The state makes fake fiat "laws" to manipulate and control, and the Banksters make fake fiat "money" to pay the state to do so ... both are fiat shit created out of thin air!


Orig vid between Seth & David on youtube

Brief history lesson to support the subtitle about banksters and war:

Original video on youtube

How I Clobbered Every Cash Confiscatory Government Agency
864KB ∙ PDF file

More in-depth analysis & history about central banksters:

Original video on youtube

Economic Zeitgeist and the necessity for reform of central banksters’ global destructiveness:

Original video on youtube

I’m only disappointed that Seth and David didn’t talk about the possibility of freedom crypto money that has the potential to shut the central banksters down.

An aside:

The crypto called qort is associated with qortal network (its free software downloadable at that link), another blockchain and crypto project that has potential to replace the internet, with their own decentralized browser, ability to create websites, “domains” owned for life for only $1 (as opposed to having to pay rental fees on the regular internet every few years) etc……

You can also download Bastyon’s free software, from which you have ability to download a decentralized app that replaces social media on a decentralized blockchain, similar to qortal network, except qortal does BOTH social media & websites, plus you can trade qort for Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc ... right in the UI created for qortal.

End aside

Bitcoin (BTC) done right had/has the potential to destroy central banksters, and I still own some BTC, but Roger Ver’s book, “Hijacking Bitcoin”, helped me understand better the weaknesses of Bitcoin and “freedom” crypto in general.

Bitcoin cash (BCH) forked from Bitcoin in 2017 and seems to encapsulate Satoshi’s vision better than most. Of course those who fork want to sell their own network. I am not naive about that. But the reasons to fork are important to understand because people don't go to the effort of creating their own clone of BTC unless they have good reasons and think they can profit. 

BCH is not owned by anyone, anymore than BTC, so no one man is getting rich, because there is no corporation to own. Those who own BCH only make money if people like their coin and start to use it, because it naturally becomes more valuable, as demand increases. Both BTC and BCH were exactly the same code and network until 2017. They split over philosophical differences about block/transaction size limits. The block size is intentionally kept small in BTC to promote higher fees. BCH allows higher block size so a larger number of transactions can go through, hence cheaper.  

One has to intuitively guess how the future may go:

  1. BTC continues to charge very high fees that get higher as bitcoin creation diminishes, ending around the year 2140. The philosophy is that bitcoin creation reward will disappear one day, so they need to compensate by charging very high fees to directly access the network. Layer two solutions can be created for cheaper everyday use of BTC, which bitcoiners are gambling will be successful. So far, this is not certain and has not happened, as people can't use BTC for everyday things because the fees are too high

  2. BCH may catch on as a much more scalable solution that exists right now. The fees are low and transactions fast, making more practical for everyday use. Expensive layer two solutions that central banksters can control are not as necessary, though BCH can make use of such too, if such is necessary and expedient. In this philosophy, if all 8 billion people in the world used BCH, then the fees could stay really low and make it back in volume, and we can get rid of the tyranny of central banksters. That was Satoshi's original vision. As it is, BTC seems marching towards continued high fees to price common people out of the market and rely on corporations that make layer two solutions that the controllers control.  

I think the same thing can happen as with physical gold, where BTC becomes a digital gold store of value, but cheaper layer two solutions eventually make it appear to be very similar to BCH. As of right now, it is more obvious that BTC is too expensive compared to BCH for everyday use. But if big government and big institutions and big money support BTC, as seems to be happening, they can build layer two solutions to satisfy the masses temporarily, who don't understand or care much, as long as it works. This effort helps to keep the banksters relevant & needed (which they are not), so along with the good potential of BTC, there is also infiltration & co-opting happening.

Derrick Broze's Journalism
The Co-Opting of Bitcoin: BTC Nashville, Peter Thiel, Donald Trump, and Rumble
Originally Published at The Last American Vagabond…
Read more

Eventually, the establishment rulers can do like in 1971 and just decouple bitcoin, like they did with physical gold, which Nixon took off the gold standard in 1971 and US dollars could no longer be exchanged for gold. BTC will probably still go up in the years ahead, but then again, maybe not, if people start learning the fine details.

In the above scenario, Bitcoin can even become the next world reserve currency and it doesn't change the overall world domination plan. With decoupled Bitcoin, it will really be whoever creates/controls the level two apps/wallets that will be in control; eventually, they simply create as much fiat BTC as they want for their level two “solutions”, similar to what they did when they decoupled gold from US dollars. Fiat paper could NO longer be exchanged for gold or silver, and they simply printed as much fiat paper as they wanted. People were already conditioned to consider it the same as gold anyway.

Without understanding some of these fine details, BTC is not really freedom money, in the long run anyway, if things keep going this way. It becomes just another mechanism of control that serves the controllers. Some think the CIA created BTC with this intent, knowing they could easily dupe the masses in the end, since they have had so much experience & success for so long with centralized fiat money control scams.

The Reese Report
AI World and the Cashless Society
Listen now

Time will tell, but it seems BTC is being centralized and controlled nicely so far.

Here is a thought experiment: what if the reverse had happened? What if BTC created their own forked network off of BCH, which had really cheap fees? BCH was gaining in popularity, was cheap, fast, starting to be used in many businesses (eg MicroSoft even took BTC for a time) and treated like cash, and then BTC decided to start a similar network.

However, they changed the BTC code to charge really high fees, the network was slow, not practical for every day use, but they pushed a narrative that said it could store value (which BCH stores value the same way) and eventually cheaper layer two solutions could make it practical one day. Which do you think would continue to gain in popularity and which would die?  

Since this did not happen, and BTC has the lead, the "powers that shouldn't be" have moved to censorship, narrative spin, smear campaigns, etc..... and BCH might only grow as people start to understand the complexities a little more.

Usually, if you destroy the user’s experience, you can destroy your business. But human psychology is human psychology and Bitcoin is still #1 by market cap.

Similarly, human psychology will help you sell more of your product at $19.99 versus $20.00, as subconsciously the brain thinks it is cheaper but it is not. Humans are subconsciously emotionally driven. VHS won out over Beta, even though Beta was better. Everybody has heard of Prozac, but “me-too” drug Luvox is less well known. The first to market usually wins because of the human “emotionally-driven” & “sentimental/follow-the-herd” decision making factor(s).

Anyway, I strongly suggest my readers check out David Webb’s site, for some traditional banking expert advice.

The Great Taking(david Webb)
2.15MB ∙ PDF file

And, of course, I recommend reading “Hijacking Bitcoin” by Roger Ver for some Bitcoin insights.

Today’s date: Dec 4, 2024 (update).

If Roger Ver is being attacked by the US Government, as per the video above, it means he is over the target and BTC and BCH are important!

Original video on brighteon

Roger Ver interview with Tucker Carlson regarding the above Mike Adams information.

Original video on youtube

More discussions about Bitcoin in general, and Roger Ver update

Original video on brighteon

In the years ahead, we can hope (and hopefully take concrete actions) that BTC and/or BCH, or some other truly 100% decentralized digital money brings true financial freedom to all common people. If the public masses got behind a non-bank created money like BTC and/or BCH, and stopped using their fake fiat dollars, which can be created by fiat (unlike BCH & BTC, which follow a “hard” coin creation algorithm), the world could put the parasite banks (and their lap dog governments) out of business …… the business of brutalizing average, good, decent, people.

Seth from “Man in America” follow-up discussion regarding the intro video about “The Great Taking

Original video on youtube

A different & balanced perspective on David Webb’s book, “The Great Taking”

Original video on youtube

An intelligent clip about Bitcoin

Full video on substack

Cautionary interview about Bitcoin’s manipulation below:

Derrick Broze's Journalism
How Bitcoin Was Hijacked, Why We Need Darkness, & Lessons from the Syrian Civil War with Amir Taaki
In this wide ranging interview, journalist Derrick Broze talks with cryptographer and activist Amir Taaki. He is one of the lead developers on DarkFi, a project focused on privacy and anonymity. He was recently featured in the HBO documentary, Money Electric, discussing his history in the Bitcoin community…
Listen now

Original video on youtube

Now for a caution about Bitcoin

Another clip about Bitcoin by Col. Macgregor

Full video on youtube

Whitney Webb on WEF’s planndemic cyber attack, freedom tech, and Bitcoin

Full video on youtube

When the US government attacks Bitcoin, you know it must have value

Original video on youtube

Final intelligent discussion about Bitcoin

Original video on youtube


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