satan” by Richard Wurmbrand. Highly recommend it.

Here you see Marx doing the symbol of the hidden hand, the gesture of the hidden hand, as it is known. He's basically telling you the forces that I move with and that move me are hidden, are occulted. The hand that guides the chess pieces is hidden inside his coat jacket.

A lot of dark occultists did this gesture. It was very popular in Freemasonry. It was very popular, as we're going to talk about a little bit later today, the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati as well.

But while Marx's ideology was what I call a defacto Satanist, I would go far beyond that term in what I would describe him as. And what I would truly describe Marx as is this.

(01:17:39) Karl Marx was an anti-Christ.

Now I want this fully understood connotatively in my definition of the term. This is not a religious term. What Christian religionists view as the anti-Christ is not what I am talking about here. So let me paint the definition of how I'm using the term.

My personal concept of an antichrist is a being who is responsible for the spread of false and harmful, if acted upon, information across a significant portion of the human human population and the subsequent ubiquitous spread of that deceptive information throughout the majority of humanity.

So it's spreading completely false, illusory and completely harmful ideologies throughout the population.

The resultant behavior conducted by the population upon taking in this false information, leads human society into chaos and degradation and away from the collective evolution of humanity through the attainment of higher consciousness, which should be our goal.

That attainment of higher consciousness is often referred to as Christ consciousness. Deceivers of this kind, what I am calling a being that represents the anti-Christ ideology, do not even necessarily do this with conscious intention, though many do.

Some anti-Christs are simply useful dupes tasked with the charge of being the messenger or penman, as I believe Marx was, so that the true architects of evil in our world remain hidden or occulted.

So hopefully you've recognized many of these what I call anti-Christs and I consider Marx chief among them.

(01:19:57) Frederick Engels was a German ideologue, political theorist and revolutionary socialist. He was a businessman and the closest friend and collaborator of Karl Marx.

Engels met Marx in 1884 and they jointly authored a number of works including “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848 and worked as political organizers and activists in the Communist League and First International.

Engels writings on materialism, idealism, and dialectics, all of which we've really talked about, supplied Marxism with its ontological and metaphysical foundation.

Engels also helped Marx financially, allowing him to continue his writing after moving to London in 1849. After Marx's death in 1883, Engels compiled volumes one and two of “Das Kapital”, helped found the socialist organization second international and became the leading authority on Marxist political and economic theories.

He was his henchman and joint collaborator. Let's talk about “The Communist Manifesto” and what it really espouses and contains.

The Communist Manifesto”, or originally “The Manifesto of the Communist Party”, is a political pamphlet written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. I would say they were the pen men, but appointed by higher level occultists to put this ideology out into the world and disseminate it.

It was commissioned by the Communist League, so realize that this document was commissioned by an organization whose sole purpose it was to spread communism throughout all of Europe, particularly in England.

That's where the Communist League was founded and operated out of, out of London. “The Communist Manifesto” originally was published in London in 1848. The text is the first and most systematic attempt by Marx and Engels to codify for widespread consumption the core historical materialist idea that, as stated in the text opening words, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

Again, being what they called themselves as atheists and materialists, they framed everything about money and resources only. True philosophy and spirituality were left on the back burner. They were left at the door, never really discussed. This was all about money and resources only. They want everybody else to believe those are the only motivating factors of all of human society.

In which social classes are defined by the relationship of people to the means of production. Marx and Engels combine materialism with the Hegelian dialectical method to analyze the development of European society through its modes of production, as we already talked about.

Marx and Engels assert that capitalism is marked by the exploitation of the working class wage laborers, the proletariat, by the ruling class, the bourgeoisie.

The Communist Manifesto” asserts that capitalism does not offer humanity the possibility of self-realization and ensures that human beings remain perpetually stunted and alienated. And I wouldn't necessarily even completely disagree with that. You know, money does that. It has that effect on people, right? But the answer is not to institute a complete removal of private property from all human beings into a collectivized form of so-called property that doesn't really exist.

The Communist Manifesto” that capitalism will bring about its own destruction and predicts that a revolution will lead to the emergence of a classless communist society.

They're going to give all the power to the state over all the means of production and distribution of goods and services. The state's going to have that power and then they're going to meet out all of those goods and services in a beneficent way and then they're going to dissolve themselves. That's what giving all that power to the state would naturally do, don't you know?

The text ends with a decisive and famous call for solidarity amongst the proletariat, popularized as the slogan, workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains. “The Communist Manifesto” remains one of the world's most influential political documents, sadly.

(01:24:46) 10 Planks

These are the ten planks of “The Communist Manifesto”, there are ten general tenets, it's ten general tenets, and the implementations of each of these planks in the United States today, and they're all implemented. We are basically living in a communist country already. It's not coming, it's already here, and we've been living in one.

The abolition of private property in land, the application of all rents of land to public purpose. This is the property tax and eminent domain. If you have to pay a tax on so-called property, I have news for you. You don't own the property. Someone else owns it as a feudal lord and they are renting you the usage of the land through the property tax.

If you don't believe that, you're incorrect. That's what we have. We have a system of neo-feudalism in America and throughout the world.

Number two, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Boy do we have that. You know, that's the income tax and Internal Revenue Service, the IRS.

The abolition of all rights of inheritance. This is known in the United States as the estate tax or the death tax. Inheritance has basically been wiped out. I've just been a victim of this.

My former partner who passed, verbally and in writing, said, my property is to pass to you. And because that was not done correctly with the state, the state comes in, says we're swooping in and claiming ownership of her estate and giving it to whoever we deem fit. Forget what she wanted. That's what we have.

Confiscation number four, plank of “The Communist Manifesto”. Confiscation of all, of property of all emigrants and rebels. And this is government seizures of property, IRS property confiscation and the 1997 crime bill.

Number five, the centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a central bank with an exclusive monopoly. That is the Federal Reserve System, which all of our money operates according to. So all implemented forms of the communist planks of “The Communist Manifesto”.

Number six, centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state. These manifest through the Department of Transportation, the FAA, and the FCC.

Number seven, the extension of state-owned industrial production and central planning in agriculture. This is Executive Order 13575, which allows greater government power over food and energy. And many more bills have come down the pike since this one was passed which tighten that control even further.

Number eight, the enforcement of universal obligation of all to work. As we're going to talk about in communist countries, the penalties for not working.

Establishment of industrial armies especially for agriculture. Literally armies of farmers and agriculturalists. This is implemented in the United States by taxes. The fact that taxes and inflation have forced dual income families and in many instances both partners must work multiple jobs. Plus there is an implementation of the combination of industry and agriculture.

Nine, combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries, it's kind of an adjunct to Plank 8, and more equitable distribution of the population over the country. We don't really have that last one, okay? So we have the first part of it.

This is a questionable implementation in the United States and there may be a revised plan to implement that, but we do have combination of agriculture and manufacturing through robotics, AI and coming 15-minute cities which they want to implement as part of agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.

And number 10, the provision of free universal education or public schooling and the abolition of child's factory labor.

Obviously the child's factory labor is actually one of the good planks of the manifesto because we shouldn't be putting forcing children to work in factories.

However, the first one, provision of free universal education, leads to the Department of Education, the public school system, and the outcome-based educational model that we're going to talk about that is an indoctrination camp for young people in this country and many others.

Every plank of “The Communist Manifesto” has been implemented in the United States in some form or fashion. We are not heading toward a communist government and society, we're already living in one.

Let's look at some of the occultists and secret societies that led to the formation of communism in Europe and elsewhere.

(01:30:00) The Jacobin Club is the first and probably the most influential.

And again, this all goes back to the French Revolution and the fomentors of the French Revolution.

See, socialism in Europe really has its roots in the French Revolution and also prior to that with the occultist ideologues and secret societies that paved the way to the French Revolution and fomented it.

The Society of the Jacobins, commonly known as the Jacobin Club or simply the Jacobins, was founded in 1789 by anti-royalists from Brittany in northwestern France.

The club grew into a nationwide movement with a membership of more than a half a million people making it the largest and most powerful political organization during the French Revolution. Women were not accepted as members of the Jacobin Club and their high membership fees confined its membership to well-off men, the rich.

The Jacobins claimed to speak on behalf of the people, but were themselves not of the people. Contemporaries saw the Jacobins as a club of the bourgeoisie. So why would they want to implement socialism? And this is what you have to understand by reading information about how these occultists work.

I highly recommend the book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen, talking about how throughout time the very highest level financiers want to give socialism to the public classes so it basically keeps them in a state of destitution and not owning property and not having resources.

They want destitution amongst the average person. This is why the economy is in the shambles that is in today and the rampant destruction of the US economy and the rampant inflation that's taking place.

Let's go back to the Jacobin Club. Again, they were seen as bourgeoisie, not representing the people. This is a depiction of their meetings, and you see in the balcony section in the back, that's where women were confined. They were not allowed to take part in the discussions, but they could observe the proceedings.

The Jacobin club included both French parliamentary factions, the Montagne and the Girondins. I hope I'm pronouncing that relatively correct.

The Girondins had overthrown King Louis XVI and set up the French First Republic. In May 1793, leaders of the Montagne faction, led by Maximilien Robespierre, succeeded in sidelining the Girondins faction and controlling the government until July 1794.

Robespierre, whose political views were rooted in the notion of the social contract, was viewed as the political force of the Jacobin movement. So he was a Jacobin himself.

The Jacobins time in government featured high levels of political violence, resulting in the execution of 17,000 political opponents nationwide in France. For this reason, the period of the Jacobin government of France is identified as what is called the Reign of Terror.

The Jacobin's Reign of Terror was instituted as a means of combating those who they perceived as enemies within. Kind of like the Night of the Long Knives.

In July 1794, the National Convention of France pushed Robespierre and his Jacobin allies out of power and had Robespierre and 21 of his associates executed by guillotine.

In November 1794, the Jacobin club officially disbanded. Jacobin rhetoric would lead to the increasing secularization of Europe throughout the whole 1800s.

Again, that's one of their main methodologies and ideologies. Secularize, de-spiritualize the population. You cannot get them focused on philosophy, you cannot get them focused on spirituality. You have to root them in secularism and materialism.

The political rhetoric espoused by the Jacobins would lead to the development of the modern leftist movements throughout the 19th, 20th, and 21st century. They all owned their origin to the Jacobins.

With Jacobinism being the political foundation of almost all leftist schools of thought, including socialism and communism.

Georges Valois, founder of the 20th century French fascist party, Fascio, claimed that the roots of fascism also stemmed from the Jacobin movement. Once again, these are not political opposites, they are not ideological opposites, they all lead to the same form of state control and human slavery and neo-feudalism. So we have to stop seeing this left and right divide. There is no such thing. The only divide is right versus wrong. That's the only one that we should really concern ourselves with, of learning what is true morality.

Gracchus Babouf, a French proto-communist, revolutionary, and journalist of the French Revolutionary period. His newspaper, the “Tribune of the People”, was best known for its advocacy for the poor and calling for a popular revolt against the Directory, the government of France at the time.

Babouf was a leading advocate for socialism and the abolition of private property. In spite of the efforts of his Jacobin friends to save him, Babouf was executed for his role in the failed coup d'etat known as the conspiracy of equals in May 1796. He's one of the grandfathers of European socialism here.

Although the terms communist and socialist did not yet exist in Babouf's life, they have both been used by later scholars to describe his ideology. He has been called the first revolutionary communist.

In his book, “Manifesto of Equals”, Babouf wrote, “the French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, one that will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last”.

Another secret society that really paved the way for socialism and communism throughout Europe was the Carbonari. Most people will have never heard of this one of course.

(01:36:55) The Carbonari, also known as the charcoal burners, was a revolutionary secret society active in Italy from about 1800 to 1831.

The roots of the Carbonari can be traced back to southeastern France around the beginning of the French Revolution. It became a powerful force in the European revolutionary struggles of the early 19th century.

The Carbonari was probably derived from the Order of Woodcutters, a fraternal secret society founded by Freemasons in the 1740s in Paris.

So we're gonna constantly see the influence of tons of occult groups, Freemasonic groups and other occult traditions throughout the total beginnings and origins of communism and its emergence of course through Marx and Engels and then eventually the Bolsheviks and Soviets.

Members of the Carbonari called one another good cousins and pledged mutual support and protection upon the blade of an axe, a very significant Freemasonic symbol, the axe. And again, also the symbol of the fascis, right? The axe with the surrounding bundle of rods representing centralization of political power and authority.

Their lodges were called shops because it was all about wood cutting, wood burning, et cetera, which had a system of two degrees. We're gonna see all of these secret societies had different degree systems and they patterned these degrees on other secret orders, many of which were patterned upon Freemasonry.

The Carbonari only had a two degree system. Apprentice and Master, kind of like you know the Sith. You know there's an apprentice and there's a master. Members took names drawn from the history of the Middle Ages and had secret signs and passwords to identify themselves to other Carbonari members.

Immediately after their initiation, Carbonari members were required to acquire a rifle, 50 rounds of ammunition, and a dagger and be prepared to use them in a revolutionary capacity. This was one of the symbols used by the Carbonari, obviously leveraging Christian symbolism, the symbolism of the Vatican there with the crossed keys, which is still used by the Vatican today, and an upward and downward pointing cross.

And then the symbols of alpha and omega representing God and or Christ. But also putting the pentacle in the middle of it, the upright pointing pentacle, which is a symbol of Wicca and witchcraft.

The Carbonari had a high degree of success in organizing political pressure and revolutionary violence across Europe. The Carbonari used popular religious symbolism, as I've just said, instead of esoteric symbolism, making it more acceptable in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox countries where it operated.

It recruited its membership largely from the middle classes, although it also employed a strategy of infiltration by recruiting bureaucrats, policemen, and soldiers. This made it easy for the Carbonari to counter efforts to suppress them, since police and soldiers tasked to hunt them were as often as not Carbonari members themselves. Again they infiltrated the entire culture.

Some of the most famous revolutionaries of the time were members of the Carbonari. Philip Buonarroti, organizer of several, Phillipe Buonarroti, organizer of several revolutionary secret societies had close connections with the Carbonari during his years in Swiss exile, and made use of his Carbonari connections in recruiting for his primary secret society, the sublime perfect masters.

We're going to look at Buonarroti and the sublime perfect masters. Before that, let's take a look at the occult society or the secret society known as the Philadelphs.

(01:41:12) One of the most important political secret societies of the 19th century, the Philadelphs, began in 1797 as a student literary club in eastern France.

It utilized rituals modeled on other fraternal secret societies, mainly Freemasonry, as I said before.

The Philadelphs took on a more political focus after Napoleon Bonaparte seized power in France in 1799. Two assassination attempts on Napoleon are tied to the Philadelphs. The Philadelphs also made several attempts to prepare for a full-scale rebellion against Napoleon but none of those attempts went very far.

The Philadelphs reached Italy sometime after 1807 when Italian exiles in Paris became members and began planning organized resistance to Napoleon. Known as Philadelphie or Adelphie in Italy, the organization played an active role in the complex politics of the early 19th century.

The revolutionary Philippe Buonarotti became a member of the Philadelphs while in prison for his involvement in the conspiracy of equals and organized a Philadelph circle in Geneva Switzerland after his release from prison in 1806.

From 1818 to the mid 1820s, Buonarroti's secret society, the sublime perfect masters, infiltrated the Philadelph leadership in Italy and took control of the organization.

So you're also going to see throughout, if you study occultism, absorption by certain secret societies, by other larger secret societies. They absorb and condense their membership.

Along with the Carbonari, the Philadelphs helped coordinate preparations for the widespread revolutions of 1820 and 1821. It then dissolved with many of its members absorbed by other secret societies with familiar aims, among them the Grand Lodge of Philadelphs, a clandestine Masonic lodge of the Rites of Memphis and Mizraim, which we already looked into in the last section.

(01:43:31) Philippe Buonarotti, an Italian utopian socialist, Freemason, conspirator, and secret society leader.

Buonarotti's ideology proposed a strategy that would revolutionize society in stages, starting from monarchy, then proceeding to liberalism, then to radicalism, and finally to communism, meaning the abolition of private property.

In 1786, he was initiated into Freemasonry and joined a Masonic Lodge that was under the direct control of the Bavarian Illuminati occult order. In 1789, Buonarotti visited Paris and met with Maximilien Robespierre. He was soon brought into the midst of Robespierre's French revolutionary government.

With the fall of Robespierre’s government after the Thermidor coup d'etat of 1794, Buonarroti lost political support in Paris and was imprisoned in March of 1795. While in prison, he met Gracchus Babouf.

Again, all of these people and organizations merge and come together. It's a tightly interwoven network. In order to see that interwoven aspect of occultism, you really have to study all the elements of it and all the groups and occultists within it. It's a lifelong study and it's very labyrinthine. It's not a very simple structure. If you really want to get down to the nitty-gritty of the details, it's very labyrinthine. You have to be prepared for that.

While in prison he met Gracchus Babouf, another ambitious radical. Upon their release in October 1795 they formed a secret society called the Society of the Pantheon. When the society was suppressed by French police in February 1796, its most committed members formed a revolutionary secret society called the Conspiracy of Equals.

Following the Conspiracy of Equals failed coup d'etat during the French Revolution, Buonarroti was imprisoned again until 1806. While in prison he became a member of another secret society, the Philadelphs, which we already talked about. After his release he moved to Geneva and resumed his revolutionary activities, starting a Philadelph group in a local Masonic lodge and planning a coup against Napoleon's government.

(01:46:10) In 1808 he organized the Sublime Perfect Masters.

Now keep in mind that name because we want to talk about another organization that had the concept of being perfect in their original name. So he formed the sublime perfect masters in 1808 which became the first international secret society of the 19th century and plotted a continent-wide revolution to establish socialist governments and to abolish private property throughout Europe. One of the most important foundational occultic revolutionaries of his time and again paving the way for both the French Revolution and eventually the Bolshevik Revolution.

Buonarotti was driven out of Switzerland and went to Brussels where he relaunched the sublime perfect masters as Le Monde or the world. Again this concept of globalism that we're going to take it all. We're going to take everything.

In 1828 he published a book on the French Revolution and the conspiracies that followed it called “Conspiracy for Equality”, which became the Bible of liberal secret societies throughout the 19th century.

The same year he published “History of Babouf's Conspiracy of Equals”, which became a quintessential text for revolutionaries, inspiring many socialists, including Louis-Auguste Blanqui and Karl Marx.

In 1830 Buonarotti moved to Paris. In 1832 he created a new international secret society called Reformed Carbonarism which was based on the Carbonari. He expanded this society into the Universal Democratic Carbonarism in 1833. Bonarotti died in Paris in 1837.

Louis-Auguste Blanqui learned many of his insurrectionary skills and tactics from Buonarotti. He also inspired Mikhail Bakunin, who was heavily influenced by Buonarotti's revolutionary practices and praised him as the greatest conspirator of his age, Bakunin said.

His organization, the Sublime Perfect Masters, one of the principal secret societies founded by Pilippe Buonarroti, the Sublime Perfect Masters took shape in Geneva in 1809 as an inner circle of the revolutionaries drawn from the Philadelphs.

Again we're seeing the dynamic of esoteric versus esoteric. Exoteric is the outside, the Philadelphs were the exoteric and then the sublime perfect masters were the esoteric sect within the Philadelphs.

It took shape in Geneva as an inner circle of the revolutionaries drawn from the Philadelphs, another secret society of the time and from liberal Masonic circles. Unlike the Philadelphs, which focused their efforts on the destruction of Napoleon, the sublime perfect masters set their sights on the more ambitious goal of launching revolutions throughout Europe to bring about socialist governments and the abolition of private property.

This was the entire agenda at the time, but from all of these groups, they took the ideas of previous people who desired to abolish private property and bring in neo-feudalism and they built upon those ideologies. Marx is a result of that. They inspired him to think the way he thought. The language was not socialist and communist at the time. It was like, hey, there's an ultra-rich class and they're the property class. They own the property and we have to abolish property.

Not that everybody should have their equal and rightful share of property, or have their own private property, I should say, but no, abolish it all. Abolish it as a wrong idea and axiom that you can't own anything. Well folks, if you can't own anything, you have no rights. You own yourself. Chief and principle among all forms of property is the ownership of the self, which is the basis of all spirituality. And if you can't own that as property, you can't own anything else as property. That's why they want to abolish all forms of property.

The sublime perfect masters followed the older 18th century pattern of secret societies and drew heavily on the symbolism and practices of Freemasonry.

Again, please do not just see Freemasonry as evil. They are distorting what Freemasonry is supposed to be teaching and conveying to people. Freemasonry is an allegorical system of morality conveyed in symbols and allegorical stories.

There is nothing wrong with the pure form of Freemasonry. It's how it has been distorted and perverted by these occultists.

The Sublime Perfect Masters worked through a three degree system. Apprentice, Sublime Elect, and Areopagus. Keep in mind that last term, Areopagus or the guiding body.

Above these degrees was a central coordinating body, the grand firmament, again you're going out of the exoteric layer of even this esoteric society into an even deeper inner circle, the grand firmament whose existence was kept secret from everyone outside the Areopagus level.

Members learned very little about the workings of the society on their admission, and only those of proven loyalty were advanced through the degree system. Such a system displays close alignment to the Bavarian Illuminati order. Buonarroti probably borrowed it from his early experience in an illuminati controlled Masonic lodge. Almost certainly did.

The sublime Perfect Masters served primarily as a coordinating body for liberal secret societies across Europe, and at its height in 1820, it had members in Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland.

Along with the Carbonari, it played a significant role in the wave of rebellions that swept through Europe in 1820 and 21. In the aftermath of these risings, informers leaked details of the order's activity to police in several countries, meaning the sublime perfect master's details. As a result, Pilippe Buonarroti was exiled from Geneva, Switzerland.

(01:53:16) The next conspirator and socialist that we have to look at his activity is Louis Auguste Blanqui.

He was a French socialist and political activist notable for his revolutionary theory of Blanquism. Blanqui was a member of the Carbonari Secret Society since 1824 and took an active part in most political conspiracies of his time.

Blanqui's uncompromising radicalism and his determination to enforce it by violence brought him into conflict with every French government during his lifetime and as a consequence he spent half of his life in prison.

As a socialist, Blanqui favored what he described as a just redistribution of wealth. It's always just, isn't it?

However, Blanqui is distinguished in various ways from other socialist currents of the day. Blanqui did not believe in the preponderant role of the working class.

This is key to understand regarding Blanqui's version of radicalism and revolution.

Nor did he believe in popular movements. He thought, and really focus in on this here, this is really key in this whole section.

He thought, Blanqui thought, that revolution should be carried out by a relatively small group of highly organized and secretive conspirators who would establish a “temporary dictatorship” by force. Having seized political power, the revolutionaries would then use the power of the state to introduce socialism.

Folks if you haven't read “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, I mean this is exactly what has happened in the United States. And the author of “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, Gary Allen, warned everybody about it in the year 1970 and nobody paid any damn attention.

He told people about all of this. He knew how it worked, he knew how people were implementing this global conspiracy, he knew what the end goal was, and he was almost like a prophet warning the American public and people throughout the world and they just didn't listen.

This period of so-called transitional tyranny would permit the implementation of, in Blanqui’s words, a new order, a new world order, after which power would then be handed to the people. We’re just going to dismantle all our apparatus of total control and give it over to the public. Don't you know that's how it always works.

Blankism is considered a particular type of putschism. The view that a political revolution should take the form of a putsch or coup d'etat. Blankism was more concerned with the revolution itself rather than with the future society that would result from it.

For Blanquist, revolution and the overturning of the bourgeois social order are ends sufficient in themselves. Some men just want to watch the world burn, as the saying goes.

(01:56:45) The League of Outlaws, another very influential revolutionary secret society.

A German revolutionary secret society founded in Paris in 1834. And again you see this constant reinforced idea of it's German founded but it's operating in other countries.

Just like Marx and Engels, just like the Communist League as we're going to see and the League of Outlaws was no different. It was founded in Paris in 1834 by a group of German exiles.

Its founder Theodor Schuster drew most of his ideas from earlier secret societies such as the Carbonari and the Philadelphs and from the writings of Felipe Buonarroti, one of the most influential revolutionists of his time.

The League of Outlaws, and again so secretive there is no insignia, there is no logo, there is no banner, etc. Okay, so this is just a historical depictment here.

The League of Outlaws had a hierarchical structure derived from the Carbonari and was among the first European revolutionary groups to push for a social revolution to abolish class barriers and eliminate worker exploitation.

Theodor Schuster argued that the major divides in the Europe of his time were between classes, not nations, and proclaimed a future cooperative republic in which peasant cooperatives and government intervention would keep the influence of wealthy capitalists in check. It works so well.

The League of Outlaws thus pioneered the ideologies later claimed by communist secret societies and communist regimes. The League of the Just was a, which followed the League of Outlaws, was a communist secret society founded in 1836 by branching off from its predecessor The League of Outlaws formed in Paris in 1834 by Jacob Vendee and Venaday and Theodor Schuster.

(01:58:54) The League of the Just was originally headquartered in Paris and was largely composed of German emigrants.

Again, people leaving Germany or being exiled from Germany for these beliefs and then carrying it into other areas of Europe. Again, I don't believe there’s any symbolism or insignias of the League of the Just either.

The League of the Just was originally headquartered in Paris and was largely composed of German immigrants. Most members of the League of the Just were primarily tailors and woodworkers whose stated goal was the millennialist idea of the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth or the New Jerusalem described as utopian communists and again the word utopia means nowhere.

It means it doesn't exist anywhere except in your mind. Ok, I'm not a utopianist. I don't believe in utopias. I'm a pragmatist. I'm a real-world analyzer of things and very much focused on real world solutions. There is no perfect place. Utopia is a... the word literally in Greek means no place. Okay? It doesn't exist.

Most members of the League of the Just were followers of the first revolutionary communist, Gracchus Babouf. They predicted and anticipated a social revolution, which one of their leaders, Karl Schapper, very important, described as the great resurrection day of the people.

So you see all of this pseudo-religious connotations involved in their rhetoric.

The League of the Just eventually adopted a pyramidal structure, the structure we've already looked at, inspired by the Italian Masonic Revolutionary Secret Society, the Carbonari. Their long-term goal was to establish a “social republic in the German states”.

(02:00:57) The most prominent leader within the League of the Just was Wilhelm Weitling.

Weitling, a German radical political activist and one of the first theorists of communism, proclaimed himself a “social Luther” and denounced private property and we'll see this over and over again by these occultists and groups.

Many members of the League of the Just were involved in the Blanquist Revolt of May 12, 1839. This led to the group being expelled by the French government. The League of the Just proceeded to move to London, over and over again, you're going to see that pattern, where they continued to grow reaching a peak membership of over 1,000 members.

In June 1847, the League of the Just merged with the Communist Correspondence Committee, an organization led by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to form the Communist League, and Karl Schapper was very instrumental in that as well. The Communist League tasked Marx and Engels with writing a political platform.

So that is the organization that gave them the job of being the pen men for the Communist League. The resulting document was of course “The Communist Manifesto”.

The Communist League widely regarded as the first Marxist political party was established on June 1st 1847 in London, England. This was not operating out of Germany or Russia, it was operating out of London. And we're going to see the real social engineering think tanks and secret societies that were operating out of London that led to all this.

The organization was formed through the merger of the League of the Just, headed by Karl Schapper, and the Communist Correspondence Committee of Brussels, Belgium, in which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the dominant personalities.

In January 1847, disparate parts of the German Communist movement began to congeal into a single organizational entity when the League of the Just suggested the idea of unity with the Communist Correspondence Committee. On January 20th, 1847, Karl Schapper requested that Karl Marx join the League of the Just.

So, Marx was actually brought into what would become the Communist League and eventually the Communist Party by Karl Schapper, very influential occultist.

Both Marx and Engels joined the League of the Just shortly thereafter, followed by other members of the Communist Correspondence Committee. And this is the plain red flag used by many of these organizations. They did not have symbolism, they just bore a plain red flag.

In June 1847, the first Congress of the League of the Just took place in London. At this conference, the League adopted a new charter and formally changed its name to the Communist League. The Communist League was structured around the reformation of primary party units known as communes, consisting of at least three, but not more than ten members. These were in turn to be combined into larger units known as circles. The agenda of the Communist League called for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and establishment of the rule of the proletariat and the construction of a new society free of both private property and social classes.

In November and December 1847, the Communist League held a Congress in London. Both Marx and Engels attended, and they were assigned the task of composing a political manifesto for the organization. This became “The Communist Manifesto”.

In 1850 a German spy, Wilhelm Stieber, stole the Communist League's register of members and sent it to France and several German states, bringing about the imprisonment of several of its members.

From October 4th to November 12th, 1852, the Prussian government conducted the Cologne Communist Trial against 11 members of the Communist League who were suspected of having participated in the 1848 uprisings, a series of protests and rebellions in the states of the German Confederation and Austrian Empire.

Seven of the 11 members tried were sentenced to prison terms up to six years. Following the Cologne Communist Trial, the Communist League was formally disbanded in November 1852.

(02:05:49) Let's look at Karl Schapper, one of the main members of the Communist League and instrumental with its creation.

Karl Schapper was a German socialist and communist. He was one of the pioneers of communism in Germany and a close associate of Karl Marx.

I would say he was one of Marx's closest mentors. In 1832 Schapper participated in a failed insurrection in Frankfurt, Germany and was imprisoned. He managed to escape after three months and made his way to Switzerland where he became a follower of the utopian communist Wilhelm Weitling.

Schapper subsequently joined Young Germany, a radical socialist think tank of writers which existed from about 1830 to 1850. Young Germany was modeled on and affiliated with Giuseppe Mazzini's Young Italy, another secret society operating out of Italy.

Young Germany, who Schapper was a member, was regarded as dangerous by many politicians due to its progressive viewpoint and in December 1835 many of its publications were banned in Germany by the Frankfurt Parliament, which claimed that its members were attempting to “attack the Christian religion and destroy all morality” by championing moral relativism through their writings.

In 1834 Schapper participated in Giuseppe Mazzini's unsuccessful attempt at an armed invasion of Savoy from Switzerland and was once again in prison. This is going to become very clear and significant once we talk about who Giuseppe Mazzini was, if you don't already know that.

In 1836 Schapper was deported from Switzerland for his political activities and went to Paris where he joined the League of the Just. As a member of the League of the Just, Schapper helped forge links between German socialists and radical French communists groups of the 1830s and 40s.

In 1839 Schapper became involved in an unsuccessful insurrection in Paris by the revolutionary secret society known as the Society of the Seasons and was again imprisoned. In 1840 Schapper was expelled from France and went to London where he established the Communist League in 1847. In the Communist League, Schapper helped pave the way from the utopian communism of Weitling to the materialist socialism of Marx and Engels. He was responsible for organizing the publication of Marx and Engels “Communist Manifesto” in 1848.

This was the man responsible for publishing and distributing “The Communist Manifesto”. In 1864 Schapper was involved in the founding of Karl Marx Communist Organization First International in London and was elected to its first governing body the General Council in 1865. Schapper died from tuberculosis in London on April 28 1870.

Now as I said before you have to understand Schapper's role in all of this and the fomentation of communism throughout Europe by understanding the nature of his relationship with Giuseppe Mazzini.

(02:09:17) Giuseppe Mazzini was the spearhead of the Italian revolutionary movement. His efforts helped bring about a unified Italy in place of separate states in the 19th century.

Mazzini was an Italian nationalist in the historical radical tradition and a proponent of a social democratic state, meaning democratic socialism or as we're going to talk about incremental socialism.

Mazzini helped define the modern European movement for popular democracy. In 1827 Mazzini traveled to Tuscany where he became a member of the Carbonari, secret society, it all leads back to them in many ways.

In 1831, Mazzini was expelled to France and settled in Marseille where he became a popular figure among Italian exiles. That year he founded a new political society called Giovine Italia, Young Italy, a secret society formed to promote Italian unification.

Mazzini believed that a popular uprising would create a unified Italy and would touch off a European-wide revolutionary movement. Young Italy sought to unite revolutionary groups who wanted to achieve unification through force. Most of Mazzini's associates in young Italy were members of the Carbonari and borrowed much of the new organization structure and technique from Carbonari traditions.

From Mazzini's headquarters in Marseille, young Italy established an extensive network of supporters throughout the Italian Peninsula, distributed propaganda and infiltrated the armed forces and government bureaucracies, again a prominent tactic within socialism and communism.

Young Italy had over 60,000 members by 1833 with branches in Genoa and other cities. After imprisonment for his revolutionary activities, Mazzini reformed Young Italy in 1834. Mazzini went on to create several organizations aimed at the unification or liberation of other nations in the wake of young Italy, including young Germany, young Poland, and young Switzerland, all under the support and umbrella of the continent-wide Young Europe.

The Young Europe movement inspired a group of young Turkish cadets and students who later named themselves the Young Turks. Mazzini's thought was characterized by a strong religious fervor, and this made him unpopular with some socialists and revolutionaries. He was a believer in divine providence, describing himself as a Christian, emphasized the necessity of a “relationship” with God, and vehemently denounced atheism. His motto was God and the people.

Simultaneously, Mazzini rejected the concept of the rights of man. I mean, imagine this. You believe in a creator and you don't believe that rights are instituted by the creator of the universe and are birthrights of human beings. So he didn't believe in the concept of the rights of man, arguing instead that individual rights were a “duty to be won through work, sacrifice, and virtue”, rather than rights being intrinsic to humanity.

His ideology polarized his contemporaries. For some he was a godlike figure and he was denounced by others as a traitor. Some praised Mazzini as the savior of Italy while others called him the evil genius of Italy and claimed that he was attempting to, “impose a new religion on the population of Europe”.

Karl Marx did not agree with Mazzini's ideological worldview. Marx believed that Mazzini's point of view had become reactionary and the proletariat had nothing to do with it. Again but most real conspirators again adopted more of the putsch or coup d'etat by a very selective, highly trained, conspirator organization which would infiltrate institutions, take them over from the inside, then institute a socialist revolution. Mazzini was more of that type of revolutionary.

Mazzini's socio-political thought has been referred to as Mazzinianism, a term later used by Benito Mussolini and his fascist regime to describe their political ideology and spiritual conception of life.

The 20th century activist Albert Charles Bruce argued that “socialism is found in its entirety in the doctrine of Giuseppe Mazzini”, one of the most powerful influences of socialism during this time period. So here is where it gets very interesting.

In 1860 Giuseppe Mazzini had formed a secret society called the Oblonica, derived from the Latin noun obelus, or obelisk. Within this group, Mazzini established an inner order which eventually evolved into La Cosa Nostra, the Italian Mafia, with many of its members coming to America during the 1890s with the beginning of Italian immigration in America.

Mazzini was certainly an occultist and became involved in Freemasonry earlier in his life. In the 1830’s, he made efforts to carry on the activities of the infamous occult order, the Bavarian Illuminati, through the Alta Vendita Lodge, the highest Masonic lodge of the Carbonari.

In 1834, only a few years after the death of its first Grand Master, Adam Weishaupt, Giuseppe Mazzini was appointed head of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany.

(02:15:46) Order of the Illuminati

So that brings us to the famous Order of the Illuminati.

Now one thing I want to make perfectly clear, I am not talking about a worldwide secret society that is trying to take over the world in the modern day. We are talking about an old secret society operating out of Bavaria, Germany and then spread to other parts of Europe.

Full Myron Fagan recording re: Illuminati


I despise and detest the term Illuminati being applied to the psychopaths who run our world today. They are not illuminated or enlightened. They are garbage, psychopathic lunatics and should not be referred to as enlightened.

This is the hubris of a completely diseased psyche of people like this to call themselves enlightened. So I hate the term Illuminati for the grand conspiracy trying to take over things. You know it is a conspiracy and it is worldwide but it's a conspiracy of totally immoral psychopathic lunatics. Call them that, don't call them the Illuminati.

But there was, thank you, there was an order known as the Illuminati that we need to talk about because they very, very, very significantly influenced socialism throughout Europe.

(02:17:08) So let's take a look at the Bavarian order of the Illuminati.

The Bavarian order of the Illuminati, also known as the Enlightened Ones, which is what Illuminati means in Latin, was founded by Adam Weishaupt on Beltane, May 1st, 1776, the same year that the American Revolution kicked off in earnest, as the “Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria”. So that was its formal name, “The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria.” Again, Bavaria a state in southern Germany.

Its name was soon changed to the Order of the Illuminati. And as I'm going to tell you in a moment, it did have another name prior to that. It was secretive, hierarchical, and heavily modeled upon the Jesuit order or the Society of Jesus.

Weishaupt, born February 6, 1748 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany, was educated by the Jesuits who converted him to Catholicism. Although he became a Catholic priest, he purportedly later developed an intense hatred for the Jesuits and he became an atheist.

After his separation from the Jesuits, Weishaupt became a master occultist, studying astrology, Freemasonry, Kabbalah, the Egyptian mystery traditions or the traditions of Khamut, the Eleusinian mysteries, Solomonic magic, the teaching of the Essenes and perhaps most influentially Pythagoreanism.

One of the fundamental teachings of Pythagoras, a 6th century BC Greek philosopher, was that human beings should combine all their belongings into a form of mutual ownership. You really want to go back to where communism comes from, you have to go back to ancient Greece and Pythagoras.

Much later in human history, this Pythagorean doctrine became the underlying ideology behind the inception of communism in the modern day.

In 1770, Weishaupt was chosen by the international banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild to develop an organization that could be used for political revolution to weaken the status of Great Britain in Europe. And that is what the Illuminati would become.

In 1773, Weishaupt began focusing on establishing this revolutionary organization. To confuse his detractors, he based the organizational structure on the one used by the Jesuits. However, his intention was to have a secret coalition of liberalism. Additionally, Weishaupt wanted to use the Illuminati to replace Christianity with what he called a religion of reason, to strive for “the perfection of morals”, and “make of the human race one good and happy family”. It's always under that umbrella.

As aside: podcast from history expert Jason Breshears of


Archaix on youtube

Jason covers the years 1765 to 1816 in the above podcast, and mentions Weishaupt and Rothschild intrigues

Prior to its official founding on May 1st, Beltane, Walpurgisnacht, 1776, the original name of the order was Bund der Perfektibilisten or League of Perfectibilists or league of Perfectionists. Okay? And they felt that they would perfect themselves and become again, as Buonarroti put it, the sublime, perfect masters of the world.

Their original symbol was a shield similar to the Jesuit shield but they replaced the Jesuit phrase, extension of the kingdom of God, which is one of the Jesuits’ mottos, with the words, the perfection of man.

And you can't find that shield anywhere. I looked all over for it, and it has been scrubbed, and there's probably just, it was so secretive that they did not really keep copies of it, or have it engraved anywhere. It was just very, very, very you know, kept under under wraps.

So, Weishaupt soon changed the name to Illuminatenorden. That means the Order of the Illuminati. So that is the actual German name of the order of the Illuminati, the Illuminatenorden.

The symbol of the Order became the primordial archetype and free Masonic symbol of the Sun, a circle with a dot in the center depicted there, and that is a rudimentary representation of the all-seeing eye, which eventually became associated with the Order of the Illuminati.

Headquartered in Munich Germany and beginning with only five members, Adam Weishaupt, Franz Massenhausen, Max Mertz, Agathon Bauhof, who he was so secretive we don't even know what his real first name was he called himself Agathon, and Andreas Suttor.

The Illuminati became fully operational by the summer of 1778. Other lodges were eventually created in Ingolstadt, Heidelberg, Upper Bavaria, and Frankfurt in Germany.

Originally, the Order of the Illuminati had three degrees: Novice, Minerval, and Illuminated Minerval. Select members became members of the Areopagus. We already heard about that in the Sublime Perfect Masters, the Order's ruling council.

Some members called insinuants were permitted to recruit for the Illuminati. All members were required to adopt classical code names from history as were members of other revolutionary secret societies that we already talked about.

A system of mutual espionage kept Weishaupt informed of the activities of all of his members. Their rituals and ceremonies were similar to that of the Freemasons. Describing the Illuminati, Weishaupt himself wrote this, the great strength of our order lies in its concealment. Let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name and another occupation. The order wishes to be secret and to work in silence.

And that's how darkness always operates. Evil and darkness never do their work in the light of day because some good people would rise up against them to stop them. That's why they always want the cloak of secrecy.

Few knew the true direction and agenda of the order. Only those within the inner circle known as the Areopagites, the tribunal or the ruling council, were aware of their true purpose. Weishaupt described to all other members that their ultimate objective was the creation of a one world government to “prevent future wars”. It's gone so well, ever since.

Weishaupt once described the true purpose of the Illuminati as this, “nothing less than to win power and riches, to undermine secular and religious government, and to obtain the mastery of the world." He wrote, “the art of Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of ambitious egotists, top ideology of Satanism, and by working on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as greed and power to make men of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the sect. These people swell our numbers and fill our money box. They must be made to nibble at the bait, but let us beware of telling them our secrets, so that our real purpose should remain impenetrable to our inferiors."

Weishaupt taught Illuminati initiates that Jesus Christ was “the first advocator of Illuminism and that Christ's secret mission was to strongly encourage his disciples to despise riches in order to prepare the world for the community of goods that would do away with private property”. A repeated theme throughout all socialist ideologies throughout time.

Women were also enlisted into the Illuminati. Weishaupt wrote this about that. He said, “there is no way of influencing men so powerful as by means of women. Women should therefore be our chief study. We should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion and of standing up for themselves. This sex has a large part of the world in their hands."

Female members were divided into two groups. One group of “society women to give the organization an air of respectability” and the other group described by Weishaupt as those “who would help to satisfy those brothers who have a penchant for pleasure."

The Illuminati used monetary and sexual bribery to gain control of men in high places, then blackmailed them with the threat of public exposure and financial ruin.

At the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, an understanding was reached between Freemasonry, the Masonic lodges of Europe at the time, and the Illuminati, the Bavarian order of the Illuminati of Germany, which would add to the Illuminati the first three degrees of Freemasonry.

After the Congress, the Illuminati functioned under a more complex organizational structure that looked like this. Degree one was the nursery. It had four sub-degrees, Preparation, Novice, Minerval, and Illuminated Minerval, borrowing on the former structure.

Degree number two was the Masonic degrees, and it had two sections, Symbolic Masonry and Scottish Rite Masonry. In Symbolic Masonry, it had three sub-degrees, Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. In Scottish Masonry section, it had two sub-degrees, Illuminatus Major or Novice, and Illuminatus Dirigens or Knight.

Finally in the top level degree, the mysteries broken into two subcategories, the lesser mysteries and the greater mysteries, just like the knowledge of the occult, the lesser arcana and the greater arcana.

And the lesser mysteries were broken into the rites of Presbyter and Regent or Priest and Prince and the greater mysteries, finally the highest level of the Illuminati, the sub degrees Magus or Magician and finally Rex or King, again becoming God.

The Illuminati spread from Bavaria, Germany throughout all of Germany and eventually into Austria and Switzerland. Soon they had members from all walks of life including students, merchants, doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, civil officers, bankers, and ministers.

It's really kind of identical to what I have described that I saw in the dark occult order that I participated in. They had institutional members in positions of power throughout every walk of life and every social institution on the face of the earth.

By 1784 their membership reached nearly 3,000. By 1786 they had lodges across Germany, Austria, Hungary, England, Scotland, Poland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Ireland, Africa, and the Americas. Pretty much all over the world.

By the Third Masonic Congress of Frankfurt in 1786 the Illuminati virtually controlled all the Masonic lodges of Europe. And the Freemasons of America wrote about this, especially George Washington, who warned of the order of the Illuminati's influence in American Freemasonry, repeatedly. And again, did people listen? No. They want to believe what they want to believe, and they don't want to believe that sinister influence like this is taking place.

So, and at its meetings, their goals were solidified as this, they would try to institute pantheism for higher degrees and atheism for lower degrees and the general populace. Communal ownership of goods, again socialism, the abolition of private property, the destruction of all forms of Christianity and the removal of all existing human governments to make way for a universal republic, this is a worldwide government, under their system in which the “utopian ideology of complete separation from moral and religious restraint should reign”.

This is Satanism. This is moral relativism. This is pure egotism, completely out of control, and wanting to become God. It's the same ideology as Nazism, it's the same ideology as communism.

Weishaupt elaborated the Illuminati's plan to infiltrate and redirect societal institutions, writing, “I propose academies under the direction of the order. This will secure us the adherence of the literati, meaning the intelligentsia. Science shall here be the lure. We must acquire the direction of education, of church, management of the professional chair and of the pulpit”.

So again, it's the act of infiltration of all societal institutions, including religion. Weishaupt proposed training at special schools for future societal leaders who would be placed into positions of power behind the scenes as, “experts” and “advisers” to perpetuate Illuminati goals.

To ensure that the activities of the Illuminati would remain secret, warnings regarding the the consequences for betraying the order were included in their initiation ceremonies. A sword would be pointed at the initiate and they would be told, “If you are a traitor, learn that all our brothers are called upon to arm themselves against you. Do not hope to escape or find a place of safety. Wherever you are, the rage of our brothers will pursue you and torment you to the innermost recesses of your entrails”.

In October 1783, Joseph Unschneider, a lawyer who had left the Illuminati in August of that year, presented to Bavarian Duchess Maria Anna a document which detailed all of the activities of the Order of the Illuminati. On June 22, 1784, the Illuminati was outlawed by the edict of the Duke, Carl Theodor Dahlberg, the Elector of Bavaria, after discovering that the goals of the Illuminati were to “in time rule the world by overthrowing all civil government”.

On March 2nd, 1785, Dahlberg issued a proclamation identifying the Illuminati as a branch of Freemasonry. I would say it had just infiltrated all of Freemasonry. The government of Bavaria began a war against the order of the Illuminati and initiated judicial inquiries.

In an attempt to preserve the secrecy of their motives, the Illuminati's Areopagite, or ruling council, burned many of their documents. However, the Bavarian government was able to seize many of their papers upon the raiding of their lodges.

On September 9th, 1785, three more ex-members of the Bavarian Illuminati, Cassandri, Grunberger, and Renner, I was not able to locate their first names, appeared before a Bavarian court of inquiry, where they supplied Illuminati membership lists and revealed their aims and goals to be these six general agendas.

Number one, the abolition of the monarchy. Number two, the abolition of private property. Number three, the abolition of inheritance. Does this sound familiar? Number four, the abolition of patriotism. Number five, the abolition of the family through the abolition of marriage, morality, and the institution of communal education for children. I don't know, it sounds like I heard that somewhere else earlier. I just can't put my finger on it. And finally, six, the abolition of all religion.

The purposes of these six points of abolition were to divide humanity politically, socially and economically, and to weaken countries, to create an international one-world government with the centralization of all political power.

That is what communism ultimately is, ladies and gentlemen.

Weishaupt was preparing to set his plans into motion for the French Revolution, which was planned for 1789. In July of 1785, he instructed Bavarian lawyer and one of the Illuminati's most prominent leaders, Xavier Zwack, to put their plans into book form.

Zwack's document contained a history of the Illuminati and many of their ideas for expansion and future endeavors. A copy was sent to carrier Jacob Lanze to Illuminati members in Paris and Prussia, but after leaving Frankfurt on horseback, Lanze was struck by lightning and killed and authorities found the document and turned it over to the Bavarian government.

Zwack's house was searched by the police in October 1785 and his papers were seized. Documents, papers and correspondences were discovered including over 200 letters written between Weishaupt and other members of the Areopagite which dealt with Illuminati matters of the highest secrecy.

The following year more information was seized from the houses of other Illuminati members which contained their secret codes and symbols, calendar timetables, geographic locations, insignias, ceremonies of initiation, recruiting instructions, statutes, a partial roster of members, and nearly 130 official seals from the government which were used to counterfeit state documents.

In 1786 the government of Bavaria gathered all of the confiscated documents and published them in a book called the “Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati” which was circulated to every government and every crowned head in Europe including France to warn them of the impending danger which was just getting ready to come down on France in the form of the French Revolution.

Leaders of the Illuminati were arrested and interrogated. However, these revelations and the publication of their documents did little to alert the public because of their unbelievable claims of how deeply they were entrenched in all of European society.

On November 15th, 1790, Duke Dahlberg issued another edict whereby anyone found to be an active member of the Illuminati was to be put to death.

In subsequent years, the group was vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that the Illuminati continued to operate in secret and were ultimately responsible for the French Revolution. Weishaupt himself wrote that “the great care of the Illuminati after the publication of their secret writings was to persuade the whole of Germany that the Order no longer existed”.

Describing future plans for the Order, Weishaupt wrote, “By this plan we shall direct all mankind. Occupations must be allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions”.

To hide their subversive activities, the highest members of the Order of the Illuminati began to masquerade as humanitarians and philanthropists.

The Order eventually moved their headquarters to London, where it began to grow yet again. Weishaupt told Illuminati members to infiltrate the blue lodges of Freemasonry and to form secret circles within them. Only Freemasons who prove themselves as internationalists, what we now refer to as globalists, and those who were also atheists would be initiated into future incarnations of the Order of the Illuminati.

By 1787 the Illuminati had secretly spread to France by French revolutionary leader, Gabriel Mirabeau. Mirabeau introduced Illuminati principles at the palace Masonic Lodge of Reunited Friends, which later became the Philolettes, Searchers After Truth, again another name that theosophists have called themselves.

Noted members of the French Illuminati lodges included the Marquis of Gerandin, the Count of Saint-Germain, Count Alessandro Cagliostro, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

The Macquie de Luchet wrote in his essay on the sect of the Illuminati in January 1789, “listen” to this quote:

“Deluded people, you must understand that there exists a conspiracy in favor of despotism, and against liberty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, of ignorance against light. Every species of error which afflicts the earth, every half-baked idea, every invention of the mind, serves to fit the doctrines of the Illuminati. Their aim is universal domination."

The Illuminati eventually infiltrated 266 Masonic Lodges in France alone by 1789. Many French revolutionary leaders joined their ranks including Maximilien Robespierre, who was alleged to have been chosen leader of the French Revolution of Adam Weishaupt himself.

In April, 1789, the order of the Illuminati had infiltrated French Masonic lodges to such an extent that they had ceased operation and instead rallied under the name The French Revolutionary Club. When they needed a larger meeting place, they used the hall of the Jacobins Convent, again the Jacobin society. They essentially merged with them. This revolutionary group of 1300 people emerged on July 14, 1789 as the Jacobin Club.

The Illuminati controlled the Jacobin Club and were directly responsible for fomenting the activities which developed into the French Revolution. So we're full circle.

The Illuminati's revolutionary plan in France called for the population to be reduced by one third to one half to ensure the stability of the new French Republic. Population reduction. Eugenics.

The total death toll of the French Revolution was over one million people. In August 1792, after the overflow of the government, the tri-colored banner was replaced by the red flag of social revolution.

After the death of Adam Weishaupt on November 18, 1830, the Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini was eventually appointed head of the Illuminati. Mazzini had established prior to that the revolutionary society called Young Italy a few years earlier in 1831.

Young Germany, the radical socialist think tank that paved the way for the Communist League which led to “The Communist Manifesto” and subsequent communism throughout Europe and Russia etc. and China, was modeled on and affiliated with Mazzini's Young Italy Secret Society.

The day of the Illuminati's creation and the highest occult holiday of the calendar year, May 1st or Beltane or Walpurgisnacht, was eventually adopted as May Day in all communist nations and is still celebrated today as the highest holiday of communism.

(02:44:20) Let's look at how secret societies and social engineers directly fomented the Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Bolshevism and the rise of Vladimir Lenin.

Bolshevism is a revolutionary socialist current of Soviet Leninist and later Marxist-Leninist political thought, and a political regime associated with the formation of a rigidly centralized, cohesive and disciplined party of social revolution focused on overthrowing an existing capitalist state, then seizing power and establishing a “dictatorship of the proletariat or a dictatorship of the working classes”.

Bolshevism originated at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia and was associated with the activities of the Bolshevist faction within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party led by Vladimir Lenin.

Highly influenced by Marxist ideology, Bolshevism absorbed Marxist elements and continued the practices of the socialist revolutionaries of the second half of the 19th century, which we've been talking about. The most widely known theorists of Bolshevism were Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.

In 1916, Lenin wrote his work, “Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism”, which was a major contribution to the development of classical Marxism. This work concluded with the possibility of the victory of socialism, initially in a few countries or in a single country such as Russia, provided that the head of the revolutionary movement would be a disciplined avant-garde ready to go all the way to the establishment of the “dictatorship of the proletariat”.

During and before the Bolshevik revolution, the Bolsheviks and their ideology led up to the formation of the Communist Party. Vladimir Lenin and his ideas for a workers socialist state heavily dominated the Bolshevik movement. Again, workers socialist state, workers socialist party this was exactly how the Nazi party language was set up, the National Socialist German Workers Party. They just differ in the approach they're going to get people to totalitarianism.

So, in October 1917 the Bolshevik Party won a major, won a majority in the Soviets, the Revolutionary Workers Councils of Russia, which had been reformed, which had been formed throughout Russia, following the February Revolution, which had ended the Romanov dynasty's rule over Russia.

It subsequently organized what is known as the October Revolution, which overthrew the Russian provisional government and replaced it with state power under control of the Soviets, these revolutionary workers' councils, led by the Bolsheviks and with other left-wing socialists.

Lenin viewed the subsequent Russian Civil War as “an inevitable continuation, development and intensification of the class struggle”.

By the beginning of the February Revolution, the leading figures of the Bolshevik faction were mostly in exile. This is very critical to understand here. The main ideologues of Bolshevism had already been exiled out of Russia and they were in other countries prior to the Bolshevik Revolution, including Lenin who was exiled to Switzerland. After a highly secretive journey through train and boat through all of Europe, Lenin was eventually smuggled back into Russia after being exiled from it on April 16th 1917.

Upon Lenin's return, he immediately formulated a new program of action for the Bolshevik party called the April Thesis in which he demanded transfer of power to the Soviets “in the interest of the proletariat and peasantry”, of course.

It's always in the interest of the lower classes for these types of revolutions to take place. Because they're not genuine revolutions of freedom, they're there to set up a new control system. They're there to take people away from the idea of, oh well, it's the kings and the czars and the ruling classes and the moneyed power. Now, we're going to actually maintain control, but it's not going to be them. It's going to be the state that's going to maintain all power over them. It's just a new religion. That's all they're inventing. They're just trotting out one religion after another after another, getting people to believe in them and their system of control is continuated.

Upon his return, he immediately formed the April Thesis in the interest of proletariat and peasantry. Faced with resistance even among other supporters of Bolshevism, Lenin eventually managed to institute his plan with the support of the lower classes. They always fall for it. Lenin rejected, and when I say lower class we're talking about financially lower classes here.

Lenin rejected the critical argument of his political opponents regarding Russia's unpreparedness for a social revolution and the inevitability of a Russian civil war. In April 1917, the split of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was finalized.

Lenin's April thesis received the support of the majority of delegates and the Bolsheviks took over the Russian government.

After an assassination attempt upon Lenin, the Bolsheviks initiated a campaign of political repression and executions known as the Red Terror, mirroring the reign of terror of the French Revolution, which began in September 1918 and lasted until 1922.

The Red Terror was chiefly carried out through the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police, and was modeled on the reign of terror of the French Revolution. The purpose of the Red Terror was to seek out and eliminate all political dissent, opposition, and any other threats to Bolshevik power.

The French Jacobin Terror Campaign was a blueprint for the Soviet Bolshevik Red Terror. Prominent Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky had previously compared Vladimir Lenin to Maximilian Robespierre as early as 1904. And here you see the result of the Red Terror.

Adopting the Leninist slogan plunder the loot, the Bolsheviks proceeded to carry out complete confiscation of private property, which they considered to be, “acquired through the exploitation of the working people”.

However, the Bolsheviks never truly determined whether the property they confiscated was obtained through exploitation or if in fact the owners adequately paid for the higher labor or whether the owners had created the property with their own labor. They never even bothered to check any of that. They just took it. That's it, with violence.

In 1918, Social Democrat Alexander Parvus described Bolshevism thusly, “The essence of Bolshevism is simple, to ignite the revolution everywhere, not choosing the time, regardless of the political situation and other historical realities. Whoever is against the enemy. Whoever is against, is the enemy. And the conversation with the enemies is short. Whoever is against, is the enemy and they are subject to urgent and unconditional destruction”.

In March 1918, the Bolshevik party adopted the name the Russian Communist Party. In December 1925 the party name was again changed to the All-Union Communist Party. And finally, as late as October 1952, it was finally renamed to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

In Western political science and journalism, some authors analyze Bolshevism from the standpoint of the similarities and differences with fascism and Nazism, with some describing it as being synonymous with political extremism, ideological fanaticism, intolerance, and a propensity for violence.

In 1925, philosopher and linguist Nikolai Trubetsky described Bolshevism in the Eurasian Times newspaper like this, “The positive significance of Bolshevism may be that having removed the mask and showed everyone Satan in his undisguised form, it led many, through confidence in the reality of Satan, to faith in God”.

Which I thought was an appropriate quote for this presentation because it looked at it from a perspective of Satan wearing a mask, which is highly accurate.

Much has been historically documented regarding the covert sealed train journey of April 1917 that transported Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Revolutionaries safely through the midst of a war-torn Europe into Russia where they began to implement the Bolshevik revolution.

Regarding Lenin's journey, British statesman Winston Churchill remarked this, he said, “They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia, after which Lenin and Trotsky seized Russia by the hair of its head."

Unfortunately few ever asked the question, how was the exiled Lenin's journey ever allowed to proceed through all of Europe almost entirely unhindered?

So let's look at that because that's exceedingly important as to how the Bolshevik Revolution got started.

(02:55:16) The Bolshevik Revolution was secretly supported and funded by an occult group of internationalists, what we now call globalists, called the Committee of 300, and its social engineering think tank, known today as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is located in London, UK. It branched from the Tavistock Clinic, a mental health trust founded in London in 1920 and was formally established as a separate entity in September of 1947.

While not existing under its current name, the Tavistock Institute, until the 1940s, the origin of the Tavistock Institute goes back to the creation of what is known as Wellington House, Britain's war propaganda bureau during World War I.

The absolute best and most scholarly author on the topic of the Tavistock Institute, really there's two of them. Number one, you have to check out the works of John Coleman. All of his work is brilliant, but particularly this book, “The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations”.

Now, you can find this book digitally online. Try finding a real copy of it. Try finding a physical copy of it. Okay? They don't want people to know what's in this book. Do you know how much a physical copy of this book goes for today? Easily over $1,500. Easily. And they know nobody's going to, no average person's going to go out and buy a book for that much money. You know, most people don't want to spend that much money on a car, let alone a book. Okay. So you can find this digitally. It is out there digitally. Physical copy is going to be a lot harder to come by.

The other person is Daniel Eskulin, who I highly recommend his work on Tavistock.

Wellington House was originally directed by Alfred Harmsworth, the first Viscount Northcliffe or Lord Northcliffe, appointed Lord to the British royalty and his younger brother Harold Harmsworth the first Viscount Rothermere or Lord Rothermere. So there's Lord Northcliffe and here is Lord Rothermere.

Their mandate was to produce an organization capable of manipulating public opinion and directing that manufactured opinion for public support for a declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany during World War I.

Funding for Wellington House was provided by the British Royal Family and later by the Rothschild Banking Family to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Also by the Milner Group of Lord Alfred Milner, more on him later, and Rockefeller family trusts. That's where their funding came from.

A prominent member of Wellington House was renowned historian Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee later worked for another London based think tank, Chatham House, which is also known as the Royal Institute for International Affairs directly associated with the crown of England.

In his book, “America and World Revolution”, Toynbee advocated for a world government stating “If we are to avoid mass suicide, meaning the Anglo-American establishment, we must have our world state quickly and this probably means that we must have it in a non-democratic form to begin with. We will have to start building a world state now on the best design that is practicable at the moment”.

Toynbee also said that his world dictatorship would have to “supplant the local national states which litter the present political map”.

He proposed that this future world state must be brought about on the basis of mass propaganda that would make it acceptable to the vast majority of human beings.

And on that note, we will break for dinner and I will see you in an hour and a half at 7 p.m.


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What on earth is happening (WOEIH) -> transcriptions 4 study
The state and Satan are the same thing. This section is about various state shenanigans, psy-ops, distractions, misdirections, misinformation, and disinformation, threats of violence and/or actual use thereof, that ALL so-called "nations" use to mind control their populations.